Arcade Prehacks

Conversation Between vini4567 and TheAnimation

14 Visitor Messages

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  1. Jesus Christ. do you have pleasure in making people be ashamed of themselves? what kind of person are you? ;n;
  2. I'M KIDDING. LOL. Although I'm Vietnamese I live in USA. Lol.
  3. Forgiven...
  4. oh, ok. i didn't knew you were japanese. i'm brazilian, i don't know too much of english too.
  5. There will be none. Forgive me, am of Japan, カラー I am of Bad English.
  6. alright, i'm in your game. you should try to swim tough. it get's your hair dark as long as the high elves get killed. or you fall into a hole with a table, and the table drinks tea, wich is you. but tea is lame, so you are transformed into mud. then you sleep and shout that you sleep well. then woody woodpecker transforms you into a tree and bites you to death.
  7. SleEp well. NoW!.!!
    128;7285917;91649185SPAM: 03460
  8. wait, i sense dark energy within you... YOU ARE TRYING TO CONFUSE ME! YOU WILL NEVER WIN! MWAHAHAHAHAHA! i didn't understand it. please explain. XD
  9. Bleach is. Nothing of it.
    It is not, at least I don't believe so.
  10. the atrium can be anywhere. it can be in the attic. or in the basement. or behind the door. or under your bed. or in the kitchen. or BEHIND YOU! and no, there's no soul eater in my house, because a supermassive black hole just bleached him out of existence. forever. ~evil laugh~ MWAHAHAHAHAHA!
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