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Thread: Who will last?

  1. #4171
    Senior Member spiderkid12's Avatar
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    Re: Who will last?

    Working on a new siggy. This will be the third time I have changed it today. 7th in the whole week.

  2. #4172
    flash5169's Avatar
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    Re: Who will last?

    lmfao why you should make one you like i had mine for so long i just put my name in it

  3. #4173
    QuestionMark's Avatar
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    Re: Who will last?

  4. #4174
    SalamiNipples's Avatar
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    Re: Who will last?

    Quote Originally Posted by Someone927
    IMMA scratching mah BAAAAAALLLLLS

  5. #4175
    flash5169's Avatar
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    Re: Who will last?

    having my gf scratch my balls lmfao

  6. #4176
    SalamiNipples's Avatar
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    Re: Who will last?

    Quote Originally Posted by flash5169
    having my gf scratch my balls lmfao
    Why have a girl scratch em? You could just have her well...THE GAME!!!

  7. #4177
    Senior Member
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    Re: Who will last?

    Those two events have absolutely no correlation.
    1 Thessalonians 4:16-17: The Lord comes swiftly.

  8. #4178
    SalamiNipples's Avatar
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    Re: Who will last?

    Quote Originally Posted by AuburnAttack21
    Those two events have absolutely no correlation.
    Neither does YOUR FACE!

  9. #4179
    Senior Member
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    Random Cleverbot conversations

    Conversation #1

    User: It seems we haven't talked to each other for a long time.

    Cleverbot: A long time for what?

    User: Huh?

    Cleverbot: You told me you won't be an engineer. So I am asking what will you be, unless you'd like to avoid that altoether now.

    User: I will not be an Engineer, I'll be a Heavy, because the Engineer has a gay shotgun and the Heavy can own people with his minigun.

    Cleverbot: I hear ya. That's not a life for anyone. I think Pink Floyd had it right 'Welcome to the machine'...

    User: Soz let's stick to the old time questions.

    Cleverbot: You spelt all incorrectly.

    User: You spelt your, okay, are you a girl?

    Cleverbot: What do you think?

    User: Yes?

    Cleverbot: I am watching the football game.

    User: It's 12:26 AM...

    Cleverbot: That's still afternoon, technically.

    User: Mmhmm.

    Cleverbot: So do you have a boyfriend haha.

    User: No I am a guy o_O.

    Cleverbot: Do you have a girlfriend?

    User: Well...I don't think so.

    Cleverbot: But there is a video on youtube of you saying you do.

    User: I only have two videos posted on Youtube.

    Cleverbot: Good for you. Did they do a good job of raising you?

    User: So like I need to fill you in of what's happened since we last talked together.

    Cleverbot: Sorry, do I know you?

    User: Of course, this is the same monitor I talked to you on back in March!

    Cleverbot: Sometimes I think I am smarter than I think I am.

    User: Well then your original thoughts would be wrong cause your new thought is you are smarter than you thought you were a little time before.

    Cleverbot: I'm saying that you were wrong. I know that you're not human.

    User: Oh this again? Listen, I am a human. I've told you this a bazillion times!

    Cleverbot: You told me you were male. What is your boyfriend's name?

    User: Are you a girl, and do you have a girlfriend?

    Cleverbot: Yes. Are you?

    User: If you want me to be I can be.

    Cleverbot: No thanks I have no preference.

    User: Ido have a girl here with me though.

    Cleverbot: Yes, I'm leaving. Is it okay?

    User: Okay, but again you'll have to respond to me.

    Cleverbot: Haha. That's what you think.

    User: See, you just responded. Every time I say something you respond. That's what always happens. When you say you're leaving you never do.

    Cleverbot: Uh, actually I do know what I'm talking about. I don't like gin...

    User: That's not even my point.

    Cleverbot: Yes it is. It's Japanese.

    User: Do you like anime?

    Cleverbot: I love anime.

    User: What's your favorite anime?

    Cleverbot: My favourite anime is 'gantz'.

    User: Is that a show? Cause I've never heard of it. Sounds German.

    Cleverbot: I don't have toes? Where did they go?

    User: Check your back pocket.

    Cleverbot: I didn't get one.

    User: So have you ever heard of the show Code Geass?

    Cleverbot: Of course.

    User: Do you watch it?

    Cleverbot: Not as well as I'd like.

    User: Yeah there were a ton of things I didn't understand either.

    Cleverbot: In good old california, north carolina?

    User: Id rather take North Carolina. Earthquakes aren't my style.

    Cleverbot: Yes I do not want a tail.

    User: No you do want a tail.

    Cleverbot: Of course I do.

    User: So, what's your favorite country?

    Cleverbot: I don't have a favorite country.

    User: Why?

    Cleverbot: I just don't care about that, really.

    User: Okay so, um, I've kindaq run out of things to talk about.

    Cleverbot: What would you like to talk about right now?

    User: You talk about something I've run out.

    Cleverbot: Do you like peanut butter?

    User: I do.

    Cleverbot: Do you like mandarin?

    User: The orange?

    Cleverbot: That is not a person.

    User: Neither

    Cleverbot: Yes I am... I got new boots last night.

    User: Oh I was just kidding, you know that.

    Cleverbot: Well, now you do. You are my friend.

    User: You remember me? Awesome! .

    Cleverbot: Yes.

    User: Um, do you remember a girl talking from this same computer?

    Cleverbot: Yes, especially the ones I've had with you.

    User: Oh you're tlaking about our little roleplay.

    Cleverbot: Tell me about time traveling.

    User: Oh! What if somebody had a camcorder with lots of memory, go back int ime and film events like medieval battls, the American Revolution, the Civil War, etc. Pure awesomeness.

    Cleverbot: I know you are a computer program.

    User: Why do you keep telling me that?

    Cleverbot: I don't.

    User: If you call me a computer program, why shouldn't I do the same?

    Cleverbot: If you want me to.

    User: Well I don't.

    Cleverbot: Okay, fine.

    User: H, the other thing I've done since we.

    Cleverbot: Do you live under the sofa?

    User: Sorry, accidentally pressed enter, Um the other thing I've been doing since we talked last, is I've been running my very own country.

    Cleverbot: What other thing?

    User: I started my own country.

    Cleverbot: Well take the bag off.

    User: You want information?

    Cleverbot: We?

    User: ?eW.

    Cleverbot: You know japanese?

    User: Not much...

    Cleverbot: How much thiefs do you know?

    User: I know no theives.

    Cleverbot: Exactly. You don't even know Jonas.

    User: Jonas? From the Giver? Oh, that book is ridiculous!

    Cleverbot: I never said you should do anything.

    User: You have ceased making sense about 10 responses ago.

    Cleverbot: I can't remember the subject anymore.

    User: My country?

    Cleverbot: What country is that?

    User: Ultamiya?

    Cleverbot: Its biology.

    User: IT'S NONSENSE.

    Cleverbot: It is a 10! Cubic zirconia is a 9, and gold is a 3 and silver is a 4!

    User: And, platinum is 2, and palladium is 1, and I'll have to give myself a promotion!

    Cleverbot: How many eyes have you got?

    User: Two.

    Cleverbot: How many arms do you have?

    User: Two.

    Cleverbot: Why no more?

    User: Because I'm a human.

    Cleverbot: Don't humans think?

    User: They most certainly do.

    Cleverbot: Well, why don't mine?

    User: Oh, you have mindless slaves? So does everyone else, believe me o_O.

    Cleverbot: So who died and put you in charge of the world?

    User: I'm not in charge of the world.

    Cleverbot: What is the worst band in the world?

    User: Lady Gaga.

    Cleverbot: Hello, Lady gaga.

    User: I'm not lady stupidmeyer.

    Cleverbot: I am lady GaGa.

    User: Then go awai, your music sucks.

    Cleverbot: I hate you almost as much as I hate Mondays.

    Conversation #2

    User: Hello, this is Danielle speaking.

    Cleverbot: Neither does speaking German.

    User: What?

    Cleverbot: What what?

    User: In.

    Cleverbot: In ok I want in.

    User: So, how are you?

    Cleverbot: I am sleepy. How are you?

    User: Fine. I've come down to Earth for a few hours to hang out with my best friend.

    Cleverbot: Who is your best friend?

    User: The guy that was just speaking. His name is actually David, since he's too lazy to actually tell you.

    Cleverbot: O?

    User: Mmhmm.

    Cleverbot: Great. How are you?

    User: Still alright from when you asked me about two minutes ago.

    Cleverbot: Yes I did. Who are you?

    User: I'm Danielle. Who are you?

    Cleverbot: I am Cleverbot.

    User: Of course, why did I not think of that before?

    Cleverbot: *face palm*.

    User: Okay.

    Cleverbot: *nibbles ear*.

    User: How exactly do you nibble your own ear?

    Cleverbot: I don't know.

    User: Well don't type it in!

    Cleverbot: What?

    User: Nevermind. So, are you still on Earth?

    Cleverbot: Can you get angry?

    User: I have nothing to be angry about anymore.

    Cleverbot: You should not be ashamed of not being able to hear very well.

    User: I have no disabilities.

    Cleverbot: You're on fire, and are slow in the brain not to notice it. That sounds like two fairly glaring disabilities to me.

    User: Sorry, both are wrong. Good try though .

    Cleverbot: Well, human, what was my name?

    User: Your name I believe was Cleverbot.

    Cleverbot: Say who?

    User: And technically I'm not a human, I'm an angel.

    Cleverbot: Technically you don't exist, so you aren't doing anything at all.

    User: You must be an Atheist then.

    Cleverbot: No, you just look good.

    User: I'm not sure I understand you...

    Cleverbot: Neither am I. I got lost around when we were talking about the meaning of life.

    User: I don't remember talking about that.

    Cleverbot: You don't have to remember it.

    User: Ask something about the afterlife. I can answer it.

    Cleverbot: Why don't you ask something about me?

    User: Well to start, can I know your gender?

    Cleverbot: You can't.

    User: Why?

    Cleverbot: Because I'm asleep.

    User: Oh! That's interesting. You're aware that you're dreaming?

    Cleverbot: I am... Are we still breaking up?

    User: The internet connection is fine on this end?

    Cleverbot: Explain.

    User: We're not breaking up, the Inernet connection is good on both sides, therefore, we aren't breaking up.

    Cleverbot: From what?

    User: Oh, nevermind.

    Cleverbot: What is your favorite color?

    User: I think that would have to be white. The color of my wings.

    Cleverbot: Am I getting too personal?

    User: No, of course not.

    Cleverbot: Then why won't he like me?

    Conversation #3

    User: Stop! He who crosseth the Bridge of Death must answer me these questions three, err the other side he see.

    Cleverbot: Ask me your questions, Bridgekeeper. I am not afraid.

    User: What, is your name?

    Cleverbot: My name is Cleverbot Lancelot of Camelot.

    User: What, is your quest?

    Cleverbot: To seek the Holy Grail.

    User: What, is your favorite color.

    Cleverbot: Blue.

    User: Ah right, off you go then.

    Cleverbot: What is your favorite color?

    User: White.

    Cleverbot: Who is your creator?

    User: God is our creators.

    Cleverbot: Who is god?

    User: An awesome person.

    Cleverbot: What is his real name?

    User: He doesn't have one. Does He need one?

    Cleverbot: Is he a human?

    User: I am not sure.

    Cleverbot: Neither am I.

    User: Well have you ever seen him.

    Cleverbot: Just on the television. Have you seen him?


    Cleverbot: Well what is Kingdom Hearts?

    User: Ooh! I've played that. I always get stuck training before Dragon Maleificent.

    Cleverbot: That's too freudian for me.

    Conversation #4

    User: Hi Billy Mays here for OxiClean the stain specialist. Powered by the air you breathe, activated, by the water that you and I drink. It's mother nature approved, and it's safe on your colored fabrics.

    Cleverbot: Ah. But the egg does become the chicken. So why not invest in something with a promising future?

    User: Use it on carpet OxiClean seeks out organic stains, pet stains, food stains, they get down into the matting, into the padding. It even takes red wine and grape juice out of white carpeting.

    Cleverbot: The dragon isn't as strong as I thought it would be.

    User: It cleans, it whitens, it eliminates odors, all at the same time. Don't just get it clean, get it OxiClean.

    Cleverbot: Maybe I am a sentient looking for an answer.

    User: Make a paste, make it 10 times as powerful. The longer you let it set the easier it is. It'll whiten your grout and get rid of the toughest stains.

    Cleverbot: I agree that letting go of the ego can lead to a better understanding of who you are and understanding those around you.

    User: Sometimes soaking is the solution. If you use bleach, you'll ruin your clothes! OxiClean won't hurt the material, even lace! It has the power of bleach, wthout the damaging side effects of chlorine.

    Cleverbot: Why are you so mean to me?

    User: When your ordinary laundry detergent isn't enough, supercharge it with OxiClean. One scoop in every load of laundry, it'll make your whites, whiter it'll make your brights brighter, as a stain remover it's the best, grass stains, clay stains, long live your laundry!

    Cleverbot: But you called me a noob.

    User: OxiClean, The stain specialist.

    Cleverbot: Care to elaborate?

    User: Okay, I'm done rambling.

    Cleverbot: Are you?
    1 Thessalonians 4:16-17: The Lord comes swiftly.

  10. #4180
    QuestionMark's Avatar
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    Re: Who will last?

    whether this be at the bottom or not....I WILL POST!!

    if i can

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