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  1. #171
    Konnor's Avatar
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    A place in a city in a state in a country on a continent in the world in the galaxy in the universe

    Re: Three Word Story

    Once upon a time in a far-off galaxy, there was a man, one who wanted to eat exotic stuff, but soon he developed a strange sickness, called the weasles, and he wasted 999999999999999 dollars on finding a cure. He was not cured.So he started a quest to find the lost city of Nursela,that was run completely by n00bs that were complaining about this sickness.So they started crying out and wasting money on useless crap that helped them score with women and having love -ing relationships with their pets.One day, they were freaking broke because they had spent too much money and bought un-refundable crap that was causing very high levels of absolutely nothing. Then, they wanted to count to 2400 but somebody said NO!
    ..We decided that it was time to quit counting, therefore we still counted but we got bored of counting so we tried something. we tried to start counting again. we counted to count the counting of counting counts of countingness and countish counting in accounting and stuff and stopped altogether. Then, we really stopped counting and had Pepsi. But Dr. Pepper had a different idea and thought about making a thread to talk about roflmao987's awesomeness. But, it was locked due to too much spamming. Then MattHacker banned himself because he started being a big,smelly ogre. I mean troll.Soon,Matthacker was counting with another pointless amount of countish counting and drinking diet Dr.Pepper.After ninety years, their teeth turned into a rotted stumps of what other than soft,mushy marshmallow pieces. No longer could they drink soda. so instead they played World of Warcraft.
    ..Then, a nuke blew up the Administrators! So roflmao987 replaced them with bannings of those ex-staff(<-One word). So greeny6000 awarded roflmao987 with a perma ban! But then he casts meteor and kills the ban. And then the rules were destroyed.
    .. A new Spammer named Deathnote202 banned roflmao987! But since he spammed the forum with meaningless posts of chocolate ice cream, it was decided that there should be some sort of spam reducer. So the rules were interrupted by ZuckeR who banned your mother for being a noob at killing n00bz.
    this has been terrible! Starcraft was a awesome game until it exploded. it was mutiny! Then a new Starcraft came along!it was epic!So awesome, it killed Hitler again.You liek pie because im cool.Then you died because someone farted on a pickle.then minecraft owned all of the failure turtles who are yet to not fail for they found a worthless piece of fish. The turtles then ate the fish as a group. Then they decided to go to the idiotic magical fairy land where all of tims of the retarded Studios were Game Over Studios. The studios also was utterly stupid.Once again,they lost a battle.They ate some tacos because it taste good.The tacos were poisoned with special poison

  2. #172
    Daemon231's Avatar
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    Re: Three Word Story

    Once upon a time in a far-off galaxy, there was a man, one who wanted to eat exotic stuff, but soon he developed a strange sickness, called the weasles, and he wasted 999999999999999 dollars on finding a cure. He was not cured.So he started a quest to find the lost city of Nursela,that was run completely by n00bs that were complaining about this sickness.So they started crying out and wasting money on useless crap that helped them score with women and having love -ing relationships with their pets.One day, they were freaking broke because they had spent too much money and bought un-refundable crap that was causing very high levels of absolutely nothing. Then, they wanted to count to 2400 but somebody said NO!
    ..We decided that it was time to quit counting, therefore we still counted but we got bored of counting so we tried something. we tried to start counting again. we counted to count the counting of counting counts of countingness and countish counting in accounting and stuff and stopped altogether. Then, we really stopped counting and had Pepsi. But Dr. Pepper had a different idea and thought about making a thread to talk about roflmao987's awesomeness. But, it was locked due to too much spamming. Then MattHacker banned himself because he started being a big,smelly ogre. I mean troll.Soon,Matthacker was counting with another pointless amount of countish counting and drinking diet Dr.Pepper.After ninety years, their teeth turned into a rotted stumps of what other than soft,mushy marshmallow pieces. No longer could they drink soda. so instead they played World of Warcraft.
    ..Then, a nuke blew up the Administrators! So roflmao987 replaced them with bannings of those ex-staff(<-One word). So greeny6000 awarded roflmao987 with a perma ban! But then he casts meteor and kills the ban. And then the rules were destroyed.
    .. A new Spammer named Deathnote202 banned roflmao987! But since he spammed the forum with meaningless posts of chocolate ice cream, it was decided that there should be some sort of spam reducer. So the rules were interrupted by ZuckeR who banned your mother for being a noob at killing n00bz.
    this has been terrible! Starcraft was a awesome game until it exploded. it was mutiny! Then a new Starcraft came along!it was epic!So awesome, it killed Hitler again.You liek pie because im cool.Then you died because someone farted on a pickle.then minecraft owned all of the failure turtles who are yet to not fail for they found a worthless piece of fish. The turtles then ate the fish as a group. Then they decided to go to the idiotic magical fairy land where all of tims of the retarded Studios were Game Over Studios. The studios also was utterly stupid.Once again,they lost a battle.They ate some tacos because it taste good.The tacos were poisoned with special poison that made turtles

  3. #173
    Daemon231's Avatar
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    Some where.... Some place...

    Re: Three Word Story

    Bump. ( Permission granted by AuburnAttack21 )

  4. #174
    RedFaceofAwesomeness's Avatar
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    New York

    Re: Three Word Story

    Once upon a time in a far-off galaxy, there was a man, one who wanted to eat exotic stuff, but soon he developed a strange sickness, called the weasles, and he wasted 999999999999999 dollars on finding a cure. He was not cured.So he started a quest to find the lost city of Nursela,that was run completely by n00bs that were complaining about this sickness.So they started crying out and wasting money on useless crap that helped them score with women and having love -ing relationships with their pets.One day, they were freaking broke because they had spent too much money and bought un-refundable crap that was causing very high levels of absolutely nothing. Then, they wanted to count to 2400 but somebody said NO!
    ..We decided that it was time to quit counting, therefore we still counted but we got bored of counting so we tried something. we tried to start counting again. we counted to count the counting of counting counts of countingness and countish counting in accounting and stuff and stopped altogether. Then, we really stopped counting and had Pepsi. But Dr. Pepper had a different idea and thought about making a thread to talk about roflmao987's awesomeness. But, it was locked due to too much spamming. Then MattHacker banned himself because he started being a big,smelly ogre. I mean troll.Soon,Matthacker was counting with another pointless amount of countish counting and drinking diet Dr.Pepper.After ninety years, their teeth turned into a rotted stumps of what other than soft,mushy marshmallow pieces. No longer could they drink soda. so instead they played World of Warcraft.
    ..Then, a nuke blew up the Administrators! So roflmao987 replaced them with bannings of those ex-staff(<-One word). So greeny6000 awarded roflmao987 with a perma ban! But then he casts meteor and kills the ban. And then the rules were destroyed.
    .. A new Spammer named Deathnote202 banned roflmao987! But since he spammed the forum with meaningless posts of chocolate ice cream, it was decided that there should be some sort of spam reducer. So the rules were interrupted by ZuckeR who banned your mother for being a noob at killing n00bz.
    this has been terrible! Starcraft was a awesome game until it exploded. it was mutiny! Then a new Starcraft came along!it was epic!So awesome, it killed Hitler again.You liek pie because im cool.Then you died because someone farted on a pickle.then minecraft owned all of the failure turtles who are yet to not fail for they found a worthless piece of fish. The turtles then ate the fish as a group. Then they decided to go to the idiotic magical fairy land where all of tims of the retarded Studios were Game Over Studios. The studios also was utterly stupid.Once again,they lost a battle.They ate some tacos because it taste good.The tacos were poisoned with special poison that made turtles poop out chocolate.

  5. #175
    Daemon231's Avatar
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    Sep 2010
    Some where.... Some place...

    Re: Three Word Story

    Once upon a time in a far-off galaxy, there was a man, one who wanted to eat exotic stuff, but soon he developed a strange sickness, called the weasles, and he wasted 999999999999999 dollars on finding a cure. He was not cured.So he started a quest to find the lost city of Nursela,that was run completely by n00bs that were complaining about this sickness.So they started crying out and wasting money on useless crap that helped them score with women and having love -ing relationships with their pets.One day, they were freaking broke because they had spent too much money and bought un-refundable crap that was causing very high levels of absolutely nothing. Then, they wanted to count to 2400 but somebody said NO!
    ..We decided that it was time to quit counting, therefore we still counted but we got bored of counting so we tried something. we tried to start counting again. we counted to count the counting of counting counts of countingness and countish counting in accounting and stuff and stopped altogether. Then, we really stopped counting and had Pepsi. But Dr. Pepper had a different idea and thought about making a thread to talk about roflmao987's awesomeness. But, it was locked due to too much spamming. Then MattHacker banned himself because he started being a big,smelly ogre. I mean troll.Soon,Matthacker was counting with another pointless amount of countish counting and drinking diet Dr.Pepper.After ninety years, their teeth turned into a rotted stumps of what other than soft,mushy marshmallow pieces. No longer could they drink soda. so instead they played World of Warcraft.
    ..Then, a nuke blew up the Administrators! So roflmao987 replaced them with bannings of those ex-staff(<-One word). So greeny6000 awarded roflmao987 with a perma ban! But then he casts meteor and kills the ban. And then the rules were destroyed.
    .. A new Spammer named Deathnote202 banned roflmao987! But since he spammed the forum with meaningless posts of chocolate ice cream, it was decided that there should be some sort of spam reducer. So the rules were interrupted by ZuckeR who banned your mother for being a noob at killing n00bz.
    this has been terrible! Starcraft was a awesome game until it exploded. it was mutiny! Then a new Starcraft came along!it was epic!So awesome, it killed Hitler again.You liek pie because im cool.Then you died because someone farted on a pickle.then minecraft owned all of the failure turtles who are yet to not fail for they found a worthless piece of fish. The turtles then ate the fish as a group. Then they decided to go to the idiotic magical fairy land where all of tims of the retarded Studios were Game Over Studios. The studios also was utterly stupid.Once again,they lost a battle.They ate some tacos because it taste good.The tacos were poisoned with special poison that made turtles poop out chocolate. The turtles had

  6. #176
    Junior Member nickiwoll's Avatar
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    Nov 2010

    Re: Three Word Story

    Once upon a time in a far-off galaxy, there was a man, one who wanted to eat exotic stuff, but soon he developed a strange sickness, called the weasles, and he wasted 999999999999999 dollars on finding a cure. He was not cured.So he started a quest to find the lost city of Nursela,that was run completely by n00bs that were complaining about this sickness.So they started crying out and wasting money on useless crap that helped them score with women and having love -ing relationships with their pets.One day, they were freaking broke because they had spent too much money and bought un-refundable crap that was causing very high levels of absolutely nothing. Then, they wanted to count to 2400 but somebody said NO!
    ..We decided that it was time to quit counting, therefore we still counted but we got bored of counting so we tried something. we tried to start counting again. we counted to count the counting of counting counts of countingness and countish counting in accounting and stuff and stopped altogether. Then, we really stopped counting and had Pepsi. But Dr. Pepper had a different idea and thought about making a thread to talk about roflmao987's awesomeness. But, it was locked due to too much spamming. Then MattHacker banned himself because he started being a big,smelly ogre. I mean troll.Soon,Matthacker was counting with another pointless amount of countish counting and drinking diet Dr.Pepper.After ninety years, their teeth turned into a rotted stumps of what other than soft,mushy marshmallow pieces. No longer could they drink soda. so instead they played World of Warcraft.
    ..Then, a nuke blew up the Administrators! So roflmao987 replaced them with bannings of those ex-staff(<-One word). So greeny6000 awarded roflmao987 with a perma ban! But then he casts meteor and kills the ban. And then the rules were destroyed.
    .. A new Spammer named Deathnote202 banned roflmao987! But since he spammed the forum with meaningless posts of chocolate ice cream, it was decided that there should be some sort of spam reducer. So the rules were interrupted by ZuckeR who banned your mother for being a noob at killing n00bz.
    this has been terrible! Starcraft was a awesome game until it exploded. it was mutiny! Then a new Starcraft came along!it was epic!So awesome, it killed Hitler again.You liek pie because im cool.Then you died because someone farted on a pickle.then minecraft owned all of the failure turtles who are yet to not fail for they found a worthless piece of fish. The turtles then ate the fish as a group. Then they decided to go to the idiotic magical fairy land where all of tims of the retarded Studios were Game Over Studios. The studios also was utterly stupid.Once again,they lost a battle.They ate some tacos because it taste good.The tacos were poisoned with special poison that made turtles poop out chocolate. The turtles had just been turning

  7. #177
    Daemon231's Avatar
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    Sep 2010
    Some where.... Some place...

    Re: Three Word Story

    Once upon a time in a far-off galaxy, there was a man, one who wanted to eat exotic stuff, but soon he developed a strange sickness, called the weasles, and he wasted 999999999999999 dollars on finding a cure. He was not cured.So he started a quest to find the lost city of Nursela,that was run completely by n00bs that were complaining about this sickness.So they started crying out and wasting money on useless crap that helped them score with women and having love -ing relationships with their pets.One day, they were freaking broke because they had spent too much money and bought un-refundable crap that was causing very high levels of absolutely nothing. Then, they wanted to count to 2400 but somebody said NO!
    ..We decided that it was time to quit counting, therefore we still counted but we got bored of counting so we tried something. we tried to start counting again. we counted to count the counting of counting counts of countingness and countish counting in accounting and stuff and stopped altogether. Then, we really stopped counting and had Pepsi. But Dr. Pepper had a different idea and thought about making a thread to talk about roflmao987's awesomeness. But, it was locked due to too much spamming. Then MattHacker banned himself because he started being a big,smelly ogre. I mean troll.Soon,Matthacker was counting with another pointless amount of countish counting and drinking diet Dr.Pepper.After ninety years, their teeth turned into a rotted stumps of what other than soft,mushy marshmallow pieces. No longer could they drink soda. so instead they played World of Warcraft.
    ..Then, a nuke blew up the Administrators! So roflmao987 replaced them with bannings of those ex-staff(<-One word). So greeny6000 awarded roflmao987 with a perma ban! But then he casts meteor and kills the ban. And then the rules were destroyed.
    .. A new Spammer named Deathnote202 banned roflmao987! But since he spammed the forum with meaningless posts of chocolate ice cream, it was decided that there should be some sort of spam reducer. So the rules were interrupted by ZuckeR who banned your mother for being a noob at killing n00bz.
    this has been terrible! Starcraft was a awesome game until it exploded. it was mutiny! Then a new Starcraft came along!it was epic!So awesome, it killed Hitler again.You liek pie because im cool.Then you died because someone farted on a pickle.then minecraft owned all of the failure turtles who are yet to not fail for they found a worthless piece of fish. The turtles then ate the fish as a group. Then they decided to go to the idiotic magical fairy land where all of tims of the retarded Studios were Game Over Studios. The studios also was utterly stupid.Once again,they lost a battle.They ate some tacos because it taste good.The tacos were poisoned with special poison that made turtles poop out chocolate. The turtles had just been turning in mud while

  8. #178
    weatherdog's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: Three Word Story

    Once upon a time in a far-off galaxy, there was a man, one who wanted to eat exotic stuff, but soon he developed a strange sickness, called the weasles, and he wasted 999999999999999 dollars on finding a cure. He was not cured.So he started a quest to find the lost city of Nursela,that was run completely by n00bs that were complaining about this sickness.So they started crying out and wasting money on useless crap that helped them score with women and having love -ing relationships with their pets.One day, they were freaking broke because they had spent too much money and bought un-refundable crap that was causing very high levels of absolutely nothing. Then, they wanted to count to 2400 but somebody said NO!
    ..We decided that it was time to quit counting, therefore we still counted but we got bored of counting so we tried something. we tried to start counting again. we counted to count the counting of counting counts of countingness and countish counting in accounting and stuff and stopped altogether. Then, we really stopped counting and had Pepsi. But Dr. Pepper had a different idea and thought about making a thread to talk about roflmao987's awesomeness. But, it was locked due to too much spamming. Then MattHacker banned himself because he started being a big,smelly ogre. I mean troll.Soon,Matthacker was counting with another pointless amount of countish counting and drinking diet Dr.Pepper.After ninety years, their teeth turned into a rotted stumps of what other than soft,mushy marshmallow pieces. No longer could they drink soda. so instead they played World of Warcraft.
    ..Then, a nuke blew up the Administrators! So roflmao987 replaced them with bannings of those ex-staff(<-One word). So greeny6000 awarded roflmao987 with a perma ban! But then he casts meteor and kills the ban. And then the rules were destroyed.
    .. A new Spammer named Deathnote202 banned roflmao987! But since he spammed the forum with meaningless posts of chocolate ice cream, it was decided that there should be some sort of spam reducer. So the rules were interrupted by ZuckeR who banned your mother for being a noob at killing n00bz.
    this has been terrible! Starcraft was a awesome game until it exploded. it was mutiny! Then a new Starcraft came along!it was epic!So awesome, it killed Hitler again.You liek pie because im cool.Then you died because someone farted on a pickle.then minecraft owned all of the failure turtles who are yet to not fail for they found a worthless piece of fish. The turtles then ate the fish as a group. Then they decided to go to the idiotic magical fairy land where all of tims of the retarded Studios were Game Over Studios. The studios also was utterly stupid.Once again,they lost a battle.They ate some tacos because it taste good.The tacos were poisoned with special poison that made turtles poop out chocolate. The turtles had just been turning in mud while the man died

  9. #179
    Senior Member Trexmaster's Avatar
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    Re: Three Word Story

    Report this postReply with quoteRe: Three Word Story
    by weatherdog on June 15th, 2011, 2:44 am

    Once upon a time in a far-off galaxy, there was a man, one who wanted to eat exotic stuff, but soon he developed a strange sickness, called the weasles, and he wasted 999999999999999 dollars on finding a cure. He was not cured.So he started a quest to find the lost city of Nursela,that was run completely by n00bs that were complaining about this sickness.So they started crying out and wasting money on useless crap that helped them score with women and having love -ing relationships with their pets.One day, they were freaking broke because they had spent too much money and bought un-refundable crap that was causing very high levels of absolutely nothing. Then, they wanted to count to 2400 but somebody said NO!
    ..We decided that it was time to quit counting, therefore we still counted but we got bored of counting so we tried something. we tried to start counting again. we counted to count the counting of counting counts of countingness and countish counting in accounting and stuff and stopped altogether. Then, we really stopped counting and had Pepsi. But Dr. Pepper had a different idea and thought about making a thread to talk about roflmao987's awesomeness. But, it was locked due to too much spamming. Then MattHacker banned himself because he started being a big,smelly ogre. I mean troll.Soon,Matthacker was counting with another pointless amount of countish counting and drinking diet Dr.Pepper.After ninety years, their teeth turned into a rotted stumps of what other than soft,mushy marshmallow pieces. No longer could they drink soda. so instead they played World of Warcraft.
    ..Then, a nuke blew up the Administrators! So roflmao987 replaced them with bannings of those ex-staff(<-One word). So greeny6000 awarded roflmao987 with a perma ban! But then he casts meteor and kills the ban. And then the rules were destroyed.
    .. A new Spammer named Deathnote202 banned roflmao987! But since he spammed the forum with meaningless posts of chocolate ice cream, it was decided that there should be some sort of spam reducer. So the rules were interrupted by ZuckeR who banned your mother for being a noob at killing n00bz.
    this has been terrible! Starcraft was a awesome game until it exploded. it was mutiny! Then a new Starcraft came along!it was epic!So awesome, it killed Hitler again.You liek pie because im cool.Then you died because someone farted on a pickle.then minecraft owned all of the failure turtles who are yet to not fail for they found a worthless piece of fish. The turtles then ate the fish as a group. Then they decided to go to the idiotic magical fairy land where all of tims of the retarded Studios were Game Over Studios. The studios also was utterly stupid.Once again,they lost a battle.They ate some tacos because it taste good.The tacos were poisoned with special poison that made turtles poop out chocolate. The turtles had just been turning in mud while the man died of plastic ninjas

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