Arcade Prehacks

View Poll Results: should i upload this to aph

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    8 100.00%
  • no

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  • let someone important figure this out

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    somewhere where you dont know

    should i upload this to aph

    well my cousin reminded me of this game and how we would always play it when i was around 8 years old so i looked for it on aph and didnt find it so i thought why not just hack it my self so i did
    hacks are funny physics, lots of ammo on all modes except no ammo mode, player 2 looks like he is on your team instead of being green,inf health for player 1 and 2. now vote whether or not to post this on aph you have 1 days time(24 hours)

    note still on this peace of crap comp with windows 2000 on it but it is nice to be back
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