I'm having some issues with the swf of Mardek 3. I just uploaded some hacks for 1 and 2, which will hopefully make it on the site soon, and I would like to continue my work with the 3rd chapter.

The issue in question is that the flash extraction seems to work, but the file won't fully load. The splash screen flashes for a second, but that's it.

I've been extracting the flash files with FireFox 3.6.8's Live HTTP Header and modifying them with Flasm and Notepad++. I never got to the actual modifying part of the 3rd chapter, though, so I don't think that's part of the problem. The operating system in question is Windows Vista Home Premium.

I'm not sure what the issue is, but I'd like to continue my work on the series, so any potential help would be greatly appreciated.