Hai everyone who is reading this! For those of you who think that I'm a girl, forget it alright? I just like to talk like this on the computer, makes me sound niceeee. Anyways, I'm guessing that I should start introducing myself, so, I'm 11 and you guys can call me whatever you guys want to call me, alright?

First of all, I'm Azn, don't complain
No second of all people!

Anyways, I love watching basketball (Celtics FTW!, If you love the Lakers, I understand... DANG YOU KOBE! ), I love shopping, especially with special certain someones, I'm the eldest sibling of the family, so my sisters are annoying (I have no bros ) and the oldest sister is a lazy bum...literally... Maybe it's because we are in China for a vacation and she just misses her freaking giant, yet soft, bed... Well IDK anyways . As I've said, I'm in China, and for some reason, I'm oh so happy to go back to America! Oh I'm coming back to America on the 24th, and I'm looking forward to meeting all you people!