Quote Originally Posted by NinJ4Fi3D
Quote Originally Posted by Trexmaster
First, I don't want to scare anyone.

Second, I don't force you or anybody else on this forum to read all my posts or even look at what pictures I post. Surely, you have a point. The picture is a bit creepy, but that would 3 billion people would look like. Of course, when I've posted the picture, I didn't knew (or now) how to post it as spoiler. doesn't work, so I don't know how you guys have done it (some of you in your sig).

Third, from what I've understood from your comment, you haven't paid serious attention to my previous topic. Heck! You don't know what I ment at the first place but I invite you to start all over again and read word by word, letter by letter. Serious attention, not goofing or start gossips.
I repeat, I didn't intend to fright someone, but to warn you. But of course, I don't control you or make you believe what I believe. Still... I support my arguments against the Alimentation Codex' dangerous intentions.

Fourth, you could've send a PM, not share your complaints so everyone could read it. You aren't the only person you've saw that picture and they (others which saw it) haven't complained to me, yet. If they do, they surely are sending a PM of grief or disgustion. We aren't anymore in kindergarden, for cryin' out loud!
....poopie face....

Im sorry but you really need to be more mature.