I just thought of this last night. So heres how it goes:
I pick a topic each week. We debate about it every week and once the week is over this gets locked.
Everyone has a opinion so respect theirs
If you spam this topic you will get shamed and i shall spam you with a million frowny faces And get warned by me ~ ShadowHaunter
If you have any topic ideas for debates, please feel free to PM me.
End of rules

Now. If you live in america you know about the Death Sentence.
If your a american that lives under a rock heres what the death sentence is:
The death sentence is used when a crime so brutal and when the jury has reached there verdict. If the verdict is guilty the Judge may sentence the death sentence. There are 5 ways that i know of.
Leathal Injection: Owie
Electric Chair: Zap Zap
Hanged: Hey guys, im running out of air D:
Shot: Put on a blind fold and say your last words.
Many people think that these are cruel.
Well they are lol. They only get used in texas though. I think that they should use them only for a certain number of crimes.
Like if someone does like 7 murders and 2 robberies then yeah i think its good but if its like rape...25 years of prison maybe. So what do you think? Should they keep using the death sentence?