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  1. #1
    Senior Member spiderkid12's Avatar
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    Random Debates: Death Sentence

    I just thought of this last night. So heres how it goes:
    I pick a topic each week. We debate about it every week and once the week is over this gets locked.
    Everyone has a opinion so respect theirs
    If you spam this topic you will get shamed and i shall spam you with a million frowny faces And get warned by me ~ ShadowHaunter
    If you have any topic ideas for debates, please feel free to PM me.
    End of rules

    Now. If you live in america you know about the Death Sentence.
    If your a american that lives under a rock heres what the death sentence is:
    The death sentence is used when a crime so brutal and when the jury has reached there verdict. If the verdict is guilty the Judge may sentence the death sentence. There are 5 ways that i know of.
    Leathal Injection: Owie
    Electric Chair: Zap Zap
    Hanged: Hey guys, im running out of air D:
    Shot: Put on a blind fold and say your last words.
    Many people think that these are cruel.
    Well they are lol. They only get used in texas though. I think that they should use them only for a certain number of crimes.
    Like if someone does like 7 murders and 2 robberies then yeah i think its good but if its like rape...25 years of prison maybe. So what do you think? Should they keep using the death sentence?

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Re: Random Debates: Death Sentence

    I dont think anyone in the US uses hanging, electric chair or shooting anymore.
    Living in a country that doesnt have death sentence, i strongly oppose it.
    Even if a person does 7 murders and 2 robberies, he shouldnt have death sentence.
    The objective of sentences is to punish and educate the criminal in not repeating that crime.
    Last time i checked, you cant educate a corpse.

    Some people say:
    "o wll he klld 84875 ppl, he shuld die so he dsnt doo dat agin."
    Lifetime sentence works just as well, if thats the case.
    If hes incorrigable.
    Killing him isnt going to bring back the people he killed.

    Also, death sentence is hypocritical.
    He cant kill, but juristiction can?
    I rest my case.

  3. #3
    Senior Member spiderkid12's Avatar
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    Re: Random Debates: Death Sentence

    Well theres this case they are using right now
    The guy killed a whole family then burned house down.
    He's getting leathal injection.

  4. #4
    Senior Member xxSharpfirexx's Avatar
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    Re: Random Debates: Death Sentence

    Quote Originally Posted by spiderkid12
    If you spam this topic you will get shamed and i shall spam you with a million frowny faces
    Third time you threatened to do that XD.
    The death sentence is like the final effort.
    It's better than Singapore, at least.
    Also, wouldn't it be better to jam all your random debates into ONE topic, not a new one each week?

  5. #5
    Senior Member Soewut's Avatar
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    Re: Random Debates: Death Sentence

    The Death Sentence exist in CA, where I am. It hasn't been used for a long time though. Also, the death sentence started out sort of crude, with people being hung and suffocated. Later, people added weights to the persons feet so that their neck would break when they where hung. This was very gruesome. I think the firing squad was used for a while, but I'm not sure, it might have just been used for military executions or something. The electric chair was developed, which was also very gruesome, since the human body simply can't remain intact with that strong of an electric current going through them, then people used the gas chamber for executions. Finally, the lethal injection was developed.
    I oppose it strongly in most cases. I could never get satisfaction out of knowing even the most horrible and brutal murder was executed.
    The only reason it should be used is when a life sentence in prison will not work. Some people, specifically gangsters with a lot of contacts or whatever, can still have people murdered while they are in prison.
    I have mixed feeling on it really, since there are very few cases when someone really needs to be executed, but cases do come up.

  6. #6
    DaBestMan's Avatar
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    Re: Random Debates: Death Sentence

    Whats up with all of this death sentencing.

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    in a house

    Re: Random Debates: Death Sentence

    I think its a good idea, I think that there should be hangings again. I say that because (wow, this sounds like a paper I would write in writing class lol) they should pay the pied piper bye feeling pain, and suffering. And it also brings the population down


  8. #8
    Senior Member Soewut's Avatar
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    Re: Random Debates: Death Sentence

    Quote Originally Posted by ucan
    I think its a good idea, I think that there should be hangings again. I say that because (wow, this sounds like a paper I would write in writing class lol) they should pay the pied piper bye feeling pain, and suffering. And it also brings the population down


    The above is my opinion on you're viewpoint.

  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    Re: Random Debates: Death Sentence

    I think the best way to execute is by shooting. First off, in any other method of execution there is one person who pulls the trap door, injects the serum, pulls the electric lever. One person. That person, knows that they killed someone. People get nightmares from that sort of stuff. With shooting, like seven people aim at the guy, only one guy has the killing bullet, the other six have blanks, so no one can be sure who killed the guy.

    Secondly, it's the method in which the executed suffers the least. And before you rant about that, think about how much more suffering he's going to have to go through later, as punishment.

    And third thinking about injections and IVs give me the creeps.
    1 Thessalonians 4:16-17: The Lord comes swiftly.

  10. #10
    Senior Member xxSharpfirexx's Avatar
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    Re: Random Debates: Death Sentence

    Quote Originally Posted by ucan
    I think its a good idea, I think that there should be hangings again. I say that because (wow, this sounds like a paper I would write in writing class lol) they should pay the pied piper bye feeling pain, and suffering. And it also brings the population down

    You barbarian.

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