Arcade Prehacks

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  1. #1
    Senior Member SPAD3R's Avatar
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    Aug 2008

    Santa's OTHER Side

    Ok, so I'm bored.
    And so I decided to make this.

    This is what Santa does most of the time before Xmas.
    It was during the night of Xmas eve. And Santa just got done taking down the 'competition'.
    He rubbed his hands together, and looked at the carnage that he laid out. Elf bodies everywhere, blood everywhere and the cookies no where to be seen. The South Pole Elves owed him some cookies, and didn't pay him in time. So instead of letting the Assassin Elves do it, he went to do it himself.
    Let's just say, this is Saint Nicks dark side.
    He put back on his Red Mask and headed toward his sleigh.
    "This is the Big Man, patch me to Mr. Baker." He said into his communicator.
    "Roger that Big Man, patching now." The elf on the other line said. He looked around and saw that it was starting to snow, so he pulled out a detonator out of his pocket and looked at it. He pressed the button.
    A tremendous BOOMrocked the Earth, but thank goodness no one heard. Debris was falling and knew that when the South Pole Authorities came here, it would just look like a regular mass of snow.
    "Sup Big Man, whadaya need?" His voice was deep.
    "I need a F-Team to come clean this place up. It looks like the Elves had an 'accident' with there ovens. Make sure the team leaves no trace of us, and to make sure it looked like an accident."
    "Roger that Big Man, Baker out." The communicator shut off.
    The sleigh was state of the art, a Wintermax 7G with customized seats, lights that could burn out anyone's eyes, and an engine that would make the Reindeer look like hamsters. It looked more like a Lamborghini than a sleigh, but no one needed to know. The public just wanted to see the jolly old man, not the high tech, night life gangster Santa.
    That wouldn't be right, would it?
    He revved the engine and heard the roar of it.
    "On Donner, on Vixen, let's get the hell outta here!" The Sleigh lurched forward and headed to the North Pole, back to delivering presents to the kids.
    And after that, 364 Days of rest, and to make sure the North Pole Associates stay on top.
    He grabbed a Chocolate Chip Cookie from the custom cookie rack right next to the steering wheel. He finished that, and drank the milk that was in the Warm Milkmatic 8000. Nothing like milk and cookies to finish a job well done.
    Merry Christmas, ya dirty old man.

    Heh, just made this now. Gave it some thought to get an alternate story of it. Makes some sense too, since Jolly Old Saint Nick is now a Gangster. I hope to make more of these stories.

    [color=#00BFFF]SPAD3R Productions.
    All Rights, sorta reserved.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Jul 2010

    Re: Santa's OTHER Side

    Wait, didn't you quit because Martin quit?

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    The Netherlands

    Re: Santa's OTHER Side

    He comes back sometimes.
    Nice story! Love it!
    I've been here before.

  4. #4
    Senior Member xxSharpfirexx's Avatar
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    Dec 2008
    At my house.

    Re: Santa's OTHER Side

    You know that song "Santa's coming to town"?
    "He sees you when your sleeping...
    He knows when your awake..."

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Jul 2009

    Re: Santa's OTHER Side

    I am going to tell this story to my kids on Xmas Eve.

  6. #6
    Senior Member spiderkid12's Avatar
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    Jun 2010

    Re: Santa's OTHER Side

    Quote Originally Posted by ShadowHaunter
    I am going to tell this story to my kids on Xmas Eve.
    If you were to do that, i would feel bad for your wife and kids.

  7. #7
    Senior Member SPAD3R's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Re: Santa's OTHER Side

    Quote Originally Posted by Sublimity
    Nice story! Love it!
    Thanks Sub!
    Quote Originally Posted by xxSharpfirexx
    You know that song "Santa's coming to town"?
    "He sees you when your sleeping...
    He knows when your awake..."
    I second this notion.
    Quote Originally Posted by ShadowHaunter
    I am going to tell this story to my kids on Xmas Eve.
    You go ahead.

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