While Mr. Claus is out, delivering presents to all the good little children, Mrs Claus uses her time. She oversees the security of the sleigh, and makes sure that he come's back, alive.
About nine years back, a stunt was pulled by someone named Jack Skellington. Just thinking about it makes her mad, because of him they were THREE hours behind track from delivering presents, and switching out the really Bad presents with the good one was a hassle as it is. Thank goodness someone talked some sense into the walking pile of bones, because if more continued she would've had to do something, and she doesn't like doing things herself.
And even last year, someone rigged his sleigh to blow up during Santa's deliveries. If it weren't for her, he wouldn't be here right now, she's the one who has to TRIPLE check the sleigh every time just in case someone does something. No one ever found the culprit, but it was probably one of the rival Cookie Factories.
Before she met Saint Nick, she was one of the top Assassins of the Nestle Cookie Company taking out targets with ease. She was known as 'Candy Cane Dane' because she left a Candy Cane every time she killed someone. No one found out about her real identity, until the night of December 19th. She was on a routine mission to take down a head CEO of another group. It was snowing, and she rolled into the supposed HQ of the group. She pulled out her Dual Delta Blades, both tinted a dark black. A shot rang out in the distance and hid behind the car that her company provided.
"You know you don't want to do this!" Someone yelled, by his voice she knew he was a man. One with a hint of arrogance.
"Oh really?" She replied, picked up a handful of snow and threw it up into the air. He took the bait and wasted the shot. She darted out of cover and ran like crazy to the wall of the building. The unknown sniper took a shot, but missed her again.
"I'm only here for one reason and one reason only, to kill someone." She yelled, she still didn't know who was shooting at her, but she knew he would do something.
"Heh, that person is me. I'm the CEO of the group, you're crazy you know that? He threw something. It took her a minute to recognize what it was. A grenade.
She threw herself sideways and heard the grenade go off, it was a flash grenade and it blinded her for a moment. But too bad the moment was too much time, because it took enough time for the sniper to sneak behind her, he held a blade up on her neck.
"Wow, you must be the Candy Cane Dane. You have rookie moves, did I tell you that?" He had a habit of asking questions, and he oddly smelled like Chocolate Chip Cookies.
"Yeah, and who are you?" She asked him.
"I'm Reaper Nick. You heard of me haven't you?" She indeed heard of the name, he's the one who's responsible for at least 5 dozen kills. All at sometimes random. He face turned pale.
"And I guess you must be scared, don't worry I'm not going to kill you. You're quite beautiful anyways." He moved a strand of her Brown Hair, that was the line. She landed an elbow and separated herself from Nick. She upholstered her pistol and pointed it at him.
"Hey, why do you work for those guys as what's it called...Nestle?" Nick asked.
"I work for them because I can." She replied.
"That's not a very good answer. But I'll just leave you with this." He throws a card and it lands at her feet.
"And with that, have a nice day." He smiles and throws a smokebomb down.
She picked up the card and it read...
Reaper Ace
Bounty Hunter for Hire
Need someone dead? I can get that for ya.
Just find me.
And if you just found this, good luck with the grenade. (:<

She looked down and saw the grenade.
"Ah shi-!" The grenade wasn't deadly, it was just confetti. "What in the hell...hah. That was funny."
Looks like she'll keep in touch with him after all.
She needs a guy with that kind of skill, and with some humor too.
The Assassin walked into the snow.

This story felt rushed, since I didn't know how to end it.

Oh well, more stories to come soon!

[color=#00BFFF]SPAD3R Productions.
All Rights, sorta reserved.