Arcade Prehacks

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    In front of my computer

    Position: Unknown

    (before i start this up, i have to say that im really sry ive been gone(although i doubt anyone cares) for what feels like a year but probably hasnt been... so now that i got that out, lets do this thing!)

    Position: Unknown...
    Earth is dead, anything that was still there IS dead. You are on the largest space cruiser ever built, it is 5,372 miles wide and 80,649 miles long. It was loaded with people, over 100 different systems that transformed simple matter into food or water, animals, weapons, technology, MORE weapons, large ejectable quarantine/military biological/phycological labs(god, seriuse health hazard), even MORE weapons , docking bays, fighter support bays, multiple quantam plasma turrets, ect. ect. ect., lets just say everyone thought it would be completely invincible... guess what, they were wrong. One day when an unmanned fighter was being flown over the cruiser to test a Turret Defenses cadet for his accuracy, a plasma charge hits its fuel tank and blew the ship off course, it hit the bridge and easely smashed threw, killing everyone in the bridge section, becuase of the fact that the doors were instantly shut and locked, preventing food from getting in, and from the fact that the ones in the command bridge were sucked out into space. When this happened the ships Emergency Evac. systems malfuctioned and all the quarantined expiraments and contianed diseases were let lose, and the fact that the emergency eject systems operated off of the bridge ment that the diseases had complete acces to the ship. These diseases quickly spread and mutated most people and even cuased some to become somewhat zombified. A quarter of the ship was sealed off and the survivers stayed in that quarter until they were able to find a different way to luanch the shuttles contianed in that sector. As soon as the shuttles were luanched the electricity in the ship gave way and the multiple surges of sudden power made the doors sealing that sector off, opened. The survivers luanched the shuttles just in time to get away before the mutants could get aboard. These shuttles were going to a small ship that was meant as a military support frigate, it was never occupied and was only there to follow the ship incase the ship/s(yes there are multiple others) are needed. All this happened 50 years ago. The only officer left from the disease was one of the survivers and the 1'st Officer of the New Torrent (the name of the frigate) Order. This same officer decided that it was best to try and go back and attempt to elimanate all traces of the disease. We need voulunteers becuause this may or may not be a suicide mission, but if you lose you life trying to save the cruiser from the mutants, you will know that you died while trying to save all of humanity and that your life may have help many other soldiers in there mission to save the ship as well! Will you voulunteer?

    If you want to make a character then the stat system will be in the next post. OH! One more thing, im the GM, and if u wanna be a GM just ask and i might pick u.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    In front of my computer

    Re: Position: Unknown

    Character Sheet:
    Primary Weapon:
    Secondary Weapon:
    Soldier: Normal strength, experienced in land fighting, normal speed, normal precision, good armor and good endurance. Equal in all stats.
    Heavy soldier: Strong, Very good armor, slow, under normal precision and very good endurance. Awesome at fighting but bad at running.
    Sniper: Under normal strength, under normal armor, fast, very good precision and under normal endurance. Very precise and fast but weak at getting shot.

  3. #3
    weatherdog's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: Position: Unknown

    u stole the character sheet from Matheus
    i mean u took it word for word. (im not sure if he'll mind, but im just telling ya)

    you could have edited ur first post to fit the character sheet in
    instead of double posting

  4. #4
    Senior Member Matheusultimatex's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Re: Position: Unknown

    And people BTW, i gave him permission to use the character sheet from WW4 RPG.

  5. #5
    weatherdog's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: Position: Unknown

    (im not sure if he'll mind, but im just telling ya)

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    In front of my computer

    Re: Position: Unknown

    Character Sheet:
    Name: Ltd. John Intel, USMC 501'st Infantry Battalion
    Codename: Tara 3
    Age: 21
    Nationality: U.S.A
    Primary Weapon: M924A1(Quantam Plasma M4A1 V.2 of the year 82,573,291) Semi-Automatic/Automatic Quantam Plasma Assualt Rifle
    Secondary Weapon: AA-263 (AA-12 Semi-Nuclear Power Core of the year 82,573,291)
    Side Arm: Golden Desert Eagle w/ Inter-Core Plasma Generators
    Melee: Quantam Blade (color: Dark Blue)
    Branch: USMC 501'st Infantry Battalion
    Class: Soldier(Infantry(availible skills: Infantry, Engineer, Marksman, Explosives))

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    In front of my computer

    Re: Position: Unknown

    and yeh he gave me permission so dont complain

    sry for double post, and i gotta pouse this until the morning, sry

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