Hey umm... This is kind of awkward. Just listen.

So I left my bag on the bus yesterday, and I got on the bus today and some kids were saying I had makeup in my bag. Now this is false. I didn't have any makeup in my bag, and they kept insisting on it. Later on the ride, I was talking to my friend about it, and the word "c***s****er" stumbled out of my mouth. Now one of the kids (A sophomore, I am a freshie) said, "what did you just say lipstick b*tch?". Now I am not one to get pushed around, so I said "I said "c***s****er"". He stood up and said "say it to my face!" So I did. We almost got into a fight, but I refrained from hitting him because in our county, there is a $500 fine and possible jail time for fighting. Now my family isn't that well off, and there is no way we can pay that fine. If there was no fine, I would've clocked him right in the jaw. Now take into consideration that these kids are pretty much the scum of the earth. Trailer trash, smoking punks. I have nothing against those who live in trailer parks, in fact many of my friends do. But these kids are your classic movie trailer trash. There is a huge gang of them. So it is likely if I beat the hell out of one of them, I'll get jumped. Because that is the way they are.

What the hell do I do???????