This topic is to play the game 20 Questions
If you do not know how to play the instructions are in this spoiler
1.Choose one person to start. This person must think of an object. Then they tell us what the object is, Thing, Place... etc. If you have a question as to what your Object is, PM me
2. Have another player ask a question about the object that can be answered yes or no.
3. The person who has the object in mind should answer the question with a simple yes or no.
4. After hearing the answer, the questioner is allowed to guess the object. The players are allowed to ask a total of 20 questions.
5. If the guess is correct, the winning questioner now thinks of a new object. If the answer is incorrect, another player is allowed to ask a yes or no question.

So I will start out, and if you would like to join in on this object, then Just Post "Join" and then your question and you will be added to the list of players for that object. Then when it is your turn to ask you can ask, you will be given 3 hours to ask a question when it is your turn and if you do not respond within this time period the question will move on to the next person. If you would like to guess simply post your guess and whoever is thinking of the object will respond.

If you would like to start an object, then you must win the current game by getting the object right

I will start.
It is a Thing, good luck to all participants
Not Green but could be
Not Made of Wood
Could be, but not usually made of Metal
Not Blue but could be

Total 5 Questions