
This is my unbaised review for KZ3

Killzone3, after the smash hit Killzone 2 was guriella games is going for it again and releasing Killzone 3. The game comes out in 2 days, but being the badass that I am, i was able to get it early. Early on, the game gets interesting and fast. While staying true to the Killzone nature, [ I will not be spoiling anything so any detail's included will only be from the first 10 mins of the game ] the very first thing you do, is play as a helgast. In story mode. Yes you heard me. This is wear you learn to shoot, and for the first time your actually interacting with the world, and not shooting everything.

You go to the firing range and the game informs you on how to use a pistol, and your main firearm. After that the story begins.

From what i've played right now the story is amazing.
The Graphics seem to be Top notch, and the 3d is a bonus, although i have not been able to enjoy it yet. An additional bonus is that there is actually co-op game play. You can now trudge threw with a friend instead of legging it alone.

All in all, when this game drops buy it! No regrets. Everything seems to be a step above, well except the XMB lag but thats with every game.

- Killer1478