Hey guys, im just asking for a bit of help.

I have to play this boring thing called Mathletics (mathletics.com) after school most days and score a certain amount of points to avoid getting in trouble.

This game as a feature that allows you to verse 1-3 other players around the world in a speed sum answering contest.

Each player gets the same questions and they are fairly basic 26+19 etc.

For winning it gives you 30 points to your account.
and each question answered correctly is also tallied on your account

I want to design a bot for this in visual basic but i have a few problems that i would like some help with please.

My problem is that after decomping the http://static.3plearning.com/live/swf/Quiz_v2.1.swf that controles the quiz i have failed to find what variable or part of the memery stores the question (required of i want to build a bot) I found this within the file
function QuizDisplay(mcTarget, quizManager)
        eventSource = quizManager;
        mcQuizDisplay = mcTarget;
        mcStrikes = (MovieClip)(mcTarget.strikes_mc);
        mcInputBox = (MovieClip)(mcTarget.inputBox_mc);
       ------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> txtQuestion = (TextField)(mcTarget.question_txt);
        ----->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>txtAnswer = (TextField)(mcTarget.answer_txt);
        mcQuizDisplay._alpha = 0;
        mcQuizDisplay._x = QUIZDISPLAY_HIDE;
        mcQuizDisplay._visible = false;
        mcInputBox._visible = false;
        mcStrikes._visible = false;
        txtQuestion.htmlText = "";
        txtQuestion.html = true;
        txtQuestion.embedFonts = true;
        txtAnswer.maxChars = 2;
        txtAnswer.restrict = "0-9";
    } // End of the function
    static function init(mcTarget, quizManager)
I used this while in a quiz
javascript:var value = document.embeds[0].GetVariable("inputhere"); alert(value);
With all the values there and more throughout the whole lot of game files and found it all came up with a big fat NULL

The only vars it gave anything back with were the values that you see if you open firebug during a quiz.

// <!CDATA[
3var fobaa4e1bbd2fe46019309095e53ee8dc3 = new SWFObject('http://static.3plearning.com/live/swf/LiveMathletics_v4.8.5.swf', 'LiveMathletics', '100%', '100%', '9.0.28', '#89b7e7');
4fobaa4e1bbd2fe46019309095e53ee8dc3.setAttribute('redirectUrl', 'http://www.mathletics.com/GetFlashPlayer.asp');
6fobaa4e1bbd2fe46019309095e53ee8dc3.addParam('allowScriptAccess', 'Always');
7fobaa4e1bbd2fe46019309095e53ee8dc3.addVariable('id', '%7b47**********6BE-9256-4D10-A728-DED7*****%7d');
8fobaa4e1bbd2fe46019309095e53ee8dc3.addVariable('podId', 'AUS.0001');
9fobaa4e1bbd2fe46019309095e53ee8dc3.addVariable('skintype', 'LiveMathletics');
10fobaa4e1bbd2fe46019309095e53ee8dc3.addVariable('returnURL', 'http%3a%2f%2fedu.mathletics.com%2fStudent69%2fSt*********Id%3dC5886601108D47C29AF3FA47162E5516%26classname%3d8D33333333331.%26classroomId%3d%*******%3d%7b47ED56B65-4D10-A72868FB534%7d%26re%3d1');
11fobaa4e1bbd2fe46019309095e53ee8dc3.addVariable('reportURL', 'http%3a%2f%2fscs.scaffoldeducation.com.au%2fLive%2fReport.asp');
12fobaa4e1bbd2fe46019309095e53ee8dc3.addVariable('dataURL', 'http%3a%2f%2fweb1.mathletics.com%2fLiveMaths34%2f');
13fobaa4e1bbd2fe46019309095e53ee8dc3.addVariable('quizSWF', 'http%3a%2f%2fstatic.3plearning.com%2flive%2fswf%2fQuiz_v2.3.swf');
14fobaa4e1bbd2fe46019309095e53ee8dc3.addVariable('worldMapSWF', 'http%3a%2f%2fstatic.3plearning.com%2flive%2fswf%2fWorldMap_v1.0.swf');
16// ]]>
The only way ive been able to cheat the game so far is to decompress and hex edit then recompress and place in cache. But all ive managed to do with that is make it so the computer on vs computer option doesent do anything.
anyone able to edit this file a bit more in depth so i can aceive something greater than that, maybe not need bot then.

Any ideas on how i can cheat this game?

if looking in part of the memory with the question and answer stored is a lost cause can anyone recomend a good charicter recognition module for VB i could use to scan the question.

Thanks in advance