Arcade Prehacks

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  1. #1
    Konnor's Avatar
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    A place in a city in a state in a country on a continent in the world in the galaxy in the universe

    Side Project: The Purple Twilight

    Standing there, in the field right there, I could see hardly anything for miles, besides the tree and the flowers, there was nothing. The moon looks abnormally big tonight, it had a light crimson tint with its natural blue color, the sky was following suit behind the stars. I couldn't even begin to think of what was going on. What a surreal feeling, to be so overwhelmed. There is someone walking up to me, his face is hidden by a mask. The only reason I could tell it was a male is by looking at the build. There was a knife in his hand, he came up from behind, and wrapped his arms around me. His touch was soft, smooth, and kind. I felt kind of anxious, because of the touch, coupled with the knife, my eyes shot down, I couldn't see past my chest. "I love you," He whispered in my ear, as he dragged the knife across my throat.
    Let's back up a little, and start at the beginning. I woke up this morning, and looked over at my alarm clock, sitting next to it was the picture that I love so much of him. So you know, there's this guy I've had a crush on for ages! He's beautiful, it sounds strange to call a boy beautiful, but it's just true. He's kind of my obsession right now. I sat up, and shook my purple and crimson hair down in curls around my shoulders. I stood up and looked in the mirror at my pink and black starry bra and bikini bottom panties, That's what I typically slept in anyways, I scritched my neck, and headed off to the bathroom. I've been told I'm really pretty, I can see it, sometimes but I don't think so most of the time. I sighed lightly, and cutely, and began to prepare for the day, shower, brushed teeth, getting on fresh clothes, the whole deal. I wore a thin hoody, one of those with the earphones built into the pull strings, and some teal skinny jeans.
    I pick up my backpack on my way out, having barely had enough time to dry my hair this morning. I walk quickly with purpose to my bus stop, he was in the same neighborhood, so he rode the same bus as I did, and it was heart-wrenching to see him with her every day. Jennifer, the most annoying preppy scene kid I happen to know. She was good at acting though, because Konnor, which was HIS name, seemed to really not care that she was putting up this façade. I sighed, put my head in my hands for a moment, and then walked up to him, "H-Hi Konnor," I said nervously.
    "Hi Janice," He smiled at me, "How are you this morning?"
    What I thought was "Pissed that you're with that *****." But what I said was, "Fine," My eyebrows must have shown that I was upset, because he asked,
    "How do you really feel?" he turned away from her for a second, releasing her hand, "You know you can tell me anything."
    "But you won't like me for telling you this thing," I tell him.
    "Janice," Konnor says, "I won't ever not like you for something you say, I'm not that kind of person."
    "I don't particularly think that Jennifer really appreciates you as a boyfriend," I say, sheepishly, blushing lightly.
    "I see," Konnor says, "To be honest, I'm not sure either."
    "Oh?" my eyes lit up, I walked into the bus, which just arrived, "Will you sit with me today?"
    It was a stupid request, because his **** bag of a girlfriend also rode this bus, but I figured it was worth a shot to have his beautiful blue eyed face sitting next to me in his tall lankiness. I took a seat, setting my bag down on my knees, shocked when he sat next to me.
    I leaned my head against the seat in front of me, and looked over to the left, it was still a little dark out, and it's weird, because the moon seemed really close tonight, really big. I'm glad we don't live near any major bodies of water, because that could be really hazardous to us. Konnor tapped my shoulder, "You wanted me to sit with you, but then you're just going to ignore me like that?"
    I blushed, heavily, "I'm sorry, I only wanted you here for company right now," I said stupidly, "For that reason and the fact that I have --- never mind, you probably wouldn't want to hear it."
    "Hear what?" Konnor looked at me, intrigued.
    "That a silly little girl like me has a huge crush on you," I tell him, "I've had it for a long while now."
    He sighed, "Okay Janice, I understand why you would think I didn't want to hear it," he explains calmly, "But I am dating someone, even if the relationship is a bit rocky, I'm not just going to stop."
    "Oh…" I said, making a saddened face. I look back down at the floor, where my backpack is.
    "We're at the school," He says, standing up and walking away, I shuddered once before rising to my feet, then I follow the crowd out, walking to my locker without need of looking. I opened it just as easily, and set my stuff inside, including my hoodie, revealing my long sleeved shirt that had a hood on the back too, and had a comic panel from Superman on the front of it; I grabbed my books for my first class and headed in there.
    School isn't important, meaning we blur through it with no need of knowing what happened today. I sat down on the bus to go home, along again, when Konnor sat down next to me, he told me to meet him in the field over by the stadium; the one that I love so much, the white flowers are so beautiful.
    I wonder what's going to happen, whether or not he's dumped Jennifer or not, and if he's going to ask me out. Or if something else, I wish I knew. There are thoughts racing a mile a minute because of the anxiety. I leaned against him lightly, without realizing it, and looked up at his beautiful face. He looked down at me like I was being strange, which I kind of was, but I was in love with him, so it's rather understandable, I would think.
    I sigh, and look back out of the window; we're getting closer to the present. We stop at my stop finally, and Konnor gets up first, and allows me out. I smile at him, and just walk out, not feeling the same emotion that my face is showing, I'm worried. I don't know what's going to happen and it scares me.
    I shuddered a bit once I got into my house, and rushed to my room, putting on something that was comfortable, but a little less casual than what I was wearing before. It was a dress, a small one, it is white and frilly. I smiled, I felt like a little girl wearing it with my hair down, I smiled and giggled lightly, blushing. I walk down the stairs to the kitchen, and grabbed a snack, heading out the door again, wearing converse shoes under a mid-thigh length dress that cut off not too far under where my collarbone is, the only jewelry is my snakebites, and my hair hangs down around my shoulders.
    I sit outside, on our little swinging bench, staring at the nearly cloudless sky, it was beautiful today, the sun was in the sky, but it felt really chilly, like something bad was about to happen. I pulled out my cell phone and text Konnor, something that holds no real importance to me at the time; I ask him if he had noticed the moon last night, and how big, and purple it was. He texts back saying that he did notice, and was kind of worried about it, really.
    I wonder why, but I stop texting him, paying attention to the sky, and how it was starting to change colors already, to its purple color from the moon, just looking at it now, the moon seems to take up half the sky. I check the time; it is 7:30 PM, almost time to be at the stadium fields. So I began the trek, which wasn't that long, but I certainly trudged like it was.
    I get there right on time; at this hour, normally the sky would be extremely dark, nearly black, but tonight, it was a deep magenta, I looked up at the moon, my mouth gaping. It was purple, and it looked like it was turning red, does that mean it's on a collision course with us? What's going to happen? Konnor walks up behind me and hugs me around the waist, breaking me from my reverie. I lean into his hug, "What's going to happen?" I ask nervously.
    "I'm going to save you from the pain of that end," Konnor says.
    "How?" I ask, "How can you save me from that end?"
    Konnor turns me around toward him, and pulls me tight against him, pointing my face toward his, he kisses me on the lips, and butterflies explode in my belly. I wasn't expecting this, it was nice, I leaned into it, kissing back, wrapping my arms around him, but before I even finished that, he pulled back, "I love you," He says, pulling something from behind his back, I push him away when I see that it's a knife, and I run off, into the field, away from civilization, I am running on the flowers, running quickly, I stop, out of breath, and look around.
    Standing there, there is nothing of importance for miles. The moon is purple, and coming to crush me, and Konnor has snapped, and is trying to kill me. I look up to the moon, it's becoming more of a red color, and looking around on the ground, so are the flowers, and they are reddish in color, against their natural white color. They are beautiful, I adore them so much. I hear him walking toward me, he put on a mask, maybe it's not Konnor, but I don't know. He wraps his arms around my neck, leaning heavily on me, "I love you, and only you," he whispers sweetly in my ear, and I lean against him, trusting him, before I feel the sharp, quick pain of a knife being dragged across my throat, and rather than leaning, I am slumped, because of the nature of my death, I did not get the peace I desired, I sat there, in spirit, watching Konnor cry over my dead body, and I looked up again, the moon is the last thing I see, it hits my body and Konnor's dead on, and we are dead on impact, united at last, only in death.

  2. #2
    LifeUpStudios's Avatar
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    Reyzon, Capital of Lifren

    Re: Side Project: The Purple Twilight

    Wow. That was amazing... I didnt know you did that... but it was kinda cool and creepy. I liked it. Good work.

  3. #3
    Senior Member xxSharpfirexx's Avatar
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    At my house.

    Re: Side Project: The Purple Twilight


  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Re: Side Project: The Purple Twilight

    Hi, dragonwolfy!

  5. #5
    LifeUpStudios's Avatar
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    Nov 2009
    Reyzon, Capital of Lifren

    Re: Side Project: The Purple Twilight

    This, to be honest... is kinda inspiring to make a copy of a similar situation. But ZOMBAEZ!

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