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Thread: Illuminati

  1. #1
    sakn's Avatar
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    Just post on here if you know what it is. You don't even have to say anything but, " I know "

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Re: Illuminati

    Right i don't know him but as i type i feel like i know him....
    Though but seriously even if i read that i still don't get it =D
    Is it suppose to be a war or a person?

  3. #3
    sakn's Avatar
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    Re: Illuminati

    Its not a war nor a person. Its more of a group. A conspiracy theory if you will but i believe in it with all my heart, so please don't be bashful. If you wish to learn more just google it and read up or youtube it.

  4. #4
    Senior Member xxSharpfirexx's Avatar
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    Re: Illuminati

    I had initially believed that the Illuminati was a group of people conspiring to overthrow the Pope.

  5. #5
    sakn's Avatar
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    Re: Illuminati

    More like overthrow the world, :P

  6. #6
    Senior Member Trexmaster's Avatar
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    Re: Illuminati

    In my opinion, the true Illuminati, that had some sense into them, died. Now, their descendants are more like a freemasonic-illuminatus group. What I mean is that they're a lot worse. But... only they know the truth.

    As a side note, I still think they know the key to our existance, all the secrets of the world like the Library of Alexandria, old manuscripts from the Mesopotamian civilizations and many more. It's only a thought, nobody knows the 'real' truth.

  7. #7
    sakn's Avatar
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    Re: Illuminati

    Well you share alot of the same beliefs with me, then.

  8. #8

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    Re: Illuminati

    Going back to the 'real truth' thing, illumintus/freemasons have degrees of freemasonry, and so everyone know parts of the 'real truth', but nobody knows the whole story. Also, judging by the Church's past reaction to Illuminati messing with them, If there were any left, which I believe there are, they wouldn't shout it publicly, they would be hiding in the ranks of the freemasons, which I believe they are. But, I really do not think they want to overthrow the world, not even christianity. There is a BIG difference between Christian Belief and the Catholic Church. The church are a group of bigoted old farts, in my view, and the Illuminati wanted to get rid of the Church's Oppression back in 1776 under Pope Pius VII. Also, as evidence to my point that they wouldn't really shout it about today, the March 2, 1785 Edict pretty much destroyed the Illuminati as a 'public' figure, also the Founder Adam Weishaupt ran away and the Government of Bavaria published most of their documents in 1787. A final deathblow was percieved to be struck with the Anti-Masonic Party's Movement in the 1820's and 30's. Mark Dice, a popular writer, has suggested that the original Bavarian Illuminati survived and are still around today. This was immediately hijacked into the conspiracy theorists' domain and they started shouting "Illuminatus!" at formus POTUS's and it all got a bit ugly. The Illuminati were originally feature in the film Angels & Demons, from Dan Brown's book of the same name. However, La Purga doesn't exist.


  9. #9
    sakn's Avatar
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    Re: Illuminati

    I agree they don't flaunt it but there are hints here and there in the media and advertising.

  10. #10

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    Re: Illuminati

    the illuminati used to be a scientific group of highly erduitious minds that brought forward many scientific discoverys back in the 1700s.
    they were frowned upon by the church because they defined their actions "blasphemous", for example, anatomical research(gutting people open and writing down whats inside), because corpses were considered sacred and not a tool for reasearch.

    now, its just a group of fanatical 14 year old atheists who have been poorly educated in religious subjects, and think its "cool" to hate on the church.

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