This is an idea I had.

Share you favourite programs!


1: [color=#FF0000]The program must not broke the rules of aph[/color]
Aka: No virus making tool, no decryptor, no flash hacking program (or anything related to this), no warez (crack keygen) , etc...

2: You can only post 1 program per post (if you do not follow this rule you will lose 3 points)

3: If possible, link to the original download page.

4: Have fun!

5: You get a point for every program posted.

dberube4: 4
tuli: 4
Joonaqwe: 1
Sandspur: 1
wolnavi: 4

Here an example:

Name: VirtualDub
Utility: Encrypt Video files
License: free

Not have to be exactly like me but, I like clarity.