Arcade Prehacks

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  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    The Netherlands

    It is my time to go

    Yes, you actually read it right. I am going to resign as a Global Moderator.
    After being on this forum for 307 days/43 weeks/10 months I think my time has come.

    I really want to thank all of you, for all the support you've given me; by hacking and by fun.

    Chris, I want to thank you for everything you've taught me. I also wanna thank you for promoting me to Forum Helper and even to Global Moderator. Lots of people were dreaming to get that position and I was the lucky one.

    Joel, you made me laugh so much. Serious topics, serious answers and then you, with your sarcasm. Really man, you're an awesome Administrator and friend!

    Dave, I haven't seen you online in these last few days. Still, I want to thank you for approving my games and teaching me how to submit them better. You're knowledge is as big as this universe! I want to thank you for that!

    Thomas, just like Chris, you taught me a lot about hacking. You've also helped me mit meinen Deutschen Hausaufgaben (is that correct?). Thank you so much for that! You're gonna get Administrator. Kick Joel's ass, come on

    Nick, you're nice, you're cool, you're patient, you're awesome! Seriously, epic dude, that's what you are! Even though I haven't spoken to you that much, iKnow you have a fantastic personality. When Thomas gets Administrator, you're taking his place as Global Moderator! Or maybe you're gonna take mine

    Kody, first of all I hate you for not telling me your real name. Second of all I wanna thank you for having this long conversations with me on MSN. I was really sad to see you leaving. Keep it up, you're an awesome fella.

    David, smartness combined with strong moderating abilities. That's you. Even though you don't hack, you're a great addition to this forum. Also, keep Ultamiya growing!

    ZuckeR, I can't remember your name now, but I want to thank you for all the help you've given me when I started hacking AS3 (with hex). Seriously, you're the best hex hacker I have ever seen. Danke schön!

    Joona, thank you for giving me an almost perfect art experience. Your art is enormously good! We had some nice conversations on MSN and you've helped me a lot, especially with art.

    Now, I'm sure I have forgotten some of you, but I want you to know that I love you all. Non-homo or homo, I don't care anymore. You've been like a second family to me.

    Well, this is it. No more banning, no more warning but just talking. Thank you again, for all the love and strength you have given me!


    PS: Find the (late) Easter-Egg?
    I've been here before.

  2. #2
    Administrator Xnite's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: It is my time to go

    Thanks a lot for everything Dion. Really appreciate everything you have done.

  3. #3
    RedFaceofAwesomeness's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    New York

    Re: It is my time to go

    I'm sorry to see you go.
    I haven't known you much but you've been a great GMod.

  4. #4
    Administrator selectLOL's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Re: It is my time to go

    Dion, we will miss you all. You were one of the best moderators ever. Finding someone who is so cool and good like you will be hard.
    My website:
    My second game: Play it now

    Its easier to find intelligent life in the universum than in the internet.

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Feb 2010

    Re: It is my time to go

    Quote Originally Posted by Sublimity
    Kody, first of all I hate you for not telling me your real name.

    Goodbye, friend I hate to see you go, but it'd be pointless to try to stop ya.
    Have fun with whatever you do
    Um... I used to be a moderator here...

  6. #6
    Super Moderator ZuckeR's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: It is my time to go

    Goodbye, see you around here every now and then i guess

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    Jul 2010
    The Netherlands

    Re: It is my time to go

    Quote Originally Posted by SandSpur
    Quote Originally Posted by Sublimity
    Kody, first of all I hate you for not telling me your real name.

    Goodbye, friend I hate to see you go, but it'd be pointless to try to stop ya.
    Have fun with whatever you do
    Dang, you just succeeded.

    No, kidding.

    Thanks guys, I really appreciate it. I really wanna stay in touch with you, so here's some digital information:

    Feel free to email me.
    I've been here before.

  8. #8
    Willy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Re: It is my time to go

    Bye Bye!
    I'll miss you

  9. #9
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: It is my time to go

    oh great i just came back and your leaving -.-'

    see ya later then cant stop u either

  10. #10
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Southern USA

    Re: It is my time to go

    Quote Originally Posted by Sublimity
    Kody, first of all I hate you for not telling me your real name.
    You never asked

    Good luck with what you're moving on to buddy
    "We're playing in the same sandbox. Why can't we be nice to each other?"

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