Arcade Prehacks

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  1. #61
    Senior Member Matheusultimatex's Avatar
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    May 2010

    Re: What would you do to...

    Imagine this thread is a train and i am a giant, then i pull the train (thread) out of the rails, then it's derailed. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL... Ok, i know it's not funny.
    Convince the world to destroy schools and replace them with cool stuff because Google, Wikipedia and other stuff are better and cooler (and cheaper ).

  2. #62
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: What would you do to...

    Convince you that you need school. No goddamn exceptions.

    Set my inspiration level to over 9000

  3. #63
    Senior Member Matheusultimatex's Avatar
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    May 2010

    Re: What would you do to...

    Pay 50 REALLY MUCH VERY HOT girls to scream your name and touch you and stuff like this if you know what i mean (girls must also be ****ty in order to do this).

    Find 50 REALLY MUCH VERY HOT, ****ty girls and money to pay 100 bucks each.

  4. #64
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: What would you do to... might have mixed up motivation and inspiration.. And why would they be screaming my name? Am I killing them or what?

    Answer to your question: Amsterdam

    Buy Matheusultimatex a dictionary

  5. #65
    Senior Member Matheusultimatex's Avatar
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    May 2010

    Re: What would you do to...

    Yes, it motivates and inspires you too, but inspiring on doing WHAT... That is another thing.

    This is simple, go to a book shop, buy a dictionary and give it to me.

    Find out why he wants to buy me a dictionary.

  6. #66

    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: What would you do to...

    (answer) Learn how to read other's mind.

    (wish) Learn how to read other's mind.

  7. #67

    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: What would you do to...

    U forgot your wish.

    Be a

  8. #68
    Senior Member
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    Jul 2008

    Re: What would you do to...

    learn to play the guitar.

    Be hot

  9. #69

    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: What would you do to...

    Go to Sahara dessert.

    Be cool but not cold.

  10. #70
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: What would you do to...

    Move to a Scandinavian country.

    Grow in length

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