today and my clan [*BG*]

were supposed to have a match with a tpg clan and they didnt show up and the clan was a like you scared?

i was like f*** it and i went 3 v 1

first match was quickscopping

the map was terminal

and the final score was
i lost by 2 points

we had another match and it was

they were some campers O.o

then we had free fro all and i placed in second in the first match and first in the next match

then we had team deathmatch
so guess what they do -.-
they give me there worst player and i made all the kills while the dude had 10 kills 15 deaths

i had 35 kills and 8 deaths

then the lead started ragging calling me a noob
it was funny though since he tried to copy my G18 so he comes up to me and start shooting right? but i was going around a corner so he missed and almost killed me i circled around to the stair's and camp on the corner and he comes u seconds later but my G18's killed him
then thtey all tried to flank me but i was on the top of the building i jump down and spam my g18s killing them all xD
that got me the airstrike then i used it on them and killed the leader *again*
then the match ended xD
he called me a noob ALOT

MAP: Favela
my setup
was the
TAR with the heartbeat sensor (hehe i did it to piss em' off)
and my secondary was G18's dual wield
my perks were
sleight of hand pro
hardline pro
and sitrep pro

my killstreaks were
Care package
and Harrier Strike

my score 1100

their score: 750

they were pretty bad though they would all camp in the building and i would shoot them through the wall (crouch shot :3)

they were WTF
me: magic bullets

so yea they were pretty awful :S
anyone else win this awesomly?

i also think the tar is waaaaaay to over powered in 5 shots you take them down no mater were you shoot
(i like it) no one uses it though :S