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  1. #91

    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Alien Invasion XXI

    dude I was being abducted to a aliant spawning ground
    how the flock did you teleport to me?

  2. #92
    Senior Member Matheusultimatex's Avatar
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    Re: Alien Invasion XXI

    Matheus: Let's go, jump in the attracting beam
    Maybe like this.
    And it's abduction not teleporting for you to go into an aliant spawning ground.

    Anyways, continuing:
    Matheus: This starship is weird, it's also too bright.
    Mira: Shut up, i saw a group of 4 strange aliens coming, they seem to be guards or something.

    New alien type:
    Species: Augrorian Commander
    Ability: None
    Description: Augrorian Commanders are smaller than aliants, but way more well equipped.
    They are armored with Xultorium armor sets, xultorium is really resistant mix of Fosforetum, Zargonium and Dienotore Oxide created by smelting those metals, creating a high power metal that can reflect a beam from a simple Laser Cannon with nearly no damage, and armed with dual Plaser pistols (mix of plasma and laser) a Zetta-P gun (super charged plasma) and Ioton (mix of ions & photons) Frag Grenades.

    Matheus: Hide somewhere, let's use the surprise to beat them.
    Amaterasu: Got it.

  3. #93
    RedWolf's Avatar
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    Re: Alien Invasion XXI

    Jackal: I'm back with a sweet new gun ^^
    Willy: What is it?
    *Jackal presents an AA12 with 4 drum clips (20 rounds each.)
    Jackal: Who wants it....?
    Matheus: Hmm, this thing doesn't look like a regular AA12....
    Jackal: Yah, that's why I brought it.

  4. #94
    Senior Member Matheusultimatex's Avatar
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    Re: Alien Invasion XXI

    Matheus: Nice, an AA12, but what's different on it?
    Amaterasu: I have no idea.
    Willy: Nope.
    Mira: Nuffin'.
    Matheus: And so, what's so different on this AA12?

  5. #95
    RedWolf's Avatar
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    Re: Alien Invasion XXI

    Jackal: Has weird bullets.... I have never seen shells like this.
    *The shells look almost supercharged and have a weird glow to them.*
    Jackal: They almost look... alien-type...
    *The AA12 was also full black and all metal. With a scope.*
    Jackal: We should test this gun somewhere....
    Willy: Let's test it on some aliens!
    Matheus: Good idea...

  6. #96
    Senior Member Matheusultimatex's Avatar
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    Re: Alien Invasion XXI

    I have no idea of why would a 12 gauge shotgun have a scope but anyways.
    Matheus: Quiet, they're coming, Paul, shoot some of those lights to shut 'em off since you have a silencer.
    Paul: Okay.
    Paul shoots all lights except for one that he leaves intact.
    Augrorian Commander 1: Shyiyk'artkyhg (What the hell).
    Augrorian Commander 2: Fargkhyk woyozo grhk, Fargkhyk juykin frakz (Group 1 goes left, group 2 goes right).
    Matheus: *Whispering* one, two, three, go.
    The group starts leading the Augrorian group 1, but the other Aug. Commanders hear us and charge with strength, Paul dodges and the Aug. Commander kills itself but i have not the same luck.
    Mira: Matheus!
    Amaterasu: I just hope we can save him and sleep, i'm so tired.
    Willy: Me too.
    Jackal: I'm getting pretty sleepy too, and wtf happened to Matheus?
    Paul: He is knocked, keep shooting.
    Willy: Reloading.
    Amaterasu: Me too, give us cover.
    Jackal: Hehe, this AA12 is awesome.
    Mira: Quick there, i will need to reload soon.
    A large group of 6 Aliants, 10 Asklephyes and 6 Augrorian Commanders come in, the group has no chance but to surrender.
    Mira: Great, at leas you guys can sleep a while now, since we will get jailed or something.
    Amaterasu: Wait, they are taking Matheus to the other side.
    Paul: I don't like this...
    Matheus is brought to the surgery room for an autopsy, although the aliens tech is really good, it takes 1 hour and a half to plan and start executing the surgery because they have to research the body to open the right place.
    Mira: Great, we're all locked into this cell, we must save Matheus, who knows what those Asklephyes will do to him.
    Amaterasu: I have to take a nap, so tired.
    Willy: Yeah, me and Jackal also need to sleep, if you and Paul manage to open the door, wake us up.
    Mira: Open the door? This thing has a uber complex lock.
    Paul: We should try it anyways.

  7. #97

    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Alien Invasion XXI

    wat if i was still being flew?

  8. #98
    RedWolf's Avatar
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    Re: Alien Invasion XXI

    Wait wasn't Paul already captured by those flying things?

  9. #99

    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Alien Invasion XXI

    you know what forget about it :I
    Paul:Stop!Aliants behind us!
    Willy:Lets kill em!
    Mira:Uh oh..

  10. #100
    Senior Member Matheusultimatex's Avatar
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    May 2010

    Re: Alien Invasion XXI

    Oh my god, this game is getting so f****d up.
    Quote Originally Posted by reniko9
    (I got abducted...)
    Reniko, that is certainly not the first time i get angry with you on my games but you clearly said you were ABDUCTED NOT TELEPORTED!
    Abduction in alien meanings is being carried or attracted to inside of their ship, in this case, it is an attraction beam which takes anyone who touches it into the ship.
    And RedWolf:
    He got carried by the Zaon into the attracting beam.

    If i can continue with no further bulls**t:
    1 hour later
    Mira: Almost got it, just a little pull to the right and... Done, Paul wake up those sleepy man.
    Paul: Hey guys, wake up.
    Amaterasu: Wuh, Weh, Wah, What? Wait a sec... Okay, woke up.
    Willy: Feel better now.
    Jackal: Let's go and find Matheus, he seems to have been carried to the surgery room.
    Mira: I wonder what they will do to him.
    Amaterasu: They should make an autopsy of some sort.
    Mira: Then let's find this room.

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