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  1. #41
    Senior Member Matheusultimatex's Avatar
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    May 2010

    Re: Alien Invasion XXI

    Matheus: They should know that we can kill them easily with those heavy guns there, maybe they are even testing them for new weapon ideas.
    Jackal: I have a pair of binoculars, the armory can be seen from here, take a look.
    Matheus: There are really a bunch of aliens there and...
    Amaterasu: AAAGH!
    Mira: HELP!
    Matheus: What the...
    Jackal: Go, quick.

  2. #42

    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Alien Invasion XXI

    Character sheet:
    Name: Paul
    Age: 29
    Profession: Soldier
    Strength: 6
    Intelligence: 7
    Speed: 7
    Precision: 8
    Need to sleep: 5
    Will to live: 8

    Ability: Heavy Slugger
    Personality: Game addict

  3. #43
    Senior Member Matheusultimatex's Avatar
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    May 2010

    Re: Alien Invasion XXI

    You're in.

    We go and check what happened and see that Mira and Amaterasu got into the apartment's garden, it was filled with about 12 aliens and a unknown man, we snipe 4 aliens from the window (8 left) and jump into the garden to kill a bunch of unknown aliens that are very fast.
    New Alien Type:
    Species: Warper
    Ability: Hyper-Speed
    Description: The Warper is very skinny, but don't trick yourself with the weak looking, once he starts running at top speed (200km/h), his muscles grow really fast, altough he needs to take a rest and that is when he strikes you.

    Kill him on the first or second rest, or he will become so strong that will not be able to be killed by human weapons.
    In the heat of the battle i manage to critical hit two aliens, causing instant death.

  4. #44
    RedWolf's Avatar
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    May 2011

    Re: Alien Invasion XXI

    *A warper is hidden and comes out rushing towards Matheus, Jackal, Paul.*

    Paul: Uhh, can i have a gun? ^^

    Jackal: Wait.

    *Jackal shoots and kills the warper with 2 rounds to the head*

    Jackal: Go to the apartment, there will be a 5.56 rifle there.

    Paul: Mmkay....

  5. #45
    Senior Member Matheusultimatex's Avatar
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    May 2010

    Re: Alien Invasion XXI

    Matheus: What the hell, those guys are... AAAGH!
    Mira: Matheus!!!
    Jackal: Oh s**t, kill that alien.
    Mira: I can't, there's one attacking me too.
    Jackal: Yup, i'm having a bad time with one aswell.
    Paul: Never... Mess with me.
    Matheus: Woah, nice shot, reloading...
    Mira: Ah! Help, he's biting me.
    Jackal: No problem... BOOM, headshot!
    Paul: Hey man, i don't think you'll like to hear this but there is a kind of a big alien coming with a pretty big gun aswell...
    Matheus: How big?
    Paul: 4 or 5 meters tall i'd say.

    New alien type:
    Species: Aliant
    Ability: Being big and scary is already one, but he also has overwhelming strength.
    Description: He is a bad4$$ looking giant alien with too much power even for him, they always carry a heavy plasma cannon named by human race as "The Nothing Maker" we don't want to know why it has that name, right?

  6. #46
    RedWolf's Avatar
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    May 2011

    Re: Alien Invasion XXI

    Jackal: Mira!!!! kill that alien with the sniper!!

    Mira: I can't my arm is bit.

    *Jackal grabs the sniper and manages to shoot 3 rounds.*

    Jackal: Darn, gotta reload.

    *As jackal reloads the alien charges him and knock him down like a twig.*

    *Matheus gets his ballistic knife and jumps on the alien. The alien tries shaking him off.*

    Paul: I'm here-

    *Paul empties a full clip in the alien's torso And Matheus stabs the alien in the head repeatedly Therefore killing it.*

    Matheus: That was a HUGE alien. D:

    Jackal: Aghh, I think he broke my ribs.

    Paul: This doesn't look good....

  7. #47
    Senior Member Matheusultimatex's Avatar
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    May 2010

    Re: Alien Invasion XXI

    Matheus: For fun's sake, i will try to pick up this gun he left here... UGHHHHHH. Nope, i can't.
    Mira: We have to destroy it then, let's search one of those houses for any explosives.
    Matheus: Let's try this one here, just looks cool.
    Jackal: Meh, okay.
    *The group gets in the house*
    Paul: I don't like this place...
    Matheus: Me too but we need to...
    *An alien lurking in the shadows try to cross the way, the light going through the door made him visible while passing through it*
    Mira: What the hell was that?
    Paul: LOOK OUT!

    New alien type:
    Species: "The Shady Lurker"
    Ability: His pitch black all-body color makes him invisible in the dark, combine this with night vision and sharp claws and you have this guy.

    PS: 3 new aliens in a row, lol.

  8. #48
    RedWolf's Avatar
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    May 2011

    Re: Alien Invasion XXI

    *Jackal unloads on the alien*
    Mira: Nice shot.
    Jackal: Thank you.
    Matheus:We should probably search for more.
    Paul: Yeah...
    *The group search for 5 minutes.*
    Jackal: I guess this one is safe.
    *Amaterasu sees a shotgun lying around.*
    Amaterasu: Hey look! we can probably destroy it with that!
    Jackal: Good idea.
    Paul: Who's gonna destroy the gun?
    Mira: Hmm, it might explode like the small ray gun did a while back.

  9. #49
    Senior Member Matheusultimatex's Avatar
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    Re: Alien Invasion XXI

    Matheus: I think we need to search for a grenade, drag the gun far from any buildings and throw the grenade on it, shotguns will only work at a close distance, and since that stuff is like 1 meter long and weighs a ton, it would release a big amount of plasma... That is no element to play with.
    Mira: I can try to blow it up with the 7.62 sniper, it packs a punch.
    Matheus: Okay, lets try it after searching here.
    *5 minutes of searching later*
    Jackal: Hey, i found 2 grenades, nice.
    Paul: Nothing
    Amaterasu: A small quantity of C4...
    Matheus: Man, this is 800 grams of C4, this baby can blow up a house.
    Mira: Yup, plastic explosives FTW.
    Matheus: Okay, let's blow up that gun now.

  10. #50
    RedWolf's Avatar
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    May 2011

    Re: Alien Invasion XXI

    *Jackal puts the C4 on the plasma gun and sets it for 2 minutes.*
    Jackal: Alright, let's get outa here. D:
    Mira: Sure.
    *The groups runs and hides about 600 feet away.*
    *The c4 goes off.*
    Matheus: Hmm, I was expecting a bigger explosion.
    Jackal: Atleast it got rid of the plasma gun.
    *The squad of aliens guarding the armory check what happened.*
    Jackal: QUICK! let's get to that armory!
    Amaterasu: Yeah.
    Paul: Right behind ya'. ^^

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