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Thread: mgs 4 VS halo 3

  1. #21
    Senior Member
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    Re: mgs 4 VS halo 3

  2. #22

    Join Date
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    Death Valley

    Re: mgs 4 VS halo 3

    First of all, that is a Marine, second that is gaming I hate the real army.

  3. #23

    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    New York

    Re: mgs 4 VS halo 3

    Third, you're a dumbass.

  4. #24

    Join Date
    May 2008
    Anytown, USA

    Re: mgs 4 VS halo 3

    Quote Originally Posted by vgking7
    First of all, that is a Marine, second that is gaming I hate the real army.
    Hey, you know what, jackass? You may not like the f**king war. None of us do. But 'll be damned if I let your ten year old ass get away with telling me that you hate the goddamn army.
    Since when have you ever considered giving your life for someone else? Since when have you ever taken a life for someone you'll never know? Huh, jackass? You think you're so smart, sitting up there in that bunker you laughingly call a home, when in reality, if guys like me weren't doing their job, your ass would be trash.
    So bash everything else all you goddamn want. If you ever, EVER, say you hate the goddamn army again, so help me God, I will find your IP address, give it to Gunny, and you will be in jail for having terroristic images on your computer.
    The smartest thing to come out of your mouth in jail will be some dudes ****.

    And you know what? Do you know what, smartass? That pic, thats of a member of either the Bed Red One, or the 101'st or 82'nd Airborne. No Marines, idiot. They've never been in any CoD other than CoD4.
    And yeah, I am pissed, just so everyone knows.

  5. #25

    Join Date
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    Death Valley

    Re: mgs 4 VS halo 3

    No, I'm pretty sure that is a marine. They even say in the begining that your in the 50th Marine Division. Anyway, I don't think you can go to jail for hating the army. I really hate the real army with all their I'm special so care for me crap. Plus smartass, I'm to young to go to jail.

    Airforce is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much better. Plus, I don't care if people risk their lives for America. To me, America will fall soon and I'm hoping either Russia or Germany or Britian will rise and destroy America. Entill then, I'm under my parents rule and can't move to Russia. Oh well, some day I will. Oh, by the way I hate the goddam army!

  6. #26

    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    With my dogs, in rainy england. =[

    Re: mgs 4 VS halo 3

    so you're a commie?

    and no, thats not a marine. i think hes airbourne - he wears a brassard.

    and you heard of juvi? you go there, then jail

    and wtf "im special so care for me"? wtf

  7. #27

    Join Date
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    Death Valley

    Re: mgs 4 VS halo 3

    Whatever, I just hate the real army not the fake game army thing. Yes, juvi is there intill your 18 and you go straight to jail. Plus, I just made it up as I went along. It is pretty much what those guys in the army need to be treeted like if they are special. Why do we even got to pay for these guys? They are like kamikazes. Actually, they are considered to be kamikazes because they die for their country. Also if you ever read the 1st Admendment of the Bill of Rights, sending me to jail for saying I hate the army is pretty much not going to happen. People have jobs that make the people speek loudly about how they hate the army.

    P.S. I guess I got the wrong picture for my sig.

  8. #28

    Join Date
    May 2008
    Anytown, USA

    Re: mgs 4 VS halo 3

    Quote Originally Posted by vgking7
    Why do we even got to pay for these guys? They are like kamikazes. Actually, they are considered to be kamikazes because they die for their country. Also if you ever read the 1st Admendment of the Bill of Rights, sending me to jail for saying I hate the army is pretty much not going to happen. People have jobs that make the people speek loudly about how they hate the army.
    So you're saying that you dont give a **** if I die for you, even though I hate you. Even if I got shipped off, and died, so you could have that first amendment right, you'd not give a ****.
    Fine, dont pay taxes then. When I bust down your door, I'll be sure to read you your Miranda Rights.

  9. #29

    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Death Valley

    Re: mgs 4 VS halo 3

    I'm not saying that I won't stop paying my taxes, I am just wondering whywe have to pay for you. I am pretty sure you can't go to jail for saying you hate these kamikazes called "soldiers".

  10. #30

    Join Date
    May 2008
    Anytown, USA

    Re: mgs 4 VS halo 3

    Quote Originally Posted by vgking7
    I'm not saying that I won't stop paying my taxes, I am just wondering whywe have to pay for you. I am pretty sure you can't go to jail for saying you hate these kamikazes called "soldiers".
    You have to pay for us becuase you're too lazy to pick up a gun and defend yourself.
    *forehead slaps*
    As for the OTHER statement you made, I'm not about to argue this point with a ten year old. Please, today is just not your day. Take a number and try again.
    When you're older, I'll explain government to you.

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