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Thread: King of the Hill (KoTH)

  1. #231
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    STALKING YOU!.......
    here we go again! i use my ressurecting ability to ressurect me and when i finally awaken i blast massive super sonic waves all around me so all those who killed me could feel my wrath ! i teleport back to the hill and charge towards moshimonsters1 with 2 swords in both hands, i then jump up and fall to the ground with both swords touching the ground suddenly a huge super sonic wave forms and heads for moshimonsters1, he tries to dodge but then it was too late as the super sonic wave had already cut him in half! i kick his 2 bodies off the hill and claim it for myself! MYYYYY HIIIILLLLLLLL!

  2. #232
    Senior Member moshimonsters1's Avatar
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    I jump. The hollow and Shinigami form inside of me fusioned together and thus giving me bat-like wings. I head north to the sky, flapping my wings in rhythm. As I see the super sonic wave crashing towards my eyes, I hold up my lightning sword and with my hollow/Shinigami power I used it to wrap around my sword creating the best sword in the world: The Black Lightning Demon Sword.
    I used my powerful strong sword and summoned a ferocious hummungous black lightning demon wave charging towards evilcrimzonwolf, as he blinks the wave goes through his stomach the wave so big he couldn't dodge it. I laugh and snigger. But as evilcrimzonwolf dies, I can see his eyes full of whiteness as the flash in his eyes disappear I see him fall onto his knees and onto the floor in slow-motion as his body is caked with blood. I fly back to the hill. And kick him off the hill. With a massive force of a kick his body tears apart, failing to connect to nerves as the bones crumble leaving him a heap of guts and entrails. I leave him and in my ear I could hear the demon mutaned dogs shred him to pieces and eating him with a gulp.
    My hill. (Hollow & Shinigami Demon Form with a Black Lightning Demon Sword. Best sword in the world.)

  3. #233
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    STALKING YOU!.......
    i resurrect myself and this time i have become a EVIL GOD i use my giant crimson energy fist to smash my way through the demon dogs crushing their bones! i face moshimonsters1 with crimson energy glowing all around me with each step i take the ground melts and i face moshi my face crimson, covering my eyes mouth nose and ears! i summon 2 guardian demons to rip him up but they die so i charge in and punch moshimonsters1 in the face and then blast a fireball at him, he starts to burn and then i kick him off the hill MY HILL! (probably my last victory i'm retiring!)

  4. #234
    Senior Member moshimonsters1's Avatar
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    (What you aren't playing anymore?) I dodge the fireball. So now it is a Shinallow (Shinigami/Hollow) Vs. An evil god. I dash to my right. Since his face is full of crimson even his body is covered in the red thickness, he cannot hear or see me but only smell me. As the small rocks grumble against my shoes, he charges towards me like a bull hands into tight fists. I dash to my left and with my strength I push him back away from the hill. But he doesn't hesitate and charges towards me again and he attempts to punch me. I tilt my head to the right and dodges his attack. I then grab hold of his fist, and with my wrath of demon powers it travels around his body, cursing him and inflaming him. He roars like a lion engulfed with rage as a mist of crimson red surrounds him. I see flakes of crimson fall from his face, his cracked face trembling with fear and rage to kill me. I using my rusting technique and melting technique, I grip harder onto his fist and in a few seconds as we blink our eyes I can see the crimson melt and so burning his skin like flames. He screams again, his voice rustic and husky higher than the highest octave. He steps back as if in a trance, a hallucination as he melts he looks at his hands, his olive skin exposed to the sun as the sun burns him and he reaches his boiling point and evaporates into the air into a red smoke and into the sky he vanishes in a blink of an eye back to hell where he belongs.
    My hill.
    Last edited by moshimonsters1; 11-14-2013 at 06:42 PM.

  5. #235
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    STALKING YOU!.......
    pathetic fool! don't you know that evil gods literally cant melt? they live in fire and come to earth! while i am in hell i recharge myself with all the flames surrounding me and teleport back to the hill and now i summon my demons so i can absorb their power making me 3 times stronger! i look at moshimonsters1 and summon a spear made to detonate on impact and with a blast radius of 1000 miles! i decide no this is too powerful and throw it onto the floor where it is absorbed by the earth below it and i put my hands together and summon a huge radioactive heat seeking (<follow you) beam he dodges but the beam follows him and eventually the beam hits him and moshimonsters1 falls to the floor! my HILL! (i changed my mind since this is the only way to kill time i wont retire!)

  6. #236
    Senior Member
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    Jun 2009
    I am the king, because everyone in this thread is a no0bf4g

  7. #237
    Senior Member moshimonsters1's Avatar
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    Aug 2013
    **** off ****ing Carbine20 ****head, let everyone have peace. Anyway.
    As the spear charges towards me I use my force to repel the spear and aim it towards evilcrimzonwolf eyes as this is his weakness point he screams in agony, as he is blind. A blind god gone insane. He steps back still screaming, in panic as he thrashed about like a beast. He is not human at all just an insane confused god in excruciating pain. I run at him with my sword light and sharp in my hand. As I dive at him the electricity more than 900000 volts i tackle him down, crashing his ribcage and then thrusting the sword right into his stomach reaching his pancreas. And immediately he spits out blood vigoursly whilst screaming his horrible scream the smell horrible like hot rubber metal scraping on blood. He lies there looking at the sunshine on his face as he dies slowly, he couldn't see, couldn't feel a thing and the only thing he could feel was the pain in his stomach as he was dying. I kick him off the hill and declare: "My Hill!"

  8. #238
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    I kick the fag moshi off the hill. It is now my hill.

    Calm down dude, I'm playing the game, just like you are.

  9. #239
    Senior Member moshimonsters1's Avatar
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    Aug 2013
    Sure.. Let's enjoy it whilst we are here.I get back to the hill, using my sword I thrust into his heart as he stares grinning at me I kick him off the hill as his body rolls down the hill, I throw down my cigarette ashes with him.My hill.

  10. #240
    Senior Member
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    Jun 2009
    Being the Prophet of Allah, I resurrect and receive the divine powers of the Gods. I kill everyone and prevent anyone from coming back to life. It is my hill, and everyone is dead, so no one can claim my hill. If anyone comes back to life, Allah will automatically strike you down, no matter who you are. There is nothing that can be done, I am KING, forever and always.

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