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Thread: King of the Hill (KoTH)

  1. #611
    Senior Member tchow847's Avatar
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    Suddenly Cloudmans' robe glitches because it tried to withstand negative Kelvin, and exploded his back, exposing the internal organs in his torso (too morbid?). Then I revive and attack from behind and rip his core out and crush it, then I crush his brains, slice his spine in half, hack into his systems and cause him to self-destruct.

    I infuse the remnants of his robe into my cybernetic eyes so that I can see him even in his cloaked form, and steal the deed, enchanting it with the same enchantment (except this time the deed is also now indestructible and holographic, and now anyone who touches it disintegrates and undergoes nuclear fusion. Even if an enemy touches it with a weapon or tool, the deed will still blow him up). Never lazy, I continue upgrading my defenses against cloaked enemies like Cloudmans.

    I put tempera-nanomites in the pit so that when Cloudmans falls in his cloak explodes.

    I forgot again!:

    My hill.

    Why do I keep forgetting to say that?
    Last edited by tchow847; 06-07-2016 at 02:49 AM.

  2. #612
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    I see a light and the face of god. He says, "you not ready to join me up here" he then zaps me with extreme amounts of power which I use to destroy everything in this universe, including tchows existence and then destroy the hell he was sent to and create another universe and hill and land deed.

    I went a little overboard there, but still, my Hill.

  3. #613
    Senior Member tchow847's Avatar
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    The Godly-OP magical restriction was broken (it forbids people to use too-OP powers and if someone goes all-out OP somehow, it breaks and allows other people to go all-out OP if they have the capability to do so), because Cloudmans somehow find a way to go all-out OP, so I revive in the middle of the hypervoid that was once the former universe, and go all-out OP, tap into the space-time continuum, travel back in time, and kill Cloudmans with a tremendous blast before he could destroy the former universe. When the space-time continuum restores to equilibrium, I find myself back in my hill with the enchanted holographic land deed, with the Godly-OP magical restriction intact to equalize things.

    My hill.

  4. #614
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    I awaken to find myself in a room all by myself, I try to exit through an open doorway but a forcefield appears that is bright red that says "BANNED FROM KOTH FORUM THREAD" in bold white letter. I then feel something forming in my hand. I look to see what it is, it turns out to be a radio, like the one from Bioshock.

    I hear a man's voice coming through the radio saying, "Would you kindly take that unBAN hammer over there."

    I find it in the corner of the room, it's just a sledgehammer that says unBAN on the side of the head.

    "Yeah that's the one, kid you have a lot to learn about APH, but I will give you a second chance, hit the forcefield with the hammer and go on your way. You won't get another chance like this. Oh and don't let anyone else out with this power I'm giving you, please."

    I hit the forcefield and it shatters like glass. I exit the room and see 1,000's of rooms like the one I was in. And dozens of rooms that are more fortified against IP addresses for repeat offenders. I decide to free everyone from this to create a distraction, unbanning even the 'BFL' (banned for life). I hear sirens go off and administration guards coming with BAN weaponry (like guns that ban people when shot). But they are no match for the 'BFL'. In all the commotion I leave the BAN prison and the whole APH website is on high alert. Tchow leaves the hill behind to go help Administration take care of the BANNED as he would do anything to get Administrator status. with the land deed still on the hill, I remembered the enchantment. I see more writing on the unBAN hammer that says "also destroys OP enchantments" so I destroy the enchantment and take the deed.

    My Hill.

  5. #615
    Senior Member tchow847's Avatar
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    Administration comes along and attacks Cloudmans, shoving him into the BAN cage. This time, there is no unBAN hammer to destroy it. Reason: I grabbed the hammer and crushed it, and stomped on the fragments.

    Cloudmans is stuck on the BAN cage forever. Meanwhile, I reclaim the holographic land deed, re-add the enchantment, and put a spell on it of which no power in any unknown or known multiverse can destroy the enchantment. Then I add a blood magic curse on it saying Whoever touches the deed, if not the owner of deed, shalt be curs'd for eternity, as he/she shall suffer an agonizing death by envenomation from all poisons in the multiverse, then be-burn'd with negative Kelvin. Afterwards, he/she shalt undergo nuclear fusion and blow up into 999 centillion quantum-foam-sized pieces, then those pieces shalt get annihilated. Not even a puddle of flesh shall be left.

    Cloudmans wakes up, and I shove the deed into his hands, killing him with the same curse. I then reclaim the deed and put it in...

    Oh well, the thing I put it in is classified.

    My hill.

    BTW the warden said to Cloudmans: "You know why you are in the banned room? Because you freed everyone when I strictly told you not to. Fortunately for us, the unBan hammer has been annihilated by Tchow. You are not only banned for life. Tomorrow morning, you shall have your IP address wiped from the face of cyberspace (ooh that rhymes) forever!"

    Then tomorrow morning comes. POOF! Cloudmans is now wiped from cyberspace.
    Last edited by tchow847; 06-09-2016 at 11:11 AM.

  6. #616
    Senior Member ChaoticCHAOS99's Avatar
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    My very existence is enough to make tchow wet himself and run away

    my hill

    cos screw long ass posts about taking over a hill

  7. #617
    Senior Member tchow847's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChaoticCHAOS99 View Post
    My very existence is enough to make tchow wet himself and run away

    my hill

    cos screw long ass posts about taking over a hill

    But then I come back with weapons that are high-tech as heck and disintegrate chaotic with the weapons.

    The land deed is mine once again.

    My hill.

  8. #618
    Senior Member ChaoticCHAOS99's Avatar
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    (you want the big guns? fine i'll give you the big guns)
    i reform in another area and i meditate for a while to recover my power. i then go over to the hill and look up at tchow before walking away. As i come back with a vulcan, I grin and let loose the bullet storm on Tchow. once the ammo runs out i then decapitate him and the call in a carpet bomb strike then a nuke for good measures.

    my hill

  9. #619
    Senior Member tchow847's Avatar
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    I absorb the gamma radiation from the nuclear bomb as I revive, with the absorbed gamma radiation permanently (no power on earth can remove it or use my own gammafications against me) infused into my body, increasing my powers a hundredfold. I then suddenly find the hill back on Earth. It shall be on Earth. I unleash a torrent of meteorites the size of buildings upon Chaotic, smashing him up. Just in case he survives the cataclysmic cannonade, I then cause it to rain droplets of absolute-zero liquid helium on him, freezing him instantaneously. Afterwards, I cast a Brobdingnagian barrage of Godfire (-1 x 10^-999999999 yocto-Kelvin) fireballs upon him, disintegrating the ice, then incinerating him. Afterwards, it is electrocution the 99999999-yottavolt Godlightning, then a devastating bomb made out of supercharged particles. Then, the Terrifying Typhonic Triplets (3 ultra-OP typhoons of death), with -999999 ph Godacid rain as their precipitation, come, and start raining 999999 yottalitres of Godacid rain on him, corroding him like crazy, while blowing all kinds of melee weapons of all technologies (from something as simple as a caveman's club through buzz-flails and boom-and-chains, to the Godsword itself) at him, slicing him into quantum-foam-sized pieces, and those quantum-sized-pieces get utterly annihilated by all the attacks – which are all fully-charged and in full power – from Dragon Ball Z, combined in a single blast. So powerful was the blast that the entire Local Multiverse (the multiverse that we all live in, except SnuffPlanet, which is in the Erinacean Multiverse) was utterly annihilated and exploded in a giant KRRAAAKKRROOMMBOOMRZZKZTKTZZ!!!

    The Local Multiverse was restored, and everyone that I didn't intend to kill off came back to life.

    NOTE: In real life, the multiverse we all live in (if it is a multiverse and not just a universe) may not actually be called the Local Multiverse and it is very improbable that there is actually a multiverse called the Erinacean Multiverse. Please note that the Erinacean Multiverse I mentioned was made-up.

    BTW, my hill.

  10. #620
    Senior Member ChaoticCHAOS99's Avatar
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    i respawn and stab tchow in the back.

    my hill

    off game: wtf overkill much? xD

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