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Thread: Invent Something

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    In front of a computer. Duh...
    ... A long time ago, I had already decided that if time travel were possible, I would never attempt it. Too many things could go wrong, paradoxes, all that kind of crap.

    As for teleporters, pray explain how you imagine they would work. How would the person be teleported?

  2. #12
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Thumbs Down

    hmm... i think that the TP's would be set up before hand in two different locations, with two different TP devices. So if you are in africa and want to TP to Antarctica you would have to go there before hand to set up the device (and also back at the initial starting point). Then you could Tp... how the whole TP mechanism works? i have no clue. i guess the whole idea of teleporting is impossible but it would be pretty nifty to have a personal teleporter ^=^
    Last edited by ExpoundParadox; 09-12-2012 at 12:58 AM. Reason: random thumbs down FTW

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    In front of a computer. Duh...
    Ahh, rearranging molecules and sending over a large distance. Anyone here have a P.HD in physics, or something of that sort? Could use the help.

    And why don't we just all focus on ONE invention that seems realistic? So sorry Expound, no teleporters, think of something else that you could probably make at home, like a bicycle with something on it, I dunno

  4. #14
    Junior Member
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    Jul 2009
    AlbinoBlack here, official science correspondent.

    Teleportation is possible, and has been achieved. Quantum teleportation of data over 90 miles occurred this May, bringing technology ever closer to the frontier of reliable data teleportation over long distances. At the present, the most impressive feat of matter teleportation occurred with a single atom, which was transported only a yard. Therefore, should this thread continue, I'd recommend thinking in more pragmatic terms, or at least terms less quixotic than your current points of view. Whether teleportation of matter could ever be practical, or even reliable, is yet to be seen, but the future is bright as far as data goes.

    Signing off, AB, Correspondent.

  5. #15
    Senior Member
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    Jul 2012

    Angry impossibru

    something i could make at home, eh? well lets see...hmm... oh, i know, a rube goldberg machine that automates itself so that when the microwave goes *ding* it will automaticly open the door and throw it onto a plate and send it to your dinner (or supper) table. RaWR

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    In front of a computer. Duh...
    That... Could actually work...

    Let's see... So, first, get a sound sensor, or maybe a light sensor. Actually, you could use both. So, once the lights inside the microwave goes out and the microwave goes *DING,* then those two signals could send an electric signal to a... motor? Motor pulls/pushes/ whatever it is you do to open your microwave, and then another mechanism could reach in, pull out the food and place it into a "pocket" in front of the mechanism. Conveyor built rolls food out, you pick it up, voila.

    Lengthy, and probably just a waste of materials...

  7. #17
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    exactamundo. exactley. or was it exactly? i dunno im too lazy to find out xD. anyway i like long, hard, and sophisticated things that makes me different then a lot of other people... no sexual innuendos intended. :3Next invention, a light bulb that never runs out. Or at least one that would easily be operated without using electricity. I geuss it could be operated by wind and water power. Water coming from rain, and wind coming from... wind. Problems would be that if you live in a two floored house or more that these could only be placed in the top floor. Also rain doesnt last everyday so it would be insufficent, not to mention how to get 2 motors in the lightbulb. A solution for these problems would to add a solar pannel... but then that would eliminate the purpose of the other two motors... or in other words, I dont think these inventions clearly enough xD. So, yep. Thats it. DONE. Finished with this one.... I said i was DONE. BYE. Ugh stop reading this i dont want to keep typing this useless junk... but since your still reading i guess ill just see how far i can get. Hmmm. Oh i know, ill tell you the story of the war of eighteen twelve. It was a bright and sunny day when all of the sudden an eighteen year old started teasing a twelve year old. Thus, the war began. It would seem the burly eighteen year old would have owned the twelve year old when all of the sudden three more twelve's came in and evened the odds. As more and more twelve's came running in, more eighteens came in as well. It was chaos. Twelve year olds were hanged by their trousers, and eighteens year olds phones were destroyed. This went on for several hours, until one couragous three year old stepped up to the plate."No mow fwightin!! O else I tellin mwommy!!!" The brave three year old exclaimed. and so, the war was done. Phones were repaired, wedgies were lossened and the world returned tro peace... and that is the story of how dentures were made. Good story, huh? NOW im really done... DONE...FINISHED...CLOSED!! Ugh im too lazy to keep going. Peace out holmes!
    Last edited by ExpoundParadox; 09-20-2012 at 11:27 PM. Reason: I SAID IM DONE!! STOP READING!!!

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