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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    The war of epicness

    You can join at any time, and try to catch up to everyone else

    Your base starts with a main building with 1000 hp, and here is the buildings that can be built

    Training building: 100 hp, allows basic units to be trained. Building multiple allows units to be trained quicker.
    Resource Centre: 250 hp, grants resources. Multiple allow more resources to be built
    Advanced training building: 100 hp, allows advanced units to be trained. Multiple allows units to be trained quicker
    Walls: Infinite hp, can only be built if there are gates. Very tall or flying transports can bypass these
    Gates: 500 hp, allows your units in and out. Does not block flying units.
    Towers: 750 hp. Can fire over walls.Extra range if built on top
    Research centre: 250 hp. Required for research. Building multiple allows you to do more research at once.
    You can also name a special building with a good effect, which you can only have one of. Make it appropriate to your "age" please.

    There are four "ages" which you stay in. This influences your units, and counters the "age" before it, with one exception

    Prehistoric; Stone weaponry. slow building but strongest in close combat. Ultimate unit (which can be trained at the advanced training building after Ultimate research. Can use extinct animals as their siege within limits ( as in, anything around 2 million years ago until true civilisation)

    Classical: Basic swords / spears/ bow. Can call upon their gods (classical = Greek and Roman, after all) for benefits. Ultimate unit is the Spartan. (I will get weaker Spartans for my lesser units because my base will be Sparta xD). First "real" Siege

    Modern: Next to no melee, but very powerful range. First flying units. Ultimate unit is the Nuke Bomber.

    Futuristic; Shields which can repel metal completely. LazORZ! Walls are those same shields (so Prehistoric units can just walk right through them to make up for their lack of siege), All their units are based off things on the internet. The ultimate unit is the Longcat, which can bypass walls for other units.

    Basic units take 2 "turns" (which is 5 posts, you can only make one post per turn), but 3 training buildings can reduce it to just one turn.

    Advanced units take 4 turns (it takes 6 to reduce that to one turn)

    The ultimate unit takes a static 10 turns.

    All buildings except the special building (which requires 4 turns), walls (1 turn including gates), and towers on top of walls (3 turns including the wall itself) take 2 turns to build.

    You can only have one ultimate unit at a time.

    Base name: Sparta
    Age: Classical
    Special Building: The pit. If the words "THIS! IS! SPARTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Are in my turn while any units are near it (It's close to the main building), the units within the gap from the main building to it are knocked in unless it's flying or the Spartan. Those units unless it's the Longcat (which is tall enough to STILL be sticking out when it reaches the bottom), will die. If this happens, the Longcat option for the ultimate unit will become Tacgnol (identical to Longcat besides being black)
    Building projects: Walls with gate to the south.
    Units: 10 spartan Hoplites (you start with 10 basic melee units. Prehistoric is cavemen, Classical is Hoplites (spartan in my case), Modern is the melee infantry, futuristic is the shortcat.)

    Cavemen and melee infantry take on their Age of War appearance, hoplites... look up on Wikipedia. and Shortcat... well imagine a human height Longcat, which EVERYONE should know.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: The war of epicness


    Please join in

  3. #3
    Senior Member xxSharpfirexx's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    At my house.

    Re: The war of epicness

    I lost you at: "Your base starts..."
    Make it more simplier.
    Its my weakness! Sentences I dont understand!!!!!!

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