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    Moderator ffemt53's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Arcade PreHacks - Playing a game.

    Arcade Prehacks Glossary

    If you're new to the world of Arcade PreHacks Forum or just need a refresher, the words we use might be hard to understand. Here you can find the definition of the words we use the most.

    • APF - Arcade PreHacks Forum.

    • APH - Arcade PreHacks gaming site.

    • Bot - A bot is a fake user. In most cases they spam the forum with useless posts and advertisements. If you see a bot, or you think someone is bot, immediately PM a Staff Member. Include a link to the bot's profile. Do not reply to bots!

    • Browser Game - A browser game is a computer game that is played over the Internet using a web browser. We do not hack this type of games.

    • BUMP - Bring Up My Post. If you requested a game and the topic is on the 3rd or 4th page, you can bump to the topic by saying: "Bump". Because you posted, the game will go back to the first page so it's easier for a hacker to notice it. Bear in mind that you can only bump after no one said something in 24 hours. Bumping is only allowed in the Request Your Hacks section.

    • Decrypter - A program that can disable the encryption so the hacker can edit the source code of the game. We will not share decrypters and/or methods for hacking.

    • Encryption - An encryption is a security system game developers can add so other people cannot edit the source code of the game. Flash games are not really encrypted but obfuscated most of the time.

    • ESRB - Entertainment Software Rating Board is a self-regulatory organization that assigns age and content ratings for Canada and the United States.

    • Forum Rules - The most important thing here, on APF. The rules say what you can and what you cannot do here. Click here to go to the Forum Rules.

    • Infractions - What you will get for breaking any of the rules. For more information go to Infraction System and the Forum Rules the Rule Breakage section.

    • HTML - HyperText Markup Language is the standard markup language used to create web pages and games. We do not hack these types of games.

    • Locked - When someone breaks a rule in a topic, or the topic in not needed anymore, a staff member can lock it. This is to prevent other users from posting there.

    • MMO Game - A Massively Multiplayer Online game is a multiplayer video game which is capable of supporting large numbers of players simulataneously. By necessity, they are played on the Internet. We do not hack these types of games.

    • Online Game - An online game is a video game played over some form of computer network, using a personal computer or video game console. We do not hack this types of games.

    • PEGI - Pan European Game Information is a European video game content rating system

    • Premium Items - Are what the game developers add to the game to give you something more like special weapons and health. These are bought with real money. We do not hack games with Premium Items.

    • PMPrivate Message

    • Reputation - If you do something good, people can increase your reputation. If you do something bad, people can decrease your reputation. People with lots of reputation are usually helpful people, since they obtained it by doing something good. For more information on Reputation go to Setting and Profile Features

    • Request A Hack Rules - The second most important thing here, on APF. The rules say what you can and what you cannot request here. Click here to go to the Request A Hack Rules.

    • Sitelocked - This means the game can only be played on a certain amount of websites. Breaking a sitelock is illegal, so we don't do it here!

    • Staff MemberModerators, Super Moderators, Administrators

    • Tagged - When someone says: "Tagged", they mean they're going to try to hack it. If someone tags a game, you may not hack it. However, if the hacker cannot hack the game within 12 hours, someone else can try.

    • Untagged - (also known as Open for all): If a hacker cannot hack a game, he says: "Untagged". That means someone else can try.
    Last edited by ffemt53; 06-26-2014 at 03:19 PM. Reason: UPDATING

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