object(Error)#20 (7) { ["message":protected]=> string(39) "Undefined constant "onlinestatusphrase"" ["string":"Error":private]=> string(0) "" ["code":protected]=> int(0) ["file":protected]=> string(78) "/home/arcadepr/public_html/forum/includes/class_core.php(4809) : eval()'d code" ["line":protected]=> int(6) ["trace":"Error":private]=> array(6) { [0]=> array(3) { ["file"]=> string(56) "/home/arcadepr/public_html/forum/includes/class_core.php" ["line"]=> int(4809) ["function"]=> string(4) "eval" } [1]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(56) "/home/arcadepr/public_html/forum/includes/class_core.php" ["line"]=> int(4771) ["function"]=> string(13) "render_output" ["class"]=> string(11) "vB_Template" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(1) { [0]=> bool(false) } } [2]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(55) "/home/arcadepr/public_html/forum/includes/functions.php" ["line"]=> int(3687) ["function"]=> string(6) "render" ["class"]=> string(11) "vB_Template" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(0) { } } [3]=> array(4) { ["file"]=> string(59) "/home/arcadepr/public_html/forum/includes/class_postbit.php" ["line"]=> int(401) ["function"]=> string(31) "construct_memberaction_dropdown" ["args"]=> array(2) { [0]=> array(208) { ["postid"]=> string(6) "227415" ["threadid"]=> string(5) "25933" ["parentid"]=> string(1) "0" ["username"]=> string(9) "selectLOL" ["userid"]=> string(5) "25139" ["title"]=> string(25) "Rule for sitelocked games" ["dateline"]=> string(10) "1363903553" ["pagetext"]=> string(652) "If a game is sitelocked, you are not allowed to bump or post witout a link or any important information. Important information are: [LIST] [*]Details when the sitelock will be removed [*]Other site (must include a link!) [*]The game has premium items and can not be hacked [/LIST] Spam is: [LIST] [*]Bump witout link [*]Random stuff like "the game is great" [/LIST] This is to reduce spam. Everytime you post in a sitelocked game, you push it on the top page. This is unfair to other requests. Failure may result in warnings and infractions. So before posting, think: Is my post usefull and helps? If yes, feel free, otherwise not." ["allowsmilie"]=> string(1) "1" ["showsignature"]=> string(1) "1" ["ipaddress"]=> string(12) "" ["iconid"]=> string(1) "0" ["visible"]=> string(1) "1" ["attach"]=> string(1) "0" ["infraction"]=> string(1) "0" ["reportthreadid"]=> string(1) "0" ["htmlstate"]=> string(8) "on_nl2br" ["importthreadid"]=> string(1) "0" ["importpostid"]=> string(1) "0" ["postusername"]=> string(9) "selectLOL" ["ip"]=> string(13) "" ["isdeleted"]=> string(1) "0" ["usergroupid"]=> string(1) "6" ["membergroupids"]=> string(2) "20" ["displaygroupid"]=> string(1) "6" ["password"]=> string(32) "4f9d47e0957206890abce5d1c2654baa" ["passworddate"]=> string(10) "2012-03-20" ["email"]=> string(18) "pcfreak1993@gmx.de" ["styleid"]=> string(1) "0" ["parentemail"]=> string(0) "" ["homepage"]=> string(0) "" ["icq"]=> string(0) "" ["aim"]=> string(0) "" ["yahoo"]=> string(0) "" ["msn"]=> string(0) "" ["skype"]=> string(0) "" ["showvbcode"]=> string(1) "1" ["showbirthday"]=> string(1) "2" ["usertitle"]=> string(13) "Administrator" ["customtitle"]=> string(1) "0" ["joindate"]=> string(8) "May 2010" ["daysprune"]=> string(1) "0" ["lastvisit"]=> string(10) "1687243133" ["lastactivity"]=> string(10) "1688019345" ["lastpost"]=> string(10) "1607727983" ["lastpostid"]=> string(6) "264382" ["posts"]=> string(5) "3,290" ["reputation"]=> string(2) "35" ["reputationlevelid"]=> string(1) "5" ["timezoneoffset"]=> string(1) "0" ["pmpopup"]=> string(1) "0" ["avatarid"]=> string(1) "0" ["avatarrevision"]=> string(1) "1" ["profilepicrevision"]=> string(1) "0" ["sigpicrevision"]=> string(1) "0" ["options"]=> string(8) "26873687" ["birthday"]=> string(10) "09-03-1993" ["birthday_search"]=> string(10) "1993-09-03" ["maxposts"]=> string(2) "-1" ["startofweek"]=> string(1) "1" ["referrerid"]=> string(1) "0" ["languageid"]=> string(1) "0" ["emailstamp"]=> string(1) "0" ["threadedmode"]=> string(1) "0" ["autosubscribe"]=> string(1) "0" ["pmtotal"]=> string(3) "157" ["pmunread"]=> string(1) "0" ["salt"]=> string(3) "61O" ["ipoints"]=> string(1) "0" ["infractions"]=> string(1) "0" ["warnings"]=> string(1) "0" ["infractiongroupids"]=> string(0) "" ["infractiongroupid"]=> string(1) "0" ["adminoptions"]=> string(1) "0" ["profilevisits"]=> string(1) "0" ["friendcount"]=> string(1) "6" ["friendreqcount"]=> string(1) "0" ["vmunreadcount"]=> string(1) "0" ["vmmoderatedcount"]=> string(1) "0" ["socgroupinvitecount"]=> string(1) "0" ["socgroupreqcount"]=> string(1) "0" ["pcunreadcount"]=> string(1) "0" ["pcmoderatedcount"]=> string(1) "0" ["gmmoderatedcount"]=> string(1) "0" ["assetposthash"]=> string(0) "" ["fbuserid"]=> string(0) "" ["fbjoindate"]=> string(1) "0" ["fbname"]=> string(0) "" ["logintype"]=> string(2) "vb" ["fbaccesstoken"]=> string(0) "" ["importuserid"]=> string(5) "25358" ["newrepcount"]=> string(1) "0" ["vbseo_likes_in"]=> string(2) "52" ["vbseo_likes_out"]=> string(1) "1" ["vbseo_likes_unread"]=> string(1) "0" ["dbtech_vbshout_banned"]=> string(1) "0" ["dbtech_vbshout_settings"]=> string(4) "8191" ["dbtech_vbshout_shouts"]=> string(2) "21" ["dbtech_vbshout_shoutstyle"]=> string(130) "a:1:{i:1;a:5:{s:4:"bold";s:0:"";s:6:"italic";s:0:"";s:9:"underline";s:0:"";s:5:"color";s:0:"";s:4:"font";s:15:"Times New Roman";}}" ["dbtech_vbshout_silenced"]=> string(1) "0" ["dbtech_vbshout_shoutarea"]=> string(7) "default" ["dbtech_vbshout_pm"]=> string(10) "1383474714" ["dbtech_vbshout_soundsettings"]=> NULL ["dbtech_vbshout_shoutboxsize"]=> string(1) "0" ["dbtech_vbshout_shoutboxsize_detached"]=> string(1) "0" ["dbtech_vbshout_displayorder"]=> NULL ["dbtech_vbshout_shouts_lifetime"]=> string(2) "21" ["temp"]=> NULL ["field1"]=> string(1322) "Obsulete, because of spam, PM disabled. If you have problems, open a topic in Bugs. DO NOT: * ASK FOR STAFF, this means moderator or admin. We will not take you and it will decrase your chances to 0% for forever. * Send me a request, there is a forum for it, will not be answered * Ask how to hack, will be ignored * Ask for help in hacking, will also be ignored * Ask personal stuff, i want to stay private * Ask how to protect games, we are hackers, its not that what we want * Ask for a private hack, i will not do that If you offer money for anything mentioned above or anything else, its bribary and you are banned (will be permanent and not be undone)! If you have any problems in the forum, please send me a detailed report, not just "help, it wont work". It makes the work easier and the problem solved faster. Good english is always welcome! Please do not send me friend requests. I dont know you and i'm not a person which likes that. This is not facebook. Doing that i will ignore it. For suggestions use the suggestion forum please. Its better for everyone to discuss the idea. By sending a PM you agree to everything mentioned above. If you do not agree then do not send me a PM, very simple. If you do not follow it, i might set you on my block list without letting you know." ["field2"]=> string(0) "" ["field3"]=> string(0) "" ["field4"]=> string(0) "" ["subfolders"]=> NULL ["pmfolders"]=> string(90) "a:2:{i:1;s:32:"Imported Saved Received Messages";i:2;s:28:"Imported Saved Sent Messages";}" ["buddylist"]=> string(41) "13871 20801 22094 30405 36003 53100 91038" ["ignorelist"]=> string(47) "38604 39339 39551 40016 41691 41748 41875 45250" ["signature"]=> string(295) "My website: http://selectlol.com/
My second game: Play it now

Its easier to find intelligent life in the universum than in the internet." ["searchprefs"]=> NULL ["rank"]=> NULL ["avatarpath"]=> NULL ["hascustomavatar"]=> string(1) "1" ["avatardateline"]=> string(4) "2012" ["avwidth"]=> string(11) "width="100"" ["avheight"]=> string(12) "height="100"" ["edit_userid"]=> NULL ["edit_username"]=> NULL ["edit_dateline"]=> NULL ["edit_reason"]=> NULL ["hashistory"]=> NULL ["pagetext_html"]=> NULL ["hasimages"]=> NULL ["signatureparsed"]=> string(295) "My website: http://selectlol.com/
My second game: Play it now

Its easier to find intelligent life in the universum than in the internet." ["sighasimages"]=> string(1) "0" ["sigpic"]=> NULL ["sigpicdateline"]=> NULL ["sigpicwidth"]=> NULL ["sigpicheight"]=> NULL ["postcount"]=> int(1) ["islastshown"]=> bool(true) ["isfirstshown"]=> bool(true) ["attachments"]=> &NULL ["allattachments"]=> NULL ["showsignatures"]=> int(1) ["showavatars"]=> int(1) ["showimages"]=> int(1) ["coppauser"]=> int(0) ["adminemail"]=> int(1) ["showvcard"]=> int(0) ["dstauto"]=> int(1) ["dstonoff"]=> int(0) ["showemail"]=> int(1) ["invisible"]=> int(1) ["showreputation"]=> int(1) ["receivepm"]=> int(1) ["emailonpm"]=> int(0) ["hasaccessmask"]=> int(0) ["vbasset_enable"]=> int(0) ["postorder"]=> int(0) ["receivepmbuddies"]=> int(1) ["noactivationmails"]=> int(0) ["pmboxwarning"]=> int(1) ["showusercss"]=> int(1) ["receivefriendemailrequest"]=> int(0) ["vm_enable"]=> int(1) ["vm_contactonly"]=> int(1) ["pmdefaultsavecopy"]=> int(0) ["adminavatar"]=> int(0) ["adminprofilepic"]=> int(0) ["checkbox_value"]=> int(0) ["statusicon"]=> string(3) "old" ["statustitle"]=> string(3) "Old" ["firstnewinsert"]=> string(0) "" ["postdate"]=> string(10) "03-21-2013" ["posttime"]=> string(8) "10:05 PM" ["historyurl"]=> string(63) "posthistory.php?s=ad1f656b23d6cd6a925cc2ee3f96eeff&p=227415" ["iplogged"]=> string(0) "" ["musername"]=> string(9) "selectLOL" ["displaygrouptitle"]=> string(14) "Administrators" ["displayusertitle"]=> string(13) "Administrator" ["buddymark"]=> string(0) "" ["invisiblemark"]=> string(0) "" ["online"]=> string(7) "offline" ["onlinestatusphrase"]=> string(12) "x_is_offline" ["onlinestatus"]=> string(133) "selectLOL is offline " ["online_status_code"]=> int(0) ["permissions"]=> array(50) { ["usergroupid"]=> int(6) ["title"]=> string(14) "Administrators" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["usertitle"]=> string(13) "Administrator" ["passwordexpires"]=> int(0) ["passwordhistory"]=> int(360) ["pmquota"]=> int(200) ["pmsendmax"]=> int(5) ["opentag"]=> string(0) "" ["closetag"]=> string(0) "" ["canoverride"]=> int(0) ["ispublicgroup"]=> int(0) ["forumpermissions"]=> int(134217727) ["pmpermissions"]=> int(7) ["calendarpermissions"]=> int(63) ["wolpermissions"]=> int(31) ["adminpermissions"]=> int(3) ["genericpermissions"]=> int(2147483647) ["genericpermissions2"]=> int(7) ["genericoptions"]=> int(63) ["signaturepermissions"]=> int(235519) ["visitormessagepermissions"]=> int(63) ["attachlimit"]=> int(0) ["avatarmaxwidth"]=> int(80) ["avatarmaxheight"]=> int(80) ["avatarmaxsize"]=> int(20000) ["profilepicmaxwidth"]=> int(100) ["profilepicmaxheight"]=> int(100) ["profilepicmaxsize"]=> int(65535) ["sigpicmaxwidth"]=> int(600) ["sigpicmaxheight"]=> int(50) ["sigpicmaxsize"]=> int(90000) ["sigmaximages"]=> int(4) ["sigmaxvideos"]=> int(0) ["sigmaxsizebbcode"]=> int(7) ["sigmaxchars"]=> int(500) ["sigmaxrawchars"]=> int(1000) ["sigmaxlines"]=> int(0) ["usercsspermissions"]=> int(191) ["albumpermissions"]=> int(255) ["albumpicmaxwidth"]=> int(600) ["albumpicmaxheight"]=> int(600) ["albummaxpics"]=> int(100) ["albummaxsize"]=> int(0) ["socialgrouppermissions"]=> int(262143) ["pmthrottlequantity"]=> int(0) ["groupiconmaxsize"]=> int(65535) ["maximumsocialgroups"]=> int(5) ["importusergroupid"]=> int(0) ["dbtech_vbshoutpermissions"]=> int(2) } ["avatarurl"]=> string(31) "customavatars/avatar25139_1.gif" ["reputationdisplay"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(4) { ["rowend"]=> string(0) "" ["imgext"]=> string(4) ".png" ["class"]=> string(6) "repimg" ["posneg"]=> string(3) "pos" } } ["level"]=> string(26) "is on a distinguished road" ["postsperday"]=> string(4) "0.63" ["joindateline"]=> string(10) "1274270040" ["icqicon"]=> string(0) "" ["aimicon"]=> string(0) "" ["yahooicon"]=> string(0) "" ["msnicon"]=> string(0) "" ["skypeicon"]=> string(0) "" ["showicq"]=> bool(false) ["showaim"]=> bool(false) ["showyahoo"]=> bool(false) ["showmsn"]=> bool(false) ["showskype"]=> bool(false) ["message"]=> string(775) "If a game is sitelocked, you are not allowed to bump or post witout a link or any important information. Important information are:

Spam is:

This is to reduce spam. Everytime you post in a sitelocked game, you push it on the top page. This is unfair to other requests.

Failure may result in warnings and infractions.

So before posting, think: Is my post usefull and helps? If yes, feel free, otherwise not." ["scrolltothis"]=> string(0) "" ["editlink"]=> string(0) "" ["replylink"]=> string(0) "" ["forwardlink"]=> string(0) "" ["reportlink"]=> string(58) "report.php?s=ad1f656b23d6cd6a925cc2ee3f96eeff&p=227415" ["linkbacksno"]=> int(0) } [1]=> array(0) { } } } [4]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(47) "/home/arcadepr/public_html/forum/showthread.php" ["line"]=> int(1096) ["function"]=> string(17) "construct_postbit" ["class"]=> string(10) "vB_Postbit" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(208) { ["postid"]=> string(6) "227415" ["threadid"]=> string(5) "25933" ["parentid"]=> string(1) "0" ["username"]=> string(9) "selectLOL" ["userid"]=> string(5) "25139" ["title"]=> string(25) "Rule for sitelocked games" ["dateline"]=> string(10) "1363903553" ["pagetext"]=> string(652) "If a game is sitelocked, you are not allowed to bump or post witout a link or any important information. Important information are: [LIST] [*]Details when the sitelock will be removed [*]Other site (must include a link!) [*]The game has premium items and can not be hacked [/LIST] Spam is: [LIST] [*]Bump witout link [*]Random stuff like "the game is great" [/LIST] This is to reduce spam. Everytime you post in a sitelocked game, you push it on the top page. This is unfair to other requests. Failure may result in warnings and infractions. So before posting, think: Is my post usefull and helps? If yes, feel free, otherwise not." ["allowsmilie"]=> string(1) "1" ["showsignature"]=> string(1) "1" ["ipaddress"]=> string(12) "" ["iconid"]=> string(1) "0" ["visible"]=> string(1) "1" ["attach"]=> string(1) "0" ["infraction"]=> string(1) "0" ["reportthreadid"]=> string(1) "0" ["htmlstate"]=> string(8) "on_nl2br" ["importthreadid"]=> string(1) "0" ["importpostid"]=> string(1) "0" ["postusername"]=> string(9) "selectLOL" ["ip"]=> string(13) "" ["isdeleted"]=> string(1) "0" ["usergroupid"]=> string(1) "6" ["membergroupids"]=> string(2) "20" ["displaygroupid"]=> string(1) "6" ["password"]=> string(32) "4f9d47e0957206890abce5d1c2654baa" ["passworddate"]=> string(10) "2012-03-20" ["email"]=> string(18) "pcfreak1993@gmx.de" ["styleid"]=> string(1) "0" ["parentemail"]=> string(0) "" ["homepage"]=> string(0) "" ["icq"]=> string(0) "" ["aim"]=> string(0) "" ["yahoo"]=> string(0) "" ["msn"]=> string(0) "" ["skype"]=> string(0) "" ["showvbcode"]=> string(1) "1" ["showbirthday"]=> string(1) "2" ["usertitle"]=> string(13) "Administrator" ["customtitle"]=> string(1) "0" ["joindate"]=> string(8) "May 2010" ["daysprune"]=> string(1) "0" ["lastvisit"]=> string(10) "1687243133" ["lastactivity"]=> string(10) "1688019345" ["lastpost"]=> string(10) "1607727983" ["lastpostid"]=> string(6) "264382" ["posts"]=> string(5) "3,290" ["reputation"]=> string(2) "35" ["reputationlevelid"]=> string(1) "5" ["timezoneoffset"]=> string(1) "0" ["pmpopup"]=> string(1) "0" ["avatarid"]=> string(1) "0" ["avatarrevision"]=> string(1) "1" ["profilepicrevision"]=> string(1) "0" ["sigpicrevision"]=> string(1) "0" ["options"]=> string(8) "26873687" ["birthday"]=> string(10) "09-03-1993" ["birthday_search"]=> string(10) "1993-09-03" ["maxposts"]=> string(2) "-1" ["startofweek"]=> string(1) "1" ["referrerid"]=> string(1) "0" ["languageid"]=> string(1) "0" ["emailstamp"]=> string(1) "0" ["threadedmode"]=> string(1) "0" ["autosubscribe"]=> string(1) "0" ["pmtotal"]=> string(3) "157" ["pmunread"]=> string(1) "0" ["salt"]=> string(3) "61O" ["ipoints"]=> string(1) "0" ["infractions"]=> string(1) "0" ["warnings"]=> string(1) "0" ["infractiongroupids"]=> string(0) "" ["infractiongroupid"]=> string(1) "0" ["adminoptions"]=> string(1) "0" ["profilevisits"]=> string(1) "0" ["friendcount"]=> string(1) "6" ["friendreqcount"]=> string(1) "0" ["vmunreadcount"]=> string(1) "0" ["vmmoderatedcount"]=> string(1) "0" ["socgroupinvitecount"]=> string(1) "0" ["socgroupreqcount"]=> string(1) "0" ["pcunreadcount"]=> string(1) "0" ["pcmoderatedcount"]=> string(1) "0" ["gmmoderatedcount"]=> string(1) "0" ["assetposthash"]=> string(0) "" ["fbuserid"]=> string(0) "" ["fbjoindate"]=> string(1) "0" ["fbname"]=> string(0) "" ["logintype"]=> string(2) "vb" ["fbaccesstoken"]=> string(0) "" ["importuserid"]=> string(5) "25358" ["newrepcount"]=> string(1) "0" ["vbseo_likes_in"]=> string(2) "52" ["vbseo_likes_out"]=> string(1) "1" ["vbseo_likes_unread"]=> string(1) "0" ["dbtech_vbshout_banned"]=> string(1) "0" ["dbtech_vbshout_settings"]=> string(4) "8191" ["dbtech_vbshout_shouts"]=> string(2) "21" ["dbtech_vbshout_shoutstyle"]=> string(130) "a:1:{i:1;a:5:{s:4:"bold";s:0:"";s:6:"italic";s:0:"";s:9:"underline";s:0:"";s:5:"color";s:0:"";s:4:"font";s:15:"Times New Roman";}}" ["dbtech_vbshout_silenced"]=> string(1) "0" ["dbtech_vbshout_shoutarea"]=> string(7) "default" ["dbtech_vbshout_pm"]=> string(10) "1383474714" ["dbtech_vbshout_soundsettings"]=> NULL ["dbtech_vbshout_shoutboxsize"]=> string(1) "0" ["dbtech_vbshout_shoutboxsize_detached"]=> string(1) "0" ["dbtech_vbshout_displayorder"]=> NULL ["dbtech_vbshout_shouts_lifetime"]=> string(2) "21" ["temp"]=> NULL ["field1"]=> string(1322) "Obsulete, because of spam, PM disabled. If you have problems, open a topic in Bugs. DO NOT: * ASK FOR STAFF, this means moderator or admin. We will not take you and it will decrase your chances to 0% for forever. * Send me a request, there is a forum for it, will not be answered * Ask how to hack, will be ignored * Ask for help in hacking, will also be ignored * Ask personal stuff, i want to stay private * Ask how to protect games, we are hackers, its not that what we want * Ask for a private hack, i will not do that If you offer money for anything mentioned above or anything else, its bribary and you are banned (will be permanent and not be undone)! If you have any problems in the forum, please send me a detailed report, not just "help, it wont work". It makes the work easier and the problem solved faster. Good english is always welcome! Please do not send me friend requests. I dont know you and i'm not a person which likes that. This is not facebook. Doing that i will ignore it. For suggestions use the suggestion forum please. Its better for everyone to discuss the idea. By sending a PM you agree to everything mentioned above. If you do not agree then do not send me a PM, very simple. If you do not follow it, i might set you on my block list without letting you know." ["field2"]=> string(0) "" ["field3"]=> string(0) "" ["field4"]=> string(0) "" ["subfolders"]=> NULL ["pmfolders"]=> string(90) "a:2:{i:1;s:32:"Imported Saved Received Messages";i:2;s:28:"Imported Saved Sent Messages";}" ["buddylist"]=> string(41) "13871 20801 22094 30405 36003 53100 91038" ["ignorelist"]=> string(47) "38604 39339 39551 40016 41691 41748 41875 45250" ["signature"]=> string(295) "My website: http://selectlol.com/
My second game: Play it now

Its easier to find intelligent life in the universum than in the internet." ["searchprefs"]=> NULL ["rank"]=> NULL ["avatarpath"]=> NULL ["hascustomavatar"]=> string(1) "1" ["avatardateline"]=> string(4) "2012" ["avwidth"]=> string(11) "width="100"" ["avheight"]=> string(12) "height="100"" ["edit_userid"]=> NULL ["edit_username"]=> NULL ["edit_dateline"]=> NULL ["edit_reason"]=> NULL ["hashistory"]=> NULL ["pagetext_html"]=> NULL ["hasimages"]=> NULL ["signatureparsed"]=> string(295) "My website: http://selectlol.com/
My second game: Play it now

Its easier to find intelligent life in the universum than in the internet." ["sighasimages"]=> string(1) "0" ["sigpic"]=> NULL ["sigpicdateline"]=> NULL ["sigpicwidth"]=> NULL ["sigpicheight"]=> NULL ["postcount"]=> int(1) ["islastshown"]=> bool(true) ["isfirstshown"]=> bool(true) ["attachments"]=> &NULL ["allattachments"]=> NULL ["showsignatures"]=> int(1) ["showavatars"]=> int(1) ["showimages"]=> int(1) ["coppauser"]=> int(0) ["adminemail"]=> int(1) ["showvcard"]=> int(0) ["dstauto"]=> int(1) ["dstonoff"]=> int(0) ["showemail"]=> int(1) ["invisible"]=> int(1) ["showreputation"]=> int(1) ["receivepm"]=> int(1) ["emailonpm"]=> int(0) ["hasaccessmask"]=> int(0) ["vbasset_enable"]=> int(0) ["postorder"]=> int(0) ["receivepmbuddies"]=> int(1) ["noactivationmails"]=> int(0) ["pmboxwarning"]=> int(1) ["showusercss"]=> int(1) ["receivefriendemailrequest"]=> int(0) ["vm_enable"]=> int(1) ["vm_contactonly"]=> int(1) ["pmdefaultsavecopy"]=> int(0) ["adminavatar"]=> int(0) ["adminprofilepic"]=> int(0) ["checkbox_value"]=> int(0) ["statusicon"]=> string(3) "old" ["statustitle"]=> string(3) "Old" ["firstnewinsert"]=> string(0) "" ["postdate"]=> string(10) "03-21-2013" ["posttime"]=> string(8) "10:05 PM" ["historyurl"]=> string(63) "posthistory.php?s=ad1f656b23d6cd6a925cc2ee3f96eeff&p=227415" ["iplogged"]=> string(0) "" ["musername"]=> string(9) "selectLOL" ["displaygrouptitle"]=> string(14) "Administrators" ["displayusertitle"]=> string(13) "Administrator" ["buddymark"]=> string(0) "" ["invisiblemark"]=> string(0) "" ["online"]=> string(7) "offline" ["onlinestatusphrase"]=> string(12) "x_is_offline" ["onlinestatus"]=> string(133) "selectLOL is offline " ["online_status_code"]=> int(0) ["permissions"]=> array(50) { ["usergroupid"]=> int(6) ["title"]=> string(14) "Administrators" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["usertitle"]=> string(13) "Administrator" ["passwordexpires"]=> int(0) ["passwordhistory"]=> int(360) ["pmquota"]=> int(200) ["pmsendmax"]=> int(5) ["opentag"]=> string(0) "" ["closetag"]=> string(0) "" ["canoverride"]=> int(0) ["ispublicgroup"]=> int(0) ["forumpermissions"]=> int(134217727) ["pmpermissions"]=> int(7) ["calendarpermissions"]=> int(63) ["wolpermissions"]=> int(31) ["adminpermissions"]=> int(3) ["genericpermissions"]=> int(2147483647) ["genericpermissions2"]=> int(7) ["genericoptions"]=> int(63) ["signaturepermissions"]=> int(235519) ["visitormessagepermissions"]=> int(63) ["attachlimit"]=> int(0) ["avatarmaxwidth"]=> int(80) ["avatarmaxheight"]=> int(80) ["avatarmaxsize"]=> int(20000) ["profilepicmaxwidth"]=> int(100) ["profilepicmaxheight"]=> int(100) ["profilepicmaxsize"]=> int(65535) ["sigpicmaxwidth"]=> int(600) ["sigpicmaxheight"]=> int(50) ["sigpicmaxsize"]=> int(90000) ["sigmaximages"]=> int(4) ["sigmaxvideos"]=> int(0) ["sigmaxsizebbcode"]=> int(7) ["sigmaxchars"]=> int(500) ["sigmaxrawchars"]=> int(1000) ["sigmaxlines"]=> int(0) ["usercsspermissions"]=> int(191) ["albumpermissions"]=> int(255) ["albumpicmaxwidth"]=> int(600) ["albumpicmaxheight"]=> int(600) ["albummaxpics"]=> int(100) ["albummaxsize"]=> int(0) ["socialgrouppermissions"]=> int(262143) ["pmthrottlequantity"]=> int(0) ["groupiconmaxsize"]=> int(65535) ["maximumsocialgroups"]=> int(5) ["importusergroupid"]=> int(0) ["dbtech_vbshoutpermissions"]=> int(2) } ["avatarurl"]=> string(31) "customavatars/avatar25139_1.gif" ["reputationdisplay"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(4) { ["rowend"]=> string(0) "" ["imgext"]=> string(4) ".png" ["class"]=> string(6) "repimg" ["posneg"]=> string(3) "pos" } } ["level"]=> string(26) "is on a distinguished road" ["postsperday"]=> string(4) "0.63" ["joindateline"]=> string(10) "1274270040" ["icqicon"]=> string(0) "" ["aimicon"]=> string(0) "" ["yahooicon"]=> string(0) "" ["msnicon"]=> string(0) "" ["skypeicon"]=> string(0) "" ["showicq"]=> bool(false) ["showaim"]=> bool(false) ["showyahoo"]=> bool(false) ["showmsn"]=> bool(false) ["showskype"]=> bool(false) ["message"]=> string(775) "If a game is sitelocked, you are not allowed to bump or post witout a link or any important information. Important information are:

Spam is:

This is to reduce spam. Everytime you post in a sitelocked game, you push it on the top page. This is unfair to other requests.

Failure may result in warnings and infractions.

So before posting, think: Is my post usefull and helps? If yes, feel free, otherwise not." ["scrolltothis"]=> string(0) "" ["editlink"]=> string(0) "" ["replylink"]=> string(0) "" ["forwardlink"]=> string(0) "" ["reportlink"]=> string(58) "report.php?s=ad1f656b23d6cd6a925cc2ee3f96eeff&p=227415" ["linkbacksno"]=> int(0) } } } [5]=> array(4) { ["file"]=> string(42) "/home/arcadepr/public_html/forum/vbseo.php" ["line"]=> int(1271) ["args"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(47) "/home/arcadepr/public_html/forum/showthread.php" } ["function"]=> string(7) "require" } } ["previous":"Error":private]=> NULL } object(Error)#20 (7) { ["message":protected]=> string(39) "Undefined constant "onlinestatusphrase"" ["string":"Error":private]=> string(0) "" ["code":protected]=> int(0) ["file":protected]=> string(78) "/home/arcadepr/public_html/forum/includes/class_core.php(4809) : eval()'d code" ["line":protected]=> int(85) ["trace":"Error":private]=> array(5) { [0]=> array(3) { ["file"]=> string(56) "/home/arcadepr/public_html/forum/includes/class_core.php" ["line"]=> int(4809) ["function"]=> string(4) "eval" } [1]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(56) "/home/arcadepr/public_html/forum/includes/class_core.php" ["line"]=> int(4771) ["function"]=> string(13) "render_output" ["class"]=> string(11) "vB_Template" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(1) { [0]=> bool(false) } } [2]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(59) "/home/arcadepr/public_html/forum/includes/class_postbit.php" ["line"]=> int(432) ["function"]=> string(6) "render" ["class"]=> string(11) "vB_Template" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(0) { } } [3]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(47) "/home/arcadepr/public_html/forum/showthread.php" ["line"]=> int(1096) ["function"]=> string(17) "construct_postbit" ["class"]=> string(10) "vB_Postbit" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(208) { ["postid"]=> &string(6) "227415" ["threadid"]=> string(5) "25933" ["parentid"]=> string(1) "0" ["username"]=> string(9) "selectLOL" ["userid"]=> string(5) "25139" ["title"]=> string(25) "Rule for sitelocked games" ["dateline"]=> string(10) "1363903553" ["pagetext"]=> string(652) "If a game is sitelocked, you are not allowed to bump or post witout a link or any important information. Important information are: [LIST] [*]Details when the sitelock will be removed [*]Other site (must include a link!) [*]The game has premium items and can not be hacked [/LIST] Spam is: [LIST] [*]Bump witout link [*]Random stuff like "the game is great" [/LIST] This is to reduce spam. Everytime you post in a sitelocked game, you push it on the top page. This is unfair to other requests. Failure may result in warnings and infractions. So before posting, think: Is my post usefull and helps? If yes, feel free, otherwise not." ["allowsmilie"]=> string(1) "1" ["showsignature"]=> string(1) "1" ["ipaddress"]=> string(12) "" ["iconid"]=> string(1) "0" ["visible"]=> string(1) "1" ["attach"]=> string(1) "0" ["infraction"]=> string(1) "0" ["reportthreadid"]=> string(1) "0" ["htmlstate"]=> string(8) "on_nl2br" ["importthreadid"]=> string(1) "0" ["importpostid"]=> string(1) "0" ["postusername"]=> string(9) "selectLOL" ["ip"]=> string(13) "" ["isdeleted"]=> string(1) "0" ["usergroupid"]=> string(1) "6" ["membergroupids"]=> string(2) "20" ["displaygroupid"]=> string(1) "6" ["password"]=> string(32) "4f9d47e0957206890abce5d1c2654baa" ["passworddate"]=> string(10) "2012-03-20" ["email"]=> string(18) "pcfreak1993@gmx.de" ["styleid"]=> string(1) "0" ["parentemail"]=> string(0) "" ["homepage"]=> string(0) "" ["icq"]=> string(0) "" ["aim"]=> string(0) "" ["yahoo"]=> string(0) "" ["msn"]=> string(0) "" ["skype"]=> string(0) "" ["showvbcode"]=> string(1) "1" ["showbirthday"]=> string(1) "2" ["usertitle"]=> string(13) "Administrator" ["customtitle"]=> string(1) "0" ["joindate"]=> string(8) "May 2010" ["daysprune"]=> string(1) "0" ["lastvisit"]=> string(10) "1687243133" ["lastactivity"]=> string(10) "1688019345" ["lastpost"]=> string(10) "1607727983" ["lastpostid"]=> string(6) "264382" ["posts"]=> string(5) "3,290" ["reputation"]=> string(2) "35" ["reputationlevelid"]=> string(1) "5" ["timezoneoffset"]=> string(1) "0" ["pmpopup"]=> string(1) "0" ["avatarid"]=> string(1) "0" ["avatarrevision"]=> string(1) "1" ["profilepicrevision"]=> string(1) "0" ["sigpicrevision"]=> string(1) "0" ["options"]=> string(8) "26873687" ["birthday"]=> string(10) "09-03-1993" ["birthday_search"]=> string(10) "1993-09-03" ["maxposts"]=> string(2) "-1" ["startofweek"]=> string(1) "1" ["referrerid"]=> string(1) "0" ["languageid"]=> string(1) "0" ["emailstamp"]=> string(1) "0" ["threadedmode"]=> string(1) "0" ["autosubscribe"]=> string(1) "0" ["pmtotal"]=> string(3) "157" ["pmunread"]=> string(1) "0" ["salt"]=> string(3) "61O" ["ipoints"]=> string(1) "0" ["infractions"]=> string(1) "0" ["warnings"]=> string(1) "0" ["infractiongroupids"]=> string(0) "" ["infractiongroupid"]=> string(1) "0" ["adminoptions"]=> string(1) "0" ["profilevisits"]=> string(1) "0" ["friendcount"]=> string(1) "6" ["friendreqcount"]=> string(1) "0" ["vmunreadcount"]=> string(1) "0" ["vmmoderatedcount"]=> string(1) "0" ["socgroupinvitecount"]=> string(1) "0" ["socgroupreqcount"]=> string(1) "0" ["pcunreadcount"]=> string(1) "0" ["pcmoderatedcount"]=> string(1) "0" ["gmmoderatedcount"]=> string(1) "0" ["assetposthash"]=> string(0) "" ["fbuserid"]=> string(0) "" ["fbjoindate"]=> string(1) "0" ["fbname"]=> string(0) "" ["logintype"]=> string(2) "vb" ["fbaccesstoken"]=> string(0) "" ["importuserid"]=> string(5) "25358" ["newrepcount"]=> string(1) "0" ["vbseo_likes_in"]=> string(2) "52" ["vbseo_likes_out"]=> string(1) "1" ["vbseo_likes_unread"]=> string(1) "0" ["dbtech_vbshout_banned"]=> string(1) "0" ["dbtech_vbshout_settings"]=> string(4) "8191" ["dbtech_vbshout_shouts"]=> string(2) "21" ["dbtech_vbshout_shoutstyle"]=> string(130) "a:1:{i:1;a:5:{s:4:"bold";s:0:"";s:6:"italic";s:0:"";s:9:"underline";s:0:"";s:5:"color";s:0:"";s:4:"font";s:15:"Times New Roman";}}" ["dbtech_vbshout_silenced"]=> string(1) "0" ["dbtech_vbshout_shoutarea"]=> string(7) "default" ["dbtech_vbshout_pm"]=> string(10) "1383474714" ["dbtech_vbshout_soundsettings"]=> NULL ["dbtech_vbshout_shoutboxsize"]=> string(1) "0" ["dbtech_vbshout_shoutboxsize_detached"]=> string(1) "0" ["dbtech_vbshout_displayorder"]=> NULL ["dbtech_vbshout_shouts_lifetime"]=> string(2) "21" ["temp"]=> NULL ["field1"]=> string(1322) "Obsulete, because of spam, PM disabled. If you have problems, open a topic in Bugs. DO NOT: * ASK FOR STAFF, this means moderator or admin. We will not take you and it will decrase your chances to 0% for forever. * Send me a request, there is a forum for it, will not be answered * Ask how to hack, will be ignored * Ask for help in hacking, will also be ignored * Ask personal stuff, i want to stay private * Ask how to protect games, we are hackers, its not that what we want * Ask for a private hack, i will not do that If you offer money for anything mentioned above or anything else, its bribary and you are banned (will be permanent and not be undone)! If you have any problems in the forum, please send me a detailed report, not just "help, it wont work". It makes the work easier and the problem solved faster. Good english is always welcome! Please do not send me friend requests. I dont know you and i'm not a person which likes that. This is not facebook. Doing that i will ignore it. For suggestions use the suggestion forum please. Its better for everyone to discuss the idea. By sending a PM you agree to everything mentioned above. If you do not agree then do not send me a PM, very simple. If you do not follow it, i might set you on my block list without letting you know." ["field2"]=> string(0) "" ["field3"]=> string(0) "" ["field4"]=> string(0) "" ["subfolders"]=> NULL ["pmfolders"]=> string(90) "a:2:{i:1;s:32:"Imported Saved Received Messages";i:2;s:28:"Imported Saved Sent Messages";}" ["buddylist"]=> string(41) "13871 20801 22094 30405 36003 53100 91038" ["ignorelist"]=> string(47) "38604 39339 39551 40016 41691 41748 41875 45250" ["signature"]=> string(295) "My website: http://selectlol.com/
My second game: Play it now

Its easier to find intelligent life in the universum than in the internet." ["searchprefs"]=> NULL ["rank"]=> NULL ["avatarpath"]=> NULL ["hascustomavatar"]=> string(1) "1" ["avatardateline"]=> string(4) "2012" ["avwidth"]=> string(11) "width="100"" ["avheight"]=> string(12) "height="100"" ["edit_userid"]=> NULL ["edit_username"]=> NULL ["edit_dateline"]=> NULL ["edit_reason"]=> NULL ["hashistory"]=> NULL ["pagetext_html"]=> NULL ["hasimages"]=> NULL ["signatureparsed"]=> string(295) "My website: http://selectlol.com/
My second game: Play it now

Its easier to find intelligent life in the universum than in the internet." ["sighasimages"]=> string(1) "0" ["sigpic"]=> NULL ["sigpicdateline"]=> NULL ["sigpicwidth"]=> NULL ["sigpicheight"]=> NULL ["postcount"]=> int(1) ["islastshown"]=> bool(true) ["isfirstshown"]=> bool(true) ["attachments"]=> &NULL ["allattachments"]=> NULL ["showsignatures"]=> int(1) ["showavatars"]=> int(1) ["showimages"]=> int(1) ["coppauser"]=> int(0) ["adminemail"]=> int(1) ["showvcard"]=> int(0) ["dstauto"]=> int(1) ["dstonoff"]=> int(0) ["showemail"]=> int(1) ["invisible"]=> int(1) ["showreputation"]=> int(1) ["receivepm"]=> int(1) ["emailonpm"]=> int(0) ["hasaccessmask"]=> int(0) ["vbasset_enable"]=> int(0) ["postorder"]=> int(0) ["receivepmbuddies"]=> int(1) ["noactivationmails"]=> int(0) ["pmboxwarning"]=> int(1) ["showusercss"]=> int(1) ["receivefriendemailrequest"]=> int(0) ["vm_enable"]=> int(1) ["vm_contactonly"]=> int(1) ["pmdefaultsavecopy"]=> int(0) ["adminavatar"]=> int(0) ["adminprofilepic"]=> int(0) ["checkbox_value"]=> int(0) ["statusicon"]=> string(3) "old" ["statustitle"]=> string(3) "Old" ["firstnewinsert"]=> string(0) "" ["postdate"]=> string(10) "03-21-2013" ["posttime"]=> string(8) "10:05 PM" ["historyurl"]=> string(63) "posthistory.php?s=ad1f656b23d6cd6a925cc2ee3f96eeff&p=227415" ["iplogged"]=> string(0) "" ["musername"]=> string(9) "selectLOL" ["displaygrouptitle"]=> string(14) "Administrators" ["displayusertitle"]=> string(13) "Administrator" ["buddymark"]=> string(0) "" ["invisiblemark"]=> string(0) "" ["online"]=> string(7) "offline" ["onlinestatusphrase"]=> string(12) "x_is_offline" ["onlinestatus"]=> string(133) "selectLOL is offline " ["online_status_code"]=> int(0) ["permissions"]=> array(50) { ["usergroupid"]=> int(6) ["title"]=> string(14) "Administrators" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["usertitle"]=> string(13) "Administrator" ["passwordexpires"]=> int(0) ["passwordhistory"]=> int(360) ["pmquota"]=> int(200) ["pmsendmax"]=> int(5) ["opentag"]=> string(0) "" ["closetag"]=> string(0) "" ["canoverride"]=> int(0) ["ispublicgroup"]=> int(0) ["forumpermissions"]=> int(134217727) ["pmpermissions"]=> int(7) ["calendarpermissions"]=> int(63) ["wolpermissions"]=> int(31) ["adminpermissions"]=> int(3) ["genericpermissions"]=> int(2147483647) ["genericpermissions2"]=> int(7) ["genericoptions"]=> int(63) ["signaturepermissions"]=> int(235519) ["visitormessagepermissions"]=> int(63) ["attachlimit"]=> int(0) ["avatarmaxwidth"]=> int(80) ["avatarmaxheight"]=> int(80) ["avatarmaxsize"]=> int(20000) ["profilepicmaxwidth"]=> int(100) ["profilepicmaxheight"]=> int(100) ["profilepicmaxsize"]=> int(65535) ["sigpicmaxwidth"]=> int(600) ["sigpicmaxheight"]=> int(50) ["sigpicmaxsize"]=> int(90000) ["sigmaximages"]=> int(4) ["sigmaxvideos"]=> int(0) ["sigmaxsizebbcode"]=> int(7) ["sigmaxchars"]=> int(500) ["sigmaxrawchars"]=> int(1000) ["sigmaxlines"]=> int(0) ["usercsspermissions"]=> int(191) ["albumpermissions"]=> int(255) ["albumpicmaxwidth"]=> int(600) ["albumpicmaxheight"]=> int(600) ["albummaxpics"]=> int(100) ["albummaxsize"]=> int(0) ["socialgrouppermissions"]=> int(262143) ["pmthrottlequantity"]=> int(0) ["groupiconmaxsize"]=> int(65535) ["maximumsocialgroups"]=> int(5) ["importusergroupid"]=> int(0) ["dbtech_vbshoutpermissions"]=> int(2) } ["avatarurl"]=> string(31) "customavatars/avatar25139_1.gif" ["reputationdisplay"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(4) { ["rowend"]=> string(0) "" ["imgext"]=> string(4) ".png" ["class"]=> string(6) "repimg" ["posneg"]=> string(3) "pos" } } ["level"]=> string(26) "is on a distinguished road" ["postsperday"]=> string(4) "0.63" ["joindateline"]=> string(10) "1274270040" ["icqicon"]=> string(0) "" ["aimicon"]=> string(0) "" ["yahooicon"]=> string(0) "" ["msnicon"]=> string(0) "" ["skypeicon"]=> string(0) "" ["showicq"]=> bool(false) ["showaim"]=> bool(false) ["showyahoo"]=> bool(false) ["showmsn"]=> bool(false) ["showskype"]=> bool(false) ["message"]=> string(775) "If a game is sitelocked, you are not allowed to bump or post witout a link or any important information. Important information are:

Spam is:

This is to reduce spam. Everytime you post in a sitelocked game, you push it on the top page. This is unfair to other requests.

Failure may result in warnings and infractions.

So before posting, think: Is my post usefull and helps? If yes, feel free, otherwise not." ["scrolltothis"]=> string(0) "" ["editlink"]=> string(0) "" ["replylink"]=> string(0) "" ["forwardlink"]=> string(0) "" ["reportlink"]=> string(58) "report.php?s=ad1f656b23d6cd6a925cc2ee3f96eeff&p=227415" ["linkbacksno"]=> int(0) } } } [4]=> array(4) { ["file"]=> string(42) "/home/arcadepr/public_html/forum/vbseo.php" ["line"]=> int(1271) ["args"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(47) "/home/arcadepr/public_html/forum/showthread.php" } ["function"]=> string(7) "require" } } ["previous":"Error":private]=> NULL } Rule for sitelocked games

Arcade Prehacks

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  1. #1

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