How to make a trainer. First download this programm:

Visual Basic Express 2008 [Free] -

For the packaging and downloading of trainer you will need WinRar -

Can't download the Swf? Get FlashGet -

Ok, once all of these are downloaded, folow this eplanation for Visual Basic 2008:

1. Open up Visual Basic Express 2008 and press Ctrl+N and in the name box call it, for example, "Game Trainer" and then press "OK".

2. Once this is done, make the windows form any size you want or manually changing the size by clicking on the form and going to the bottom-right hand box and scroll down untill you something that says "Size" and then put you custom size into the box to right of that box. I make my trainers 821,581.

3. Once the box is the right size, you will need the game in a Shockwave Flash Object. For this you will need to click Tools->Choose ToolBox Items->COM Components, then scroll down till you see something called "Shockwave Flash Object" and tick the box, then click "Ok".

4. Ok so now you have the game connector, find a Swf (shockwave flash-what is the game), for my trainer I will be using ... c122ng.swf (if the link address in not clear for copy and past right click the link and click propeties and take the link from there)- this will be the game-Stick RPG Complete. Ok now the Shockwave Flash Object is in you tool box, simply press Ctrl+Alt+X and scroll down until you find the sub menu named "General" and then double click Shockwave Flash Object and you will have one! Now make this as big as you want. To put a game in the Shockwave Flash Object, click it and then go to the small bottom-right box and scroll down in it untill you find a box name "Movie" then in the box to the right of that one input your game swf, in this case ... c122ng.swf.

5. Ok so if the Shockwave Flash Object loaded your game, Stick RPG Complete in this case, then success! You will now need to make some hacks =D

6. For making a hack it is quite simple. Go to you tool box, Ctrl+Alt+X, and at the top there should be a item called "Button" double click it. You now have a button. To make the button enable a hack, double click the button in the form and some code should pop up. If you want to make a money hack then you will need a line like this: Call AxShockwaveFlash1.SetVariable("", 999999999). Call AxShockwaveFlash1 means get the Shockwave Flash Object and do the folowing stuff. SetVariable; this means it will find the a varibale which is like a string of data that is connected to value. ("", 999999999) basicly means ("Variable name", variable value). Call AxShockwaveFlash1.SetVariable("VariableName", VariableValue). Congrats you have made a hack!

7. Making a hacking button with a text box. Ok double click the button item in tool box and then scroll a little further down and double click the Text Box item and you will have a text box. Again double click the button and type: Call AxShockwaveFlash1.SetVariable("", TextBox1.Text). TextBox1.Text means get the text box 1,2,3 etc. and the .Text means the text within it. You're all set!

8. Now press F5 and it will test the programm, any errors and it will pop up. If the game runs with no errors you good to go! Once the game has loaded and you are in the game, click the button and it should give you 999999999 cash! With the button+text box type the amount of cash you want in the text box and, when ready, click the button to give you that amout! Gratz you have made you first trainer! Simply press Ctrl+Shift+S and save you work.


If u wanna download swf's without the hyperlink present? I would recromend using FlashGet - As well as downloading swfs, it can do a whole array of other tricks! If there was a hyperlink text then - Right-Click it, select Save Target As and then save it to where u want. [more extra soon]

Problems? Questions? Comment below pleese - I will try to respond A.S.A.P