Arcade Prehacks

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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Flash game name? Isometric, action/puzzle game in futurisic lab/building

    I'm trying to figure out the name of a game I played 3-4 years ago. I know it was a Flash game, but I don't even remember what site I found it on.

    It was an action puzzle game, set in some sort of futuristic lab or building. The graphics were colorful and well drawn and each level was a single-screen room, drawn in isometric perspective. I'm pretty sure that the floor was laid out in a grid pattern and that each movement you made was always one square at a time. To end each level, I think you had to get to an elevator, or maybe a teleporter. I also think there were robots you had to avoid. I don't think they chased you, but rather just followed set paths and you'd have to wait for them to pass by before you could move. There also may have been different levels in the room, although if there were, I don't think they were very high, maybe just a step or two above the floor. I'm sure there were some puzzle elements, like hitting switches to turn off forcefields and such, but I honestly can't remember any details.

    In my mind, the graphic style of the game resembles the arcade game Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters.

    Does this sound familiar to anyone? It's a little hard trying to figure out what game it is when most sites don't have any screenshots of the games...

  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    Aug 2013
    It's hard to know, but i think the game you say is very similar to the Doctor Who Google game. Im pretty sure it isn't that game but you can try to play it to remember something else. I hope i've been helpful. Bye

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Dec 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Baenshy View Post
    It's hard to know, but i think the game you say is very similar to the Doctor Who Google game. Im pretty sure it isn't that game but you can try to play it to remember something else. I hope i've been helpful. Bye
    There are some similarities with the Doctor Who game, but not that many. In the game I'm thinking of, you had to move your character directly, rather than clicking where you wanted them to move to. It was one of those games where you'd be playing it and thinking to yourself; "OK, wait for the robot to pass, then one step left, three steps forward and... ARGH! Why did I take an extra step and walk into the laser beam?!!"

    As I recall, the game looked more similar to the Flash games Tom and Jerry in Midnight Snack (not on this site) or Big Time Butter Baron, although the perspective might have been a little "flatter", rather than being angled so much.

    I'm pretty sure that the floor was tiled and the graphics had a late 80s, early 90s look to them, like something you'd find on the Sega Genesis, or SNES.

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