
Hey people of APH and welcome to a new project, our new project. I would like to create a game with all of you that are interested. By doing so i hope we can all learn a bit and have fun creating and then playing something of our own.

No matter how much knowledge you have about programming, graphics or what else we will need, your input will be welcome. And maybe i and you can learn something new and overcome obstacles in our way. Just keep in mind that this is supposed to be a fun project.

To start things off i thought about a game that is relatively simple to create and found something that fits.

Cookie Clicker

It is a simple incrementing game which basically lets you click a giant cookie. By doing so you increase your amount of cookies until you can buy upgrades. Which means in its most simplistic way it is a button and a number.

I already have a simple version to start working with: Hack Clicker

As you can see it is about hacks because we are a hacking site. Right now you can increase your amount of hacks by clicking the computer. And pretty much nothing else as we gonna add more stuff to it over time.

  • Upgrades 1 (Helpers)
    Those upgrades are like buildings or helpers that increase the amount of hacks created automatically every second or so.
  • Upgrades 2
    The second type of upgrades are more general purpose as they will effect helpers and clicks in several ways.
  • Graphics
    For the upgrades and the general look and feel we need graphics that would fit the games setting.
  • Others
    Achievements, ???

Let me know what you think about the idea!