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Thread: HTML5

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013


    What does everyone think about the development of html5?

    There is talk of it taking over flash and I do see a lot more of it these days but flash has vector and raster graphics which html5 doesn't so can it really take over?

  2. #2
    Super Moderator ZuckeR's Avatar
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    Moved your post to a new thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by flashgamehacker View Post
    What does everyone think about the development of html5?
    I think it is just starting to "heat up". We gonna see more games and programs made with the mixture of HTML5, JavaScript, CSS, SCG, WebGL etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by flashgamehacker View Post
    There is talk of it taking over flash and I do see a lot more of it these days but flash has vector and raster graphics which html5 doesn't so can it really take over?
    It is all up to the browser developers and if they support enough standards to let programs run on every browser. Vector graphics for instance can be used with SVG/JavaScript but the browser support for SVG 1.1 goes from 0-95% depending on what render engine it uses.

    The same can be said for all the other languages involved. Flash with its plugin ensures that everythings works the same on every browser. Developers don't have to care about portability as their games will work as long as a new Flash player is installed. With JavaScript they have to ensure that everything works in every browser.

    So it is really up to the browser developers to fully support the standards and open the way for games/apps that run purely in browser. In the mean time frameworks will fill in the gap by providing work arounds for different browser behaviors.

    And by the way, those games are pretty easy to hack especially considering the developer consoles available in FF/Chrome/Opera. You can run commands in JavaScript and inject your own code.

    I guess we gonna see more HTML5, JS based games in the future.

  3. #3
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    Yes I know these games are easy to hack, I'm a developer myself (hobby) and would say that html & javascript is more insecure than flash and a lot easier to hack. I have even written some hacks which 'listen' for certain browser traffic and change the values to whatever I like. I have done this for some online flash games where the flash game and the server communicate between each other and the same techniques can be used for html5 games

    Browsers need to process the markup & scripts so obfuscation is really the only option which will only slow down some novices and as you say it is easy enough to inject your own code to do what you want

    I'm curious why html5 is such a big thing at the moment though, and getting bigger. Flash is much better for games IMO and everything is usually self contained in 1 file, has better graphic capabilities and more compatible

    If you have ever written any web stuff then you will know what a nightmare it is to get it working and showing the same for all browsers. Some browsers do not stick to web standards and others just display things differently because some standards are open to interpretation

    The only negative thing about flash is it has missed a lot with mobile stuff with apple not supporting it etc. which was a big mistake and think its on a downward slope now which is a real shame

    On the positive side with flash's introduction of AS3 it is now really a proper programming language with OOP (Object Oriented Programming)

    I guess we will have to wait and see what happens to the games market with flash vs html5

  4. #4
    Senior Member Capitano's Avatar
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    I apologize for my lack of knowledge, but what is this HTML5 you're talking about? Is it something like Flash, or is it completely different?

  5. #5
    Super Moderator ZuckeR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flashgamehacker View Post
    html & javascript is more insecure than flash and a lot easier to hack.
    Browsers need to process the markup & scripts so obfuscation is really the only option which will only slow down some novices and as you say it is easy enough to inject your own code to do what you want
    That might be a problem for some professional developers. They would have to fear their code would get stolen and/or modified. I guess obfuscation will become a standard.

    Quote Originally Posted by flashgamehacker View Post
    I'm curious why html5 is such a big thing at the moment though, and getting bigger. Flash is much better for games IMO and everything is usually self contained in 1 file, has better graphic capabilities and more compatible
    It is pretty easy to start writing such a game although it is hard to do it right. They probably like HTML as it should work on mobile devices which Flash does not so well. Browsers are just starting to support HTML5, WebGL etc. on a wide base right now and first frameworks appear which many developers probably waited for.

    Quote Originally Posted by flashgamehacker View Post
    If you have ever written any web stuff then you will know what a nightmare it is to get it working and showing the same for all browsers.
    Yeah, this is the biggest problem and a hurdle for every developer.

    Quote Originally Posted by flashgamehacker View Post
    On the positive side with flash's introduction of AS3 it is now really a proper programming language with OOP (Object Oriented Programming)
    Well, JavaScript can do the same. It is a bit different but you can use Objects although it is not strictly OOP.

    Quote Originally Posted by Capitano View Post
    I apologize for my lack of knowledge, but what is this HTML5 you're talking about? Is it something like Flash, or is it completely different?
    Well actually HTML5 is nothing completely new. HTML is used to describe how a website should be displayed in the browser. The new standard has some new options/elements that in HTML4 was only available with plugins. Now you can use video and audio directly with HTML rather than Flash. Much more important to game creators is a new element called canvas which is kinda like the stage in Flash. You can draw bitmaps directly on it.

    The actual code for drawing something is not done in HTML5 as it only provides the elements to work with. But JavaScript can interact with those elements. It is kind of like AS3 is telling Flash how to move the graphics on the stage.

  6. #6
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    I apologize for my lack of knowledge, but what is this HTML5 you're talking about? Is it something like Flash, or is it completely different?
    HTML5 is the 5th generation of HTML which now has canvas and video & audio elements, in gaming it's name is being used for the collective web technologies of HTML5, Javascript, CSS, WebGL, Websockets etc.

    It is totally different to Flash and does not require a plugin installed. It is a single standard which should work across all platforms and mobile devices and does not need developers to create apps / games for a particular device and is being labelled as "The ultimate Flash replacement"

  7. #7
    Super Moderator ZuckeR's Avatar
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    Over the last few days i read several articles about HTML5 and Flash. It seems like Flash really is on its way down, slowly but for sure.

    What i read is that the sponsoring in Flash games is going down. I guess it is because of the mobile market for which the Flash support is pretty bad. But most casual gamers play on their phones nowadays. So the big sponsors want to invest in this new market as there is more money. With growing investments developers are more and more interested in HTML5.

    There are so many JavaScript game frameworks that you have a hard time choosing one. But if you found one that you like it is pretty easy to create a simple game and not to hard to create really good ones. The new stuff like canvas and WebGL are supported by those frameworks giving developers a solid base to start from. Stuffing the whole game in a wrapper so it can be installed as a native app on iOS or Android is also pretty simple.

    So if the new HTML5 games turn out to be reaching many people an returning enough income we will definitely see more of them in the future.

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