Jesus H. Christ, it's been a while, APH. I just read some my old posts and oh boy, was my 10-year-old self annoying. Anyway, back to current business:

I'm just looking for a game I remember playing here on APH ages ago. I vividly remember the game but not it's name, for the life of me.

It was a pixelated game, with a top-down view (I really like the visuals if I may add an unrelated note).
You played as a man who lived alone in the woods (snowy woods at that), in a cabin. Shadows had taken over the world and 'things' lived in them, rendering lit places the only safe locations.
Gameplay-wise, going in the shadows would utlimately kill you if you stayed there for too long, but you had a lantern. Oil was very limited though, as there was no way to replace the amount you started with. You also had to keep your fireplace lit at all times (especially during the night as it's darker!), but that was easy since you could gather wood from a log right by your cabin. If I remember correctly, you also had to get water because you'd need it to survive, and maybe food as well, though I'm not sure about the latter. The more nights you slept through the further the story would progress, and often times you'd see weird creatures in the shadows while the character was sleeping. It reached a point where a figure in a dark cape and hood would come knocking on your door and there was some sort of conversation. Ultimately one of the endings (I believe there were several of them) would go about the dark figure sparing you and allowing you to go on a boat to a place where the shadows couldn't reach... and that was it.
The title screen had a tree in it, in snowy ground.

Does anyone know the game I'm talking about. Help an old pal here.