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["dateline"]=> string(10) "1617905123" ["pagetext"]=> string(309) "Hello, im new in the forums and im interested in making mods for flash games that add content to them. I've been fooling around with ffdec but it seems like it cant add scripts or sprites for flash games, what i need to add characters or items. Somebody here knows how could i expand alreday existing games?" 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I've been fooling around with ffdec but it seems like it cant add scripts or sprites for flash games, what i need to add characters or items.
Somebody here knows how could i expand alreday existing games?" ["hasimages"]=> string(1) "0" ["signatureparsed"]=> NULL ["sighasimages"]=> NULL ["sigpic"]=> NULL ["sigpicdateline"]=> NULL ["sigpicwidth"]=> NULL ["sigpicheight"]=> NULL ["postcount"]=> float(1) ["islastshown"]=> bool(false) ["isfirstshown"]=> bool(true) ["attachments"]=> &NULL ["allattachments"]=> NULL ["showsignatures"]=> int(1) ["showavatars"]=> int(1) ["showimages"]=> int(1) ["coppauser"]=> int(0) ["adminemail"]=> int(0) ["showvcard"]=> int(0) ["dstauto"]=> int(1) ["dstonoff"]=> int(0) ["showemail"]=> int(0) ["invisible"]=> int(0) ["showreputation"]=> int(1) ["receivepm"]=> int(1) ["emailonpm"]=> int(1) ["hasaccessmask"]=> int(0) ["vbasset_enable"]=> int(1) ["postorder"]=> int(0) ["receivepmbuddies"]=> int(0) ["noactivationmails"]=> int(0) ["pmboxwarning"]=> int(0) ["showusercss"]=> int(1) ["receivefriendemailrequest"]=> int(1) ["vm_enable"]=> int(1) ["vm_contactonly"]=> int(1) ["pmdefaultsavecopy"]=> int(1) ["adminavatar"]=> int(0) ["adminprofilepic"]=> int(0) ["checkbox_value"]=> int(0) ["statusicon"]=> string(3) "old" ["statustitle"]=> string(3) "Old" ["firstnewinsert"]=> string(0) "" ["postdate"]=> string(10) "04-08-2021" ["posttime"]=> string(8) "06:05 PM" ["historyurl"]=> string(24) "posthistory.php?p=264805" ["iplogged"]=> string(0) "" ["musername"]=> string(11) "pedromerrum" ["displaygrouptitle"]=> string(16) "Registered Users" ["displayusertitle"]=> string(0) "" ["buddymark"]=> string(0) "" ["invisiblemark"]=> string(0) "" ["online"]=> string(7) "offline" ["onlinestatusphrase"]=> string(12) "x_is_offline" ["onlinestatus"]=> string(135) "pedromerrum is offline " ["online_status_code"]=> int(0) ["permissions"]=> array(50) { ["usergroupid"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(16) "Registered Users" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["usertitle"]=> string(0) "" ["passwordexpires"]=> int(0) ["passwordhistory"]=> int(0) ["pmquota"]=> int(50) ["pmsendmax"]=> int(5) ["opentag"]=> string(0) "" ["closetag"]=> string(0) "" ["canoverride"]=> int(0) ["ispublicgroup"]=> int(0) ["forumpermissions"]=> int(12259599) ["pmpermissions"]=> int(3) ["calendarpermissions"]=> int(63) ["wolpermissions"]=> int(0) ["adminpermissions"]=> int(0) ["genericpermissions"]=> int(235410055) ["genericpermissions2"]=> int(4) ["genericoptions"]=> int(62) ["signaturepermissions"]=> int(0) ["visitormessagepermissions"]=> int(63) ["attachlimit"]=> int(0) ["avatarmaxwidth"]=> int(80) ["avatarmaxheight"]=> int(80) ["avatarmaxsize"]=> int(20000) ["profilepicmaxwidth"]=> int(100) ["profilepicmaxheight"]=> int(100) ["profilepicmaxsize"]=> int(65535) ["sigpicmaxwidth"]=> int(-1) ["sigpicmaxheight"]=> int(-1) ["sigpicmaxsize"]=> int(-1) ["sigmaximages"]=> int(-1) ["sigmaxvideos"]=> int(-1) ["sigmaxsizebbcode"]=> int(-1) ["sigmaxchars"]=> int(-1) ["sigmaxrawchars"]=> int(-1) ["sigmaxlines"]=> int(-1) ["usercsspermissions"]=> int(191) ["albumpermissions"]=> int(255) ["albumpicmaxwidth"]=> int(600) ["albumpicmaxheight"]=> int(600) ["albummaxpics"]=> int(100) ["albummaxsize"]=> int(0) ["socialgrouppermissions"]=> int(251767) ["pmthrottlequantity"]=> int(0) ["groupiconmaxsize"]=> int(65535) ["maximumsocialgroups"]=> int(5) ["importusergroupid"]=> int(0) ["dbtech_vbshoutpermissions"]=> int(0) } ["avatarurl"]=> string(0) "" ["reputationdisplay"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(4) { ["rowend"]=> string(0) "" ["imgext"]=> string(4) ".png" ["class"]=> string(6) "repimg" ["posneg"]=> string(3) "pos" } } ["level"]=> string(26) "is on a distinguished road" ["postsperday"]=> string(4) "0.00" ["joindateline"]=> string(10) "1617904654" ["icqicon"]=> string(0) "" ["aimicon"]=> string(0) "" ["yahooicon"]=> string(0) "" ["msnicon"]=> string(0) "" ["skypeicon"]=> string(0) "" ["showicq"]=> bool(false) ["showaim"]=> bool(false) ["showyahoo"]=> bool(false) ["showmsn"]=> bool(false) ["showskype"]=> bool(false) ["message"]=> string(315) "Hello, im new in the forums and im interested in making mods for flash games that add content to them. I've been fooling around with ffdec but it seems like it cant add scripts or sprites for flash games, what i need to add characters or items.
Somebody here knows how could i expand alreday existing games?" ["scrolltothis"]=> string(0) "" ["editlink"]=> string(0) "" ["replylink"]=> string(37) "newreply.php?do=newreply&p=264805" ["forwardlink"]=> string(0) "" ["reportlink"]=> string(19) "report.php?p=264805" ["linkbacksno"]=> int(0) } [1]=> array(0) { } } } [4]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(47) "/home/arcadepr/public_html/forum/showthread.php" ["line"]=> int(1096) ["function"]=> string(17) "construct_postbit" ["class"]=> string(10) "vB_Postbit" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(210) { ["postid"]=> string(6) "264805" ["threadid"]=> string(5) "41668" ["parentid"]=> string(1) "0" ["username"]=> string(11) "pedromerrum" ["userid"]=> string(5) "92078" ["title"]=> string(36) "How do i add content to flash games?" ["dateline"]=> string(10) "1617905123" ["pagetext"]=> string(309) "Hello, im new in the forums and im interested in making mods for flash games that add content to them. I've been fooling around with ffdec but it seems like it cant add scripts or sprites for flash games, what i need to add characters or items. Somebody here knows how could i expand alreday existing games?" 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I've been fooling around with ffdec but it seems like it cant add scripts or sprites for flash games, what i need to add characters or items.
Somebody here knows how could i expand alreday existing games?" ["hasimages"]=> string(1) "0" ["signatureparsed"]=> NULL ["sighasimages"]=> NULL ["sigpic"]=> NULL ["sigpicdateline"]=> NULL ["sigpicwidth"]=> NULL ["sigpicheight"]=> NULL ["postcount"]=> float(1) ["islastshown"]=> bool(false) ["isfirstshown"]=> bool(true) ["attachments"]=> &NULL ["allattachments"]=> NULL ["showsignatures"]=> int(1) ["showavatars"]=> int(1) ["showimages"]=> int(1) ["coppauser"]=> int(0) ["adminemail"]=> int(0) ["showvcard"]=> int(0) ["dstauto"]=> int(1) ["dstonoff"]=> int(0) ["showemail"]=> int(0) ["invisible"]=> int(0) ["showreputation"]=> int(1) ["receivepm"]=> int(1) ["emailonpm"]=> int(1) ["hasaccessmask"]=> int(0) ["vbasset_enable"]=> int(1) ["postorder"]=> int(0) ["receivepmbuddies"]=> int(0) ["noactivationmails"]=> int(0) ["pmboxwarning"]=> int(0) ["showusercss"]=> int(1) ["receivefriendemailrequest"]=> int(1) ["vm_enable"]=> int(1) ["vm_contactonly"]=> int(1) ["pmdefaultsavecopy"]=> int(1) ["adminavatar"]=> int(0) ["adminprofilepic"]=> int(0) ["checkbox_value"]=> int(0) ["statusicon"]=> string(3) "old" ["statustitle"]=> string(3) "Old" ["firstnewinsert"]=> string(0) "" ["postdate"]=> string(10) "04-08-2021" ["posttime"]=> string(8) "06:05 PM" ["historyurl"]=> string(24) "posthistory.php?p=264805" ["iplogged"]=> string(0) "" ["musername"]=> string(11) "pedromerrum" ["displaygrouptitle"]=> string(16) "Registered Users" ["displayusertitle"]=> string(0) "" ["buddymark"]=> string(0) "" ["invisiblemark"]=> string(0) "" ["online"]=> string(7) "offline" ["onlinestatusphrase"]=> string(12) "x_is_offline" ["onlinestatus"]=> string(135) "pedromerrum is offline " ["online_status_code"]=> int(0) ["permissions"]=> array(50) { ["usergroupid"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(16) "Registered Users" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["usertitle"]=> string(0) "" ["passwordexpires"]=> int(0) ["passwordhistory"]=> int(0) ["pmquota"]=> int(50) ["pmsendmax"]=> int(5) ["opentag"]=> string(0) "" ["closetag"]=> string(0) "" ["canoverride"]=> int(0) ["ispublicgroup"]=> int(0) ["forumpermissions"]=> int(12259599) ["pmpermissions"]=> int(3) ["calendarpermissions"]=> int(63) ["wolpermissions"]=> int(0) ["adminpermissions"]=> int(0) ["genericpermissions"]=> int(235410055) ["genericpermissions2"]=> int(4) ["genericoptions"]=> int(62) ["signaturepermissions"]=> int(0) ["visitormessagepermissions"]=> int(63) ["attachlimit"]=> int(0) ["avatarmaxwidth"]=> int(80) ["avatarmaxheight"]=> int(80) ["avatarmaxsize"]=> int(20000) ["profilepicmaxwidth"]=> int(100) ["profilepicmaxheight"]=> int(100) ["profilepicmaxsize"]=> int(65535) ["sigpicmaxwidth"]=> int(-1) ["sigpicmaxheight"]=> int(-1) ["sigpicmaxsize"]=> int(-1) ["sigmaximages"]=> int(-1) ["sigmaxvideos"]=> int(-1) ["sigmaxsizebbcode"]=> int(-1) ["sigmaxchars"]=> int(-1) ["sigmaxrawchars"]=> int(-1) ["sigmaxlines"]=> int(-1) ["usercsspermissions"]=> int(191) ["albumpermissions"]=> int(255) ["albumpicmaxwidth"]=> int(600) ["albumpicmaxheight"]=> int(600) ["albummaxpics"]=> int(100) ["albummaxsize"]=> int(0) ["socialgrouppermissions"]=> int(251767) ["pmthrottlequantity"]=> int(0) ["groupiconmaxsize"]=> int(65535) ["maximumsocialgroups"]=> int(5) ["importusergroupid"]=> int(0) ["dbtech_vbshoutpermissions"]=> int(0) } ["avatarurl"]=> string(0) "" ["reputationdisplay"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(4) { ["rowend"]=> string(0) "" ["imgext"]=> string(4) ".png" ["class"]=> string(6) "repimg" ["posneg"]=> string(3) "pos" } } ["level"]=> string(26) "is on a distinguished road" ["postsperday"]=> string(4) "0.00" ["joindateline"]=> string(10) "1617904654" ["icqicon"]=> string(0) "" ["aimicon"]=> string(0) "" ["yahooicon"]=> string(0) "" ["msnicon"]=> string(0) "" ["skypeicon"]=> string(0) "" ["showicq"]=> bool(false) ["showaim"]=> bool(false) ["showyahoo"]=> bool(false) ["showmsn"]=> bool(false) ["showskype"]=> bool(false) ["message"]=> string(315) "Hello, im new in the forums and im interested in making mods for flash games that add content to them. I've been fooling around with ffdec but it seems like it cant add scripts or sprites for flash games, what i need to add characters or items.
Somebody here knows how could i expand alreday existing games?" 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You can also check out [URL="https://socialmatrix.in/"]smm panel cheap[/URL] for more details. It my be helpful for you." 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You can also check out smm panel cheap for more details. It my be helpful for you." 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You can also check out smm panel cheap for more details. It my be helpful for you." 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You can also check out [URL="https://socialmatrix.in/"]smm panel cheap[/URL] for more details. It my be helpful for you." 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You can also check out smm panel cheap for more details. It my be helpful for you." 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You can also check out smm panel cheap for more details. It my be helpful for you." ["scrolltothis"]=> string(17) " id="currentPost"" ["editlink"]=> string(0) "" ["replylink"]=> string(37) "newreply.php?do=newreply&p=266040" ["forwardlink"]=> string(0) "" ["reportlink"]=> string(19) "report.php?p=266040" ["linkbacksno"]=> int(0) } } } [5]=> array(4) { ["file"]=> string(42) "/home/arcadepr/public_html/forum/vbseo.php" ["line"]=> int(1271) ["args"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(47) "/home/arcadepr/public_html/forum/showthread.php" } ["function"]=> string(7) "require" } } ["previous":"Error":private]=> NULL } How do i add content to flash games?

Arcade Prehacks

Results 1 to 2 of 2
  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2021

    How do i add content to flash games?

    Hello, im new in the forums and im interested in making mods for flash games that add content to them. I've been fooling around with ffdec but it seems like it cant add scripts or sprites for flash games, what i need to add characters or items.
    Somebody here knows how could i expand alreday existing games?

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2021

    How do i add content to flash games

    Hey, can you mention more about it, what is the error you are facing about it, then will be able to share my views on it. You can also check out smm panel cheap for more details. It my be helpful for you.

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