Step 1: Log in to your Soundcloud account

  • Please log in to your Soundcloud account, by clicking the Sign in box

  • If you don't have one, you can completely register by clicking Create account. Can register quickly when linked with Facebook, Google accounts. In addition, you can enter your email to perform the registration steps.

Step 2: Proceed to upload music

  • Once logged in, click Upload to the left of the profile icon

  • Click “or choose file to upload” to upload music from your computer to Soundcloud
  • Search for the song you want to upload to Soundcloud, then click on the song and select Open

Step 3: Provide information about the song
After you have uploaded a song from your computer to Soundcloud, you will need to provide some information to help people better understand your song.

  • Change the cover image for the song by clicking the "Replace Image" box and then selecting the image on the computer that you have prepared in advance.
  • Enter the song title in the “Title*” field.
  • Select the genre of the song in the “Genre” section

  • The “Additional Tags” section will help you come up with keyword tags related to the song to make it easy to search on Soundcloud.
  • The "Description" section will be where you can introduce a bit about your song.
  • In the Privacy section: select public (public) when you want to share the song for everyone or private (private) only share for yourself.
  • Click Save to complete.

And then, you can use soundcloud downloader to download music from Soundcloud.