First, you must remain calm. This point is important, because many people despair when they see that their security and rights are violated. Second, ask for help.
These are the steps you need to take:
Immediately block your card
Report the theft or misuse of money to your bank or other financial institution (cooperative or commercial house), so it will be impossible for another person to use your card. During this procedure:

  • Block financial products or services that are being frauded.
  • Notify your account executive about the situation via email or phone.

For this reason, always have the Banking Emergencies telephone number that your entity has available for this type of case. In general, the complaint system assigns a number to your case so that you can follow up on it.
It is also important that you check with your financial institution if it is possible for you to do the blocking yourself (for cases where an executive is not available, for example, at night or on weekends). Ask what is the process to follow to do it from their website, mobile application (if they have one) or through the 24-hour Call Center.
Once you inform the institution, you must formally request the return of the money stolen under this law, submitting all the records that confirm that you were not aware of the crime.
In the event that your financial institution does not provide a satisfactory solution or response, you can take your case to the National Consumer Service or to the Courts, following the same steps as a claim for a bad product or service .
File a complaint with the Prosecutor's Office, Investigative Police (PDI)
The next thing is to file a complaint directly at the nearest Prosecutor's Office, or through a police station or PDI office. These civil security institutions have brigades or areas specialized in economic crimes:

  • prosecution
  • Carabinieri
  • POI

Check their service hours and ask if complaints can also be made online and by call, for cases where it is not possible to go in person.
Try to leave as many details as possible; from the date you noticed the fraud, the amounts stolen, copies of messages or emails (in case of cybercrime), etc.
Once the complaint has been made, you will receive a copy of the document that you must present to the corresponding banking institution so that you can corroborate that you suffered a crime and to request a solution (if they still do not give it to you).
If you believe you are dealing with investment fraud, you should seriously consider retaining an investment fraud attorney. The faster you get out, the faster you can start the recovery process. Call us at (800) 767-8040. We will discuss your case and see what we can do to help you get the compensation you need and deserve.