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I want someone to help me with mba assignment" ["scrolltothis"]=> string(0) "" ["editlink"]=> string(0) "" ["replylink"]=> string(76) "newreply.php?s=11f076b8244d6339487745ff62ba8e3b&do=newreply&p=281158" ["forwardlink"]=> string(0) "" ["reportlink"]=> string(58) "report.php?s=11f076b8244d6339487745ff62ba8e3b&p=281158" ["linkbacksno"]=> int(0) } } } [5]=> array(4) { ["file"]=> string(42) "/home/arcadepr/public_html/forum/vbseo.php" ["line"]=> int(1271) ["args"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(47) "/home/arcadepr/public_html/forum/showthread.php" } ["function"]=> string(7) "require" } } ["previous":"Error":private]=> NULL } object(Error)#19 (7) { ["message":protected]=> string(39) "Undefined constant "onlinestatusphrase"" ["string":"Error":private]=> string(0) "" ["code":protected]=> int(0) ["file":protected]=> string(78) "/home/arcadepr/public_html/forum/includes/class_core.php(4809) : eval()'d code" ["line":protected]=> int(6) ["trace":"Error":private]=> array(6) { [0]=> array(3) { ["file"]=> string(56) "/home/arcadepr/public_html/forum/includes/class_core.php" ["line"]=> int(4809) ["function"]=> string(4) "eval" } [1]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(56) "/home/arcadepr/public_html/forum/includes/class_core.php" ["line"]=> int(4771) ["function"]=> string(13) "render_output" ["class"]=> string(11) "vB_Template" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(1) { [0]=> bool(false) } } [2]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(55) "/home/arcadepr/public_html/forum/includes/functions.php" ["line"]=> int(3687) ["function"]=> string(6) "render" ["class"]=> string(11) "vB_Template" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(0) { } } [3]=> array(4) { ["file"]=> string(59) "/home/arcadepr/public_html/forum/includes/class_postbit.php" ["line"]=> int(401) ["function"]=> string(31) "construct_memberaction_dropdown" ["args"]=> array(2) { [0]=> array(208) { ["postid"]=> string(6) "281168" ["threadid"]=> string(5) "46671" ["parentid"]=> string(6) "281158" ["username"]=> string(9) "galvindai" ["userid"]=> string(5) "96800" ["title"]=> string(17) "How to screenshot" ["dateline"]=> string(10) "1663571586" ["pagetext"]=> string(439) "Convenient ways to take screenshots. Are you using Mac, iPhone, Ipad or Windows 10.11? I will suggest you some clever tips to take screenshots quickly.1- Use Print Screen (PrtScn)2- Use Windows + Shift + WILL3- Windows + Print Screen[URL="https://howtoscreenshot.co/how-to-take-a-screenshot-on-your-mac"]how to screenshot on mac[/URL] [URL="https://howtoscreenshot.co/how-to-take-a-screenshot-on-windows"]how to screenshot on windows[/URL]" ["allowsmilie"]=> string(1) "1" ["showsignature"]=> string(1) "0" ["ipaddress"]=> string(13) "" ["iconid"]=> string(1) "0" ["visible"]=> string(1) "1" ["attach"]=> string(1) "0" ["infraction"]=> string(1) "0" ["reportthreadid"]=> string(1) "0" ["htmlstate"]=> string(8) "on_nl2br" ["importthreadid"]=> string(1) "0" ["importpostid"]=> string(1) "0" ["postusername"]=> string(9) "galvindai" ["ip"]=> string(13) "" ["isdeleted"]=> string(1) "0" ["usergroupid"]=> string(1) "2" ["membergroupids"]=> string(0) "" ["displaygroupid"]=> string(1) "2" ["password"]=> string(32) "a6d60f17d75656ddfe81944931ea8b8d" ["passworddate"]=> string(10) "2022-09-19" ["email"]=> string(21) "galvindai22@gmail.com" ["styleid"]=> string(1) "0" ["parentemail"]=> string(0) "" ["homepage"]=> string(0) "" ["icq"]=> string(0) "" ["aim"]=> string(0) "" ["yahoo"]=> string(0) "" ["msn"]=> string(0) "" ["skype"]=> string(0) "" ["showvbcode"]=> string(1) "2" ["showbirthday"]=> string(1) "2" ["usertitle"]=> string(13) "Junior Member" ["customtitle"]=> string(1) "0" ["joindate"]=> string(8) "Sep 2022" ["daysprune"]=> string(1) "0" ["lastvisit"]=> string(10) "1665391906" ["lastactivity"]=> string(10) "1665712977" ["lastpost"]=> string(10) "1665050398" ["lastpostid"]=> string(6) "281651" ["posts"]=> int(0) ["reputation"]=> string(2) "10" ["reputationlevelid"]=> string(1) "5" ["timezoneoffset"]=> string(1) "0" ["pmpopup"]=> string(1) "1" ["avatarid"]=> string(1) "0" ["avatarrevision"]=> string(1) "0" ["profilepicrevision"]=> string(1) "0" ["sigpicrevision"]=> string(1) "0" ["options"]=> string(8) "61889607" ["birthday"]=> string(0) "" ["birthday_search"]=> string(10) "0000-00-00" ["maxposts"]=> string(2) "-1" ["startofweek"]=> string(2) "-1" ["referrerid"]=> string(1) "0" ["languageid"]=> string(1) "1" ["emailstamp"]=> string(1) "0" ["threadedmode"]=> string(1) "0" ["autosubscribe"]=> string(2) "-1" ["pmtotal"]=> string(1) "0" ["pmunread"]=> string(1) "0" ["salt"]=> string(30) "9)3%NW_+sY\I|rP9Ij5.=g;jJ20H@)" ["ipoints"]=> string(1) "0" ["infractions"]=> string(1) "0" ["warnings"]=> string(1) "0" ["infractiongroupids"]=> string(0) "" ["infractiongroupid"]=> string(1) "0" ["adminoptions"]=> string(1) "0" ["profilevisits"]=> string(1) "0" ["friendcount"]=> string(1) "0" ["friendreqcount"]=> string(1) "0" ["vmunreadcount"]=> string(1) "0" ["vmmoderatedcount"]=> string(1) "0" ["socgroupinvitecount"]=> string(1) "0" ["socgroupreqcount"]=> string(1) "0" ["pcunreadcount"]=> string(1) "0" ["pcmoderatedcount"]=> string(1) "0" ["gmmoderatedcount"]=> string(1) "0" ["assetposthash"]=> string(0) "" ["fbuserid"]=> string(0) "" ["fbjoindate"]=> string(1) "0" ["fbname"]=> string(0) "" ["logintype"]=> string(2) "vb" ["fbaccesstoken"]=> string(0) "" ["importuserid"]=> string(1) "0" ["newrepcount"]=> string(1) "0" ["vbseo_likes_in"]=> string(1) "0" ["vbseo_likes_out"]=> string(1) "0" ["vbseo_likes_unread"]=> string(1) "0" ["dbtech_vbshout_banned"]=> string(1) "0" ["dbtech_vbshout_settings"]=> string(4) "4095" ["dbtech_vbshout_shouts"]=> string(1) "0" ["dbtech_vbshout_shoutstyle"]=> NULL ["dbtech_vbshout_silenced"]=> string(1) "0" ["dbtech_vbshout_shoutarea"]=> string(7) "default" ["dbtech_vbshout_pm"]=> string(1) "0" ["dbtech_vbshout_soundsettings"]=> NULL ["dbtech_vbshout_shoutboxsize"]=> string(1) "0" ["dbtech_vbshout_shoutboxsize_detached"]=> string(1) "0" ["dbtech_vbshout_displayorder"]=> NULL ["dbtech_vbshout_shouts_lifetime"]=> string(1) "0" ["temp"]=> NULL ["field1"]=> NULL ["field2"]=> NULL ["field3"]=> NULL ["field4"]=> NULL ["subfolders"]=> NULL ["pmfolders"]=> NULL ["buddylist"]=> NULL ["ignorelist"]=> NULL ["signature"]=> string(0) "" ["searchprefs"]=> NULL ["rank"]=> NULL ["avatarpath"]=> NULL ["hascustomavatar"]=> string(1) "0" ["avatardateline"]=> NULL ["avwidth"]=> string(0) "" ["avheight"]=> string(0) "" ["edit_userid"]=> NULL ["edit_username"]=> NULL ["edit_dateline"]=> NULL ["edit_reason"]=> NULL ["hashistory"]=> NULL ["pagetext_html"]=> string(473) "Convenient ways to take screenshots. Are you using Mac, iPhone, Ipad or Windows 10.11? I will suggest you some clever tips to take screenshots quickly.1- Use Print Screen (PrtScn)2- Use Windows + Shift + WILL3- Windows + Print Screenhow to screenshot on mac how to screenshot on windows" ["hasimages"]=> string(1) "0" ["signatureparsed"]=> NULL ["sighasimages"]=> NULL ["sigpic"]=> NULL ["sigpicdateline"]=> NULL ["sigpicwidth"]=> NULL ["sigpicheight"]=> NULL ["postcount"]=> int(2) ["islastshown"]=> bool(false) ["isfirstshown"]=> bool(false) ["attachments"]=> &NULL ["allattachments"]=> NULL ["showsignatures"]=> int(1) ["showavatars"]=> int(1) ["showimages"]=> int(1) ["coppauser"]=> int(0) ["adminemail"]=> int(0) ["showvcard"]=> int(0) ["dstauto"]=> int(1) ["dstonoff"]=> int(0) ["showemail"]=> int(0) ["invisible"]=> int(0) ["showreputation"]=> int(1) ["receivepm"]=> int(1) ["emailonpm"]=> int(1) ["hasaccessmask"]=> int(0) ["vbasset_enable"]=> int(1) ["postorder"]=> int(0) ["receivepmbuddies"]=> int(0) ["noactivationmails"]=> int(0) ["pmboxwarning"]=> int(0) ["showusercss"]=> int(1) ["receivefriendemailrequest"]=> int(1) ["vm_enable"]=> int(1) ["vm_contactonly"]=> int(1) ["pmdefaultsavecopy"]=> int(1) ["adminavatar"]=> int(0) ["adminprofilepic"]=> int(0) ["checkbox_value"]=> int(0) ["statusicon"]=> string(3) "old" ["statustitle"]=> string(3) "Old" ["firstnewinsert"]=> string(0) "" ["postdate"]=> string(10) "09-19-2022" ["posttime"]=> string(8) "07:13 AM" ["historyurl"]=> string(63) "posthistory.php?s=11f076b8244d6339487745ff62ba8e3b&p=281168" ["iplogged"]=> string(0) "" ["musername"]=> string(9) "galvindai" ["displaygrouptitle"]=> string(16) "Registered Users" ["displayusertitle"]=> string(0) "" ["buddymark"]=> string(0) "" ["invisiblemark"]=> string(0) "" ["online"]=> string(7) "offline" ["onlinestatusphrase"]=> string(12) "x_is_offline" ["onlinestatus"]=> string(133) "galvindai is offline " ["online_status_code"]=> int(0) ["permissions"]=> array(50) { ["usergroupid"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(16) "Registered Users" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["usertitle"]=> string(0) "" ["passwordexpires"]=> int(0) ["passwordhistory"]=> int(0) ["pmquota"]=> int(50) ["pmsendmax"]=> int(5) ["opentag"]=> string(0) "" ["closetag"]=> string(0) "" ["canoverride"]=> int(0) ["ispublicgroup"]=> int(0) ["forumpermissions"]=> int(12259599) ["pmpermissions"]=> int(3) ["calendarpermissions"]=> int(63) ["wolpermissions"]=> int(0) ["adminpermissions"]=> int(0) ["genericpermissions"]=> int(235410055) ["genericpermissions2"]=> int(4) ["genericoptions"]=> int(62) ["signaturepermissions"]=> int(0) ["visitormessagepermissions"]=> int(63) ["attachlimit"]=> int(0) ["avatarmaxwidth"]=> int(80) ["avatarmaxheight"]=> int(80) ["avatarmaxsize"]=> int(20000) ["profilepicmaxwidth"]=> int(100) ["profilepicmaxheight"]=> int(100) ["profilepicmaxsize"]=> int(65535) ["sigpicmaxwidth"]=> int(-1) ["sigpicmaxheight"]=> int(-1) ["sigpicmaxsize"]=> int(-1) ["sigmaximages"]=> int(-1) ["sigmaxvideos"]=> int(-1) ["sigmaxsizebbcode"]=> int(-1) ["sigmaxchars"]=> int(-1) ["sigmaxrawchars"]=> int(-1) ["sigmaxlines"]=> int(-1) ["usercsspermissions"]=> int(191) ["albumpermissions"]=> int(255) ["albumpicmaxwidth"]=> int(600) ["albumpicmaxheight"]=> int(600) ["albummaxpics"]=> int(100) ["albummaxsize"]=> int(0) ["socialgrouppermissions"]=> int(251767) ["pmthrottlequantity"]=> int(0) ["groupiconmaxsize"]=> int(65535) ["maximumsocialgroups"]=> int(5) ["importusergroupid"]=> int(0) ["dbtech_vbshoutpermissions"]=> int(0) } ["avatarurl"]=> string(0) "" ["reputationdisplay"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(4) { ["rowend"]=> string(0) "" ["imgext"]=> string(4) ".png" ["class"]=> string(6) "repimg" ["posneg"]=> string(3) "pos" } } ["level"]=> string(26) "is on a distinguished road" ["postsperday"]=> int(0) ["joindateline"]=> string(10) "1663571358" ["icqicon"]=> string(0) "" ["aimicon"]=> string(0) "" ["yahooicon"]=> string(0) "" ["msnicon"]=> string(0) "" ["skypeicon"]=> string(0) "" ["showicq"]=> bool(false) ["showaim"]=> bool(false) ["showyahoo"]=> bool(false) ["showmsn"]=> bool(false) ["showskype"]=> bool(false) ["message"]=> string(473) "Convenient ways to take screenshots. Are you using Mac, iPhone, Ipad or Windows 10.11? I will suggest you some clever tips to take screenshots quickly.1- Use Print Screen (PrtScn)2- Use Windows + Shift + WILL3- Windows + Print Screenhow to screenshot on mac how to screenshot on windows" ["scrolltothis"]=> string(0) "" ["editlink"]=> string(0) "" ["replylink"]=> string(76) "newreply.php?s=11f076b8244d6339487745ff62ba8e3b&do=newreply&p=281168" ["forwardlink"]=> string(0) "" ["reportlink"]=> string(58) "report.php?s=11f076b8244d6339487745ff62ba8e3b&p=281168" ["linkbacksno"]=> int(0) } [1]=> array(0) { } } } [4]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(47) "/home/arcadepr/public_html/forum/showthread.php" ["line"]=> int(1096) ["function"]=> string(17) "construct_postbit" ["class"]=> string(10) "vB_Postbit" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(208) { ["postid"]=> string(6) "281168" ["threadid"]=> string(5) "46671" ["parentid"]=> string(6) "281158" ["username"]=> string(9) "galvindai" ["userid"]=> string(5) "96800" ["title"]=> string(17) "How to screenshot" ["dateline"]=> string(10) "1663571586" ["pagetext"]=> string(439) "Convenient ways to take screenshots. Are you using Mac, iPhone, Ipad or Windows 10.11? I will suggest you some clever tips to take screenshots quickly.1- Use Print Screen (PrtScn)2- Use Windows + Shift + WILL3- Windows + Print Screen[URL="https://howtoscreenshot.co/how-to-take-a-screenshot-on-your-mac"]how to screenshot on mac[/URL] [URL="https://howtoscreenshot.co/how-to-take-a-screenshot-on-windows"]how to screenshot on windows[/URL]" ["allowsmilie"]=> string(1) "1" ["showsignature"]=> string(1) "0" ["ipaddress"]=> string(13) "" ["iconid"]=> string(1) "0" ["visible"]=> string(1) "1" ["attach"]=> string(1) "0" ["infraction"]=> string(1) "0" ["reportthreadid"]=> string(1) "0" ["htmlstate"]=> string(8) "on_nl2br" ["importthreadid"]=> string(1) "0" ["importpostid"]=> string(1) "0" ["postusername"]=> string(9) "galvindai" ["ip"]=> string(13) "" ["isdeleted"]=> string(1) "0" ["usergroupid"]=> string(1) "2" ["membergroupids"]=> string(0) "" ["displaygroupid"]=> string(1) "2" ["password"]=> string(32) "a6d60f17d75656ddfe81944931ea8b8d" ["passworddate"]=> string(10) "2022-09-19" ["email"]=> string(21) "galvindai22@gmail.com" ["styleid"]=> string(1) "0" ["parentemail"]=> string(0) "" ["homepage"]=> string(0) "" ["icq"]=> string(0) "" ["aim"]=> string(0) "" ["yahoo"]=> string(0) "" ["msn"]=> string(0) "" ["skype"]=> string(0) "" ["showvbcode"]=> string(1) "2" ["showbirthday"]=> string(1) "2" ["usertitle"]=> string(13) "Junior Member" ["customtitle"]=> string(1) "0" ["joindate"]=> string(8) "Sep 2022" ["daysprune"]=> string(1) "0" ["lastvisit"]=> string(10) "1665391906" ["lastactivity"]=> string(10) "1665712977" ["lastpost"]=> string(10) "1665050398" ["lastpostid"]=> string(6) "281651" ["posts"]=> int(0) ["reputation"]=> string(2) "10" ["reputationlevelid"]=> string(1) "5" ["timezoneoffset"]=> string(1) "0" ["pmpopup"]=> string(1) "1" ["avatarid"]=> string(1) "0" ["avatarrevision"]=> string(1) "0" ["profilepicrevision"]=> string(1) "0" ["sigpicrevision"]=> string(1) "0" ["options"]=> string(8) "61889607" ["birthday"]=> string(0) "" ["birthday_search"]=> string(10) "0000-00-00" ["maxposts"]=> string(2) "-1" ["startofweek"]=> string(2) "-1" ["referrerid"]=> string(1) "0" ["languageid"]=> string(1) "1" ["emailstamp"]=> string(1) "0" ["threadedmode"]=> string(1) "0" ["autosubscribe"]=> string(2) "-1" ["pmtotal"]=> string(1) "0" ["pmunread"]=> string(1) "0" ["salt"]=> string(30) "9)3%NW_+sY\I|rP9Ij5.=g;jJ20H@)" ["ipoints"]=> string(1) "0" ["infractions"]=> string(1) "0" ["warnings"]=> string(1) "0" ["infractiongroupids"]=> string(0) "" ["infractiongroupid"]=> string(1) "0" ["adminoptions"]=> string(1) "0" ["profilevisits"]=> string(1) "0" ["friendcount"]=> string(1) "0" ["friendreqcount"]=> string(1) "0" ["vmunreadcount"]=> string(1) "0" ["vmmoderatedcount"]=> string(1) "0" ["socgroupinvitecount"]=> string(1) "0" ["socgroupreqcount"]=> string(1) "0" ["pcunreadcount"]=> string(1) "0" ["pcmoderatedcount"]=> string(1) "0" ["gmmoderatedcount"]=> string(1) "0" ["assetposthash"]=> string(0) "" ["fbuserid"]=> string(0) "" ["fbjoindate"]=> string(1) "0" ["fbname"]=> string(0) "" ["logintype"]=> string(2) "vb" ["fbaccesstoken"]=> string(0) "" ["importuserid"]=> string(1) "0" ["newrepcount"]=> string(1) "0" ["vbseo_likes_in"]=> string(1) "0" ["vbseo_likes_out"]=> string(1) "0" ["vbseo_likes_unread"]=> string(1) "0" ["dbtech_vbshout_banned"]=> string(1) "0" ["dbtech_vbshout_settings"]=> string(4) "4095" ["dbtech_vbshout_shouts"]=> string(1) "0" ["dbtech_vbshout_shoutstyle"]=> NULL ["dbtech_vbshout_silenced"]=> string(1) "0" ["dbtech_vbshout_shoutarea"]=> string(7) "default" ["dbtech_vbshout_pm"]=> string(1) "0" ["dbtech_vbshout_soundsettings"]=> NULL ["dbtech_vbshout_shoutboxsize"]=> string(1) "0" ["dbtech_vbshout_shoutboxsize_detached"]=> string(1) "0" ["dbtech_vbshout_displayorder"]=> NULL ["dbtech_vbshout_shouts_lifetime"]=> string(1) "0" ["temp"]=> NULL ["field1"]=> NULL ["field2"]=> NULL ["field3"]=> NULL ["field4"]=> NULL ["subfolders"]=> NULL ["pmfolders"]=> NULL ["buddylist"]=> NULL ["ignorelist"]=> NULL ["signature"]=> string(0) "" ["searchprefs"]=> NULL ["rank"]=> NULL ["avatarpath"]=> NULL ["hascustomavatar"]=> string(1) "0" ["avatardateline"]=> NULL ["avwidth"]=> string(0) "" ["avheight"]=> string(0) "" ["edit_userid"]=> NULL ["edit_username"]=> NULL ["edit_dateline"]=> NULL ["edit_reason"]=> NULL ["hashistory"]=> NULL ["pagetext_html"]=> string(473) "Convenient ways to take screenshots. Are you using Mac, iPhone, Ipad or Windows 10.11? I will suggest you some clever tips to take screenshots quickly.1- Use Print Screen (PrtScn)2- Use Windows + Shift + WILL3- Windows + Print Screenhow to screenshot on mac how to screenshot on windows" ["hasimages"]=> string(1) "0" ["signatureparsed"]=> NULL ["sighasimages"]=> NULL ["sigpic"]=> NULL ["sigpicdateline"]=> NULL ["sigpicwidth"]=> NULL ["sigpicheight"]=> NULL ["postcount"]=> int(2) ["islastshown"]=> bool(false) ["isfirstshown"]=> bool(false) ["attachments"]=> &NULL ["allattachments"]=> NULL ["showsignatures"]=> int(1) ["showavatars"]=> int(1) ["showimages"]=> int(1) ["coppauser"]=> int(0) ["adminemail"]=> int(0) ["showvcard"]=> int(0) ["dstauto"]=> int(1) ["dstonoff"]=> int(0) ["showemail"]=> int(0) ["invisible"]=> int(0) ["showreputation"]=> int(1) ["receivepm"]=> int(1) ["emailonpm"]=> int(1) ["hasaccessmask"]=> int(0) ["vbasset_enable"]=> int(1) ["postorder"]=> int(0) ["receivepmbuddies"]=> int(0) ["noactivationmails"]=> int(0) ["pmboxwarning"]=> int(0) ["showusercss"]=> int(1) ["receivefriendemailrequest"]=> int(1) ["vm_enable"]=> int(1) ["vm_contactonly"]=> int(1) ["pmdefaultsavecopy"]=> int(1) ["adminavatar"]=> int(0) ["adminprofilepic"]=> int(0) ["checkbox_value"]=> int(0) ["statusicon"]=> string(3) "old" ["statustitle"]=> string(3) "Old" ["firstnewinsert"]=> string(0) "" ["postdate"]=> string(10) "09-19-2022" ["posttime"]=> string(8) "07:13 AM" ["historyurl"]=> string(63) "posthistory.php?s=11f076b8244d6339487745ff62ba8e3b&p=281168" ["iplogged"]=> string(0) "" ["musername"]=> string(9) "galvindai" ["displaygrouptitle"]=> string(16) "Registered Users" ["displayusertitle"]=> string(0) "" ["buddymark"]=> string(0) "" ["invisiblemark"]=> string(0) "" ["online"]=> string(7) "offline" ["onlinestatusphrase"]=> string(12) "x_is_offline" ["onlinestatus"]=> string(133) "galvindai is offline " ["online_status_code"]=> int(0) ["permissions"]=> array(50) { ["usergroupid"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(16) "Registered Users" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["usertitle"]=> string(0) "" ["passwordexpires"]=> int(0) ["passwordhistory"]=> int(0) ["pmquota"]=> int(50) ["pmsendmax"]=> int(5) ["opentag"]=> string(0) "" ["closetag"]=> string(0) "" ["canoverride"]=> int(0) ["ispublicgroup"]=> int(0) ["forumpermissions"]=> int(12259599) ["pmpermissions"]=> int(3) ["calendarpermissions"]=> int(63) ["wolpermissions"]=> int(0) ["adminpermissions"]=> int(0) ["genericpermissions"]=> int(235410055) ["genericpermissions2"]=> int(4) ["genericoptions"]=> int(62) ["signaturepermissions"]=> int(0) ["visitormessagepermissions"]=> int(63) ["attachlimit"]=> int(0) ["avatarmaxwidth"]=> int(80) ["avatarmaxheight"]=> int(80) ["avatarmaxsize"]=> int(20000) ["profilepicmaxwidth"]=> int(100) ["profilepicmaxheight"]=> int(100) ["profilepicmaxsize"]=> int(65535) ["sigpicmaxwidth"]=> int(-1) ["sigpicmaxheight"]=> int(-1) ["sigpicmaxsize"]=> int(-1) ["sigmaximages"]=> int(-1) ["sigmaxvideos"]=> int(-1) ["sigmaxsizebbcode"]=> int(-1) ["sigmaxchars"]=> int(-1) ["sigmaxrawchars"]=> int(-1) ["sigmaxlines"]=> int(-1) ["usercsspermissions"]=> int(191) ["albumpermissions"]=> int(255) ["albumpicmaxwidth"]=> int(600) ["albumpicmaxheight"]=> int(600) ["albummaxpics"]=> int(100) ["albummaxsize"]=> int(0) ["socialgrouppermissions"]=> int(251767) ["pmthrottlequantity"]=> int(0) ["groupiconmaxsize"]=> int(65535) ["maximumsocialgroups"]=> int(5) ["importusergroupid"]=> int(0) ["dbtech_vbshoutpermissions"]=> int(0) } ["avatarurl"]=> string(0) "" ["reputationdisplay"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(4) { ["rowend"]=> string(0) "" ["imgext"]=> string(4) ".png" ["class"]=> string(6) "repimg" ["posneg"]=> string(3) "pos" } } ["level"]=> string(26) "is on a distinguished road" ["postsperday"]=> int(0) ["joindateline"]=> string(10) "1663571358" ["icqicon"]=> string(0) "" ["aimicon"]=> string(0) "" ["yahooicon"]=> string(0) "" ["msnicon"]=> string(0) "" ["skypeicon"]=> string(0) "" ["showicq"]=> bool(false) ["showaim"]=> bool(false) ["showyahoo"]=> bool(false) ["showmsn"]=> bool(false) ["showskype"]=> bool(false) ["message"]=> string(473) "Convenient ways to take screenshots. Are you using Mac, iPhone, Ipad or Windows 10.11? I will suggest you some clever tips to take screenshots quickly.1- Use Print Screen (PrtScn)2- Use Windows + Shift + WILL3- Windows + Print Screenhow to screenshot on mac how to screenshot on windows" ["scrolltothis"]=> string(0) "" ["editlink"]=> string(0) "" ["replylink"]=> string(76) "newreply.php?s=11f076b8244d6339487745ff62ba8e3b&do=newreply&p=281168" ["forwardlink"]=> string(0) "" ["reportlink"]=> string(58) "report.php?s=11f076b8244d6339487745ff62ba8e3b&p=281168" ["linkbacksno"]=> int(0) } } } [5]=> array(4) { ["file"]=> string(42) "/home/arcadepr/public_html/forum/vbseo.php" ["line"]=> int(1271) ["args"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(47) "/home/arcadepr/public_html/forum/showthread.php" } ["function"]=> string(7) "require" } } ["previous":"Error":private]=> NULL } object(Error)#14 (7) { ["message":protected]=> string(39) "Undefined constant "onlinestatusphrase"" ["string":"Error":private]=> string(0) "" ["code":protected]=> int(0) ["file":protected]=> string(78) "/home/arcadepr/public_html/forum/includes/class_core.php(4809) : eval()'d code" ["line":protected]=> int(6) ["trace":"Error":private]=> array(6) { [0]=> array(3) { ["file"]=> string(56) "/home/arcadepr/public_html/forum/includes/class_core.php" ["line"]=> int(4809) ["function"]=> string(4) "eval" } [1]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(56) "/home/arcadepr/public_html/forum/includes/class_core.php" ["line"]=> int(4771) ["function"]=> string(13) "render_output" ["class"]=> string(11) "vB_Template" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(1) { [0]=> bool(false) } } [2]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(55) "/home/arcadepr/public_html/forum/includes/functions.php" ["line"]=> int(3687) ["function"]=> string(6) "render" ["class"]=> string(11) "vB_Template" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(0) { } } [3]=> array(4) { ["file"]=> string(59) "/home/arcadepr/public_html/forum/includes/class_postbit.php" ["line"]=> int(401) ["function"]=> string(31) "construct_memberaction_dropdown" ["args"]=> array(2) { [0]=> array(208) { ["postid"]=> string(6) "281173" ["threadid"]=> string(5) "46671" ["parentid"]=> string(6) "281168" ["username"]=> string(14) "snydercarol724" ["userid"]=> string(5) "96802" ["title"]=> string(0) "" ["dateline"]=> string(10) "1663578201" ["pagetext"]=> string(496) "If you want to learn something new for instance, fashion designing then you need to start it from somewhere. Sometimes, universities and fashion schools just aren’t the right option for you. Not everyone loves the idea of poring over texts or sticking with structured learning processes, so if this sounds like you, check at [url]https://www.upscalelivingmag.com/how-can-i-learn-fashion-design-by-myself/[/url] where you can get full details about fashion designing and where to start and how to." 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Sometimes, universities and fashion schools just aren’t the right option for you. Not everyone loves the idea of poring over texts or sticking with structured learning processes, so if this sounds like you, check at https://www.upscalelivingmag.com/how...ign-by-myself/ where you can get full details about fashion designing and where to start and how to." 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Sometimes, universities and fashion schools just aren’t the right option for you. Not everyone loves the idea of poring over texts or sticking with structured learning processes, so if this sounds like you, check at https://www.upscalelivingmag.com/how...ign-by-myself/ where you can get full details about fashion designing and where to start and how to." 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Sometimes, universities and fashion schools just aren’t the right option for you. Not everyone loves the idea of poring over texts or sticking with structured learning processes, so if this sounds like you, check at [url]https://www.upscalelivingmag.com/how-can-i-learn-fashion-design-by-myself/[/url] where you can get full details about fashion designing and where to start and how to." 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Guys if some of you need help with clients or with staff I can recommend for you this company - [URL="https://mylearninghub.com/"]mylearninghub.com[/URL] which provide best courses for all types of business. Visit it now and get free trial." 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Guys if some of you need help with clients or with staff I can recommend for you this company - mylearninghub.com which provide best courses for all types of business. Visit it now and get free trial." 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Guys if some of you need help with clients or with staff I can recommend for you this company - mylearninghub.com which provide best courses for all types of business. Visit it now and get free trial." 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Do not stick on your certification only." 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Do not stick on your certification only." 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Do not stick on your certification only." 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Do not stick on your certification only." 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Do not stick on your certification only." 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Do not stick on your certification only." 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Already not the first time I try." 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Already not the first time I try." 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Already not the first time I try." 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Already not the first time I try." 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Already not the first time I try." 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Already not the first time I try." 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I believe in fostering a supportive learning community where each student's progress is celebrated, and every challenge is met with encouragement and strategic guidance." ["field2"]=> string(5) "INDIA" ["field3"]=> string(13) "IELTS TRAINER" ["field4"]=> string(0) "" ["subfolders"]=> NULL ["pmfolders"]=> NULL ["buddylist"]=> NULL ["ignorelist"]=> NULL ["signature"]=> string(0) "" ["searchprefs"]=> NULL ["rank"]=> NULL ["avatarpath"]=> NULL ["hascustomavatar"]=> string(1) "0" ["avatardateline"]=> NULL ["avwidth"]=> string(0) "" ["avheight"]=> string(0) "" ["edit_userid"]=> NULL ["edit_username"]=> NULL ["edit_dateline"]=> NULL ["edit_reason"]=> NULL ["hashistory"]=> NULL ["pagetext_html"]=> string(517) "One of the most trending academic queries from the past few years is Essay Writing Service UK . It is standing on the top search of most students across the globe and especially the ones pursuing graduation, post-graduation, and Ph.D. degrees in the UK. If you are also among those scholars who want to draft impressive essay, top their batch, impress the committee and get their degrees with honors, then you are on the right page." 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It is standing on the top search of most students across the globe and especially the ones pursuing graduation, post-graduation, and Ph.D. degrees in the UK. If you are also among those scholars who want to draft impressive essay, top their batch, impress the committee and get their degrees with honors, then you are on the right page." 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It is standing on the top search of most students across the globe and especially the ones pursuing graduation, post-graduation, and Ph.D. degrees in the UK. If you are also among those scholars who want to draft impressive essay, top their batch, impress the committee and get their degrees with honors, then you are on the right page." 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If you are also among those scholars who want to draft impressive essay, top their batch, impress the committee and get their degrees with honors, then you are on the right page." 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It is standing on the top search of most students across the globe and especially the ones pursuing graduation, post-graduation, and Ph.D. degrees in the UK. If you are also among those scholars who want to draft impressive essay, top their batch, impress the committee and get their degrees with honors, then you are on the right page." 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So, here as a team of Native, we are here with the best and most reliable Oracle Assignment Help in the UK just for you only. We always strive to provide quality services with on-time delivery for students. Our writers have knowledge from many years to help you in achieving the best results." 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Native Assignment Help offers the best assignment writing service to students at 45% off. Students often join HND to ease their academic path. It is a renowned course to get clearer admissions to the topmost universities. This is why students choose it for future benefits. However, HND Assignments makes it difficult for the students too because of the added study material and HND assignment help in the UK that piles up the work and schedule of the students." 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So, here as a team of Native, we are here with the best and most reliable Oracle Assignment Help in the UK just for you only. We always strive to provide quality services with on-time delivery for students. Our writers have knowledge from many years to help you in achieving the best results." 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Online assignment writing help from experienced British writers capable to help with the most complicated assignments. Learning Oracle has become an essential requirement for people working in current IT companies. So, here as a team of Native, we are here with the best and most reliable Oracle Assignment Help in the UK just for you only. We always strive to provide quality services with on-time delivery for students. Our writers have knowledge from many years to help you in achieving the best results." 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Arcade Prehacks

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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Sep 2022

    MBA Assignment Help

    Game url:

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  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    Sep 2022

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    Junior Member
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    Sep 2022
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    Sep 2022
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  5. #5
    Junior Member
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  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    Sep 2022
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  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    Sep 2022

    Help with mba assignment

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  8. #8
    Junior Member
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    Nov 2022

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  9. #9
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2022

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  10. #10
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2022
    United Kingdom

    Oracle Assignment Help

    Native Assignment Help is a professional company that offers the best Assignment help in UK by the help of expert writers. Online assignment writing help from experienced British writers capable to help with the most complicated assignments. Learning Oracle has become an essential requirement for people working in current IT companies. So, here as a team of Native, we are here with the best and most reliable Oracle Assignment Help in the UK just for you only. We always strive to provide quality services with on-time delivery for students. Our writers have knowledge from many years to help you in achieving the best results.

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