Dear Martin, maybe this isnt the right person to write this too, as I am fairly new to this site and just made this account to get in contact with you.
I am writing this because I've noticed this is the 2nd time your website get's attacked in the same day and am offering help with preventing it from happening a third time.
I know a couple of good source codes for protection on websites that might work to stop it from happening again.
If you can spare no information for security reasons, which I completely understand:
1-blocking all access threw all FTP ports except for a 128 bit 16 digit self changing pass code might do the trick
2-blocking all changes done by any IP (*.*.*.*) minus yours if you have a stable IP might do the trick
3-A simple work around under code that everything changed on the website must be "approved" by a certain method for the change to apply also generaly works wonders. ( Such as, him changing all the game names and must be certified threw another 128 bit codding.
4-Literally locking the entire site to a frozen state with only the possibility of modding by having an active 128-bit connection with a changing algorithm.
If you can spare a bit more info on how he is doing it or by which access point he is using then more specific methods can be used. Alot of people here are good at hacking but protection is another issue, that's what I am good at. I am copying this post in the forums and the first game comments to try and get your attention, you are more then welcome to answer back with a PM, that way ill be sure to see it as quick as possible. Have a good night. -Vel ( my pm name on pre hack is the same as here)