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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    how much time do you spend outside?

    Everyone seems to think of video game players (more so WOW players) as being indoors 24/7 and never leaving the computer. so i thought i would ask, how much time do you spend outdoors and what do you do? (play ball / hike / run, etc etc)

    i spend most of my day outside, hunting, fishing, primitve skills, hiking. that kind of thing.

    how about you?.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: how much time do you spend outside?

    Ah jeez... I rarley get outside, unless I have school or have to do errands... But I don't play WoW, I play facebook games, talk on forums, stuf...

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Oct 2008
    Area 1, Holy Britannian Empire

    Re: how much time do you spend outside?

    Of course, everyone's time spent outdoors changes with the season, and some people have different opinions on what "outdoors" means. For example, I will probably spend a about 2-3 minutes outside today, getting to the car, walking up to school from the car, walking back to the car from school, and then walking up the stairs to my house. Does it count the car, because outside handhelds you can't play video games there? Then 15 minutes.

    On the weekend I may or may not go outside with the current conditions, there's so much snow it is sometimes difficult to navigate.

    In the other seasons it varies with the temperature, but usually I do like to go out, maybe 1-2 hours somedays. Summer, I spend a lot of time in the pool, and regular outside, roaming the backyard.

    Outside special events, I spend a moderately large time outside, on average.
    1 Thessalonians 4:16-17: The Lord comes swiftly.

  4. #4
    Pedro23's Avatar
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    Oct 2009
    São Paulo,Brazil

    Re: how much time do you spend outside?

    That depends,but in normal conditions i spend 7 hours,just playing soccer,volley...

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2010
    Toronto, Canada

    Re: how much time do you spend outside?

    I never go outside, the sun burns me. I tend to hide in my dark hole.

    Lol, during autumn and winter, i barely ever go outside, I'm one who hates the cold A LOT.

    During the spring and summer, i go outside nearly everyday, for couple of hours. More during the summer because we have 2 months off

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: how much time do you spend outside?

    Honestly,since I moved to this ice-aged country - Canada (no offense) I barely got a chance to go out and hang out with friends and gf..which totally sucks.
    However,at my previous warm country - Macedonia I was getting up from bed,eating,moderating forums,hack a few games and go out playing sports or just hanging out. Winter sucks man..especially if it's like 80% of the year

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    Jun 2009

    Re: how much time do you spend outside?

    I hate going outside in the winter and I try to stay inside as much as I can but in summer it is the opposite.
    In the summer I love going outside because it's nice and warm and you can do a load more stuff but in winter,I think it's unnatural to be in the cold!?!

  8. #8
    Senior Member dalvo's Avatar
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    Sep 2008

    Re: how much time do you spend outside?

    Depends on how the weather is outside, If it's nice and warm i'll be outside for a while, today it was 23 degrees outside Fahrenheit and i was outside for 3 hours working, on weekends usually i go and work outside, on school days i just go home and crash...

  9. #9
    Pedro23's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    São Paulo,Brazil

    Re: how much time do you spend outside?

    Quote Originally Posted by MartinRistov
    Honestly,since I moved to this ice-aged country - Canada (no offense) I barely got a chance to go out and hang out with friends and gf..which totally sucks.
    However,at my previous warm country - Macedonia I was getting up from bed,eating,moderating forums,hack a few games and go out playing sports or just hanging out. Winter sucks man..especially if it's like 80% of the year
    I'm the lucky guy,because here - Brazil,we have winter but dont have snow \o/

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: how much time do you spend outside?

    Yeah I know how it feels...all day it's sunny you can go to open swimming whenever you want...
    I miss those days

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