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Thread: Pets

  1. #21
    Senior Member
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    Jul 2008

    Re: Pets

    sounds hilarious ^__^

  2. #22

    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Revelation Base, Believer Territories... Alpha Centauri...

    Re: Pets

    a cat peed on me when I was 3... back when I lived in Louisiana

  3. #23
    Senior Member
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    Re: Pets

    And thanks to that cat, you think that all cats are terrible, eh?

  4. #24
    Senior Member Soewut's Avatar
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    Re: Pets

    my family tried to get another dog once, but it was a SPOILED BRAT, and i mean seriously, its old owner let it eat cheeseburgers on the table! when i came home from school one day, it was on the table messing things up, and i didn't even register in my brain that it was a dog . because we had a cat that was the same color (white) and pretty much the same size. my other dog was sneaky at stealing food, but this one just came right up to you and took it out of your hands! and, we had to cover all of the carpet in my house (my whole living room) with plastic to make it easier to clean up little yellow puddles and brown marks. also, we had to wear gardeners glove when we fed it so it wouldn't bite our hands off!
    whats weird is that, when we gave it back to its old owner, i had a hard time saying good bye.
    that shows how much i love animals XD

  5. #25
    Senior Member
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    Re: Pets

    Yeah, I can believe that you love animals when a dog that clearly hasn't been trained very much tries to bite you, eat your food, etc. and you still have a hard time saying goodbye

  6. #26
    Senior Member Trexmaster's Avatar
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    Re: Pets

    I like cats. I have one right now in front of the monitr blokcincg me from wrytting

    Her name is Suzie or Suzy (what's the difference anyway)...

  7. #27
    Senior Member
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    Jul 2008

    Re: Pets

    Cats are adorable

  8. #28
    Senior Member
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    Jun 2009

    Re: Pets

    I have 2 dogs and a chinchilla. The dogs are called Benson (Boy) and Gem (Girl).
    My chinchilla is called Fudge!!

  9. #29
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2010

    Re: Pets

    I have 4 cats and used to have gerbil until one of my cats ran off with it.

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