How about a status system for the requests?

something like in the topic titles:

[[color=#40BF00]Done[/color]] - Finished request or Upload.

[[color=#BFBFFF]Pending[/color]] - Someone (a coder) is already working on it. [That way, we won't get two copies of the same game from two different coders]

[[color=#FF0000]Request[/color]] - Mean, that the request is clear and any coder can take the task if he able to do get it done.

[[color=#FF8000]Dropped[/color]] - When i coder is not able to get the game hacked, then he must drop it and let other work on it.

NOTE: all this would go in front of the topic titles for example if someone is requesting a game. he would write this

[request] Game Name

It will make everything organized.

So what do you guys think?