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Thread: For Everyone

  1. #1
    Senior Member MiguelRaimond's Avatar
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    Nov 2009

    For Everyone


    Well as some of you might know I was banned.
    I was allowed back to the forum.
    I just wanted to clear things up before i left.
    Ok now martin thinks i have been
    threatening the forum and a staff memeber,deleting accounts,unlocking topics for no reason and childish behavior.
    1. I did in no way threaten the forum and I would love some proof
    2. I did not delete any accounts as opposed to saying I was going to
    3. I unlocked one topic with should have been allowed a little longer to discuss ( martin himself didnt lock it after posting)
    4. No childish behavior from me.

    Now some of you agree with me and some of you agree with Martin..

    He was abusing his powers....
    He has unlocked posts, that i have locked just for no reason at al
    I explained above!

    joonaqwe thanks for helping me

    Quick Question,
    Even if a staff member poses an immediate threat, even an Admin the max that should be done would be to remove his authority and then talk to Chris about this. I do not want to make anyone feel bad and I mean no offence but what you did was immediately ban him, at least from what i know right now; no consultation with Chris occurred. So in a sense you made a high profile decision with no clearance.

    MartinRistov wrote:
    threatening the forum and a staff memeber,deleting accounts,unlocking topics for no reason and childish behavior.

    I personally do not think this calls for an immediate banning for multiple reasons; Mainly because a threat is a threat but on the internet its like, "stabbing with words," it would not make a big difference. Now for the deletion of accounts, he was doing his job; two accounts is two accounts and its against the rules unless you receive clearance which the the person did not. Childish behavior is nothing; everyone acts childish because everyone was a child before; and if you were a child would you not act like one? Personally, I think only a removal of power should have taken place. I am not taking sides and as I said earlier I mean no offence. This is simply what I think and I think Chris should deal with this.
    I completely agree with you and thank you for agreeing with me.. I was doing my job and if martin had read the rules he would have known the 2 accounts mean perm banned. I was doing my JOB!

    I told him to stop,but he banned deathnote202 again.
    Read the rules and you would have known.. You could have avoided this by contacting chris but you didnt! so you didnt stop this from happening!

    Martin (again)
    Wanna know the right reason? He was having a hard time at home and life. I told that to Chris he said Alright you can promote him then
    Seems you don't know why i became admin either so don't say you do..

    Martin 3:
    our conversation was to share with chris and chris only why put it there for everybody to download..

    um... miguel was helpful in someways but i dont think he could do anything he wanted with his power... i just think we went mad with power. One more question, whos going to replace him, killer was a admin i think but if he wasnt i think he should get it, or roflcopter.
    I have on simple word for you my friend... Shut up

    He was started to abusing his power,threatened that he will delete deathnote202's account if I unban him.
    Threat? .. i think you should pick up a dictionary because i was no where near a threat.

    and as for making sigs, he only made me 1, and i got rid of that 1.
    If you have nothing to say dont say it.. no one cares about your sig.. imade you a sig if you dont like it get rid of it..

    Michael (ultihack)

    From that conversation, Martin is the good guy, just playing by the rules.
    MiguelRaimond was always annoying with the asshole stuff, he used to come on msn and call me it 10 times for no reason.

    Good job Martin
    I never speak to you.. iblocked you because i made a promise to greeny. I kept your secret that you were here and didnt tell anyone..
    no need to say
    Good job martin
    to try and kiss his ass.. because there is no point.. he hates you as much as me..

    Thats all i have to say!


  2. #2
    DaBestMan's Avatar
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    Somewhere In NY

    Re: For Everyone

    i'm so happy your back.

  3. #3
    Senior Member MiguelRaimond's Avatar
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    Nov 2009

    Re: For Everyone

    Thanks dude but I won't be here for long

  4. #4
    DaBestMan's Avatar
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    Somewhere In NY

    Re: For Everyone

    Oh OK.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: For Everyone

    Wow man, I have conversation logs so don't try to pin all this crap on me.
    And I don't really care what you have to say anymore as it was you who split up me and martin in the first place.
    Wow, evryone knows I've been back, what secret exactly is this?

    Sorry if above post is considered flaming mods.

    EDIT: I'm sorry youve been diagnosed with cancer, one of my best friends has it

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    Re: For Everyone

    Oh my gosh...

    Mig, you have my utmost sympathy...I really hope you will be able to pull through this.
    1 Thessalonians 4:16-17: The Lord comes swiftly.

  7. #7
    Senior Member MiguelRaimond's Avatar
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    Nov 2009

    Re: For Everyone

    Quote Originally Posted by ultihack1337
    Wow man, I have conversation logs so don't try to pin all this crap on me.
    And I don't really care what you have to say anymore as it was you who split up me and martin in the first place.
    Wow, evryone knows I've been back, what secret exactly is this?

    Sorry if above post is considered flaming mods,
    You and martin were split up way before i came into the picture so just shut up..

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    Toronto, Canada

    Re: For Everyone

    Though you probebly ''hate'' me right now...

    Hope you get better dude, i know friends who had cancer, and it sucks...

  9. #9
    DaBestMan's Avatar
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    Somewhere In NY

    Re: For Everyone

    Mig you have cancer wow nobody told me that.

  10. #10
    Senior Member Soewut's Avatar
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    Jan 2010

    Re: For Everyone

    I was upset when I heard you were banned...
    I'm glad you back!
    last time you tried to leave this forum you couldn't stay away from it so I hope your not leaving for real now
    Im glad you got a second chance!
    if your are really leaving, well, we will all will miss you.

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