Arcade Prehacks

View Poll Results: What do you think of ATF?

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  • Its a straight-up forum where everything relates to the topic.

    3 27.27%
  • Its different. When We had killer, Justin, DwD, and pinkpoodle all was fun.

    6 54.55%
  • Who's Justin? Who's DwD? pinkpoodle? Yeah I know killer.

    2 18.18%
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Thread: Topic: ATF

  1. #11
    Senior Member
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    Jun 2009

    Re: Topic: ATF

    Well at least the sites are going good then... I think. Well now I am hoping for a couple more opinions or facts *cough* arguments* cough*!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Roflcopter3399
    I wish i was around to see those ''epic'' people. I came a bit late, i kind of came around the same time they decided to leave.
    I like the forum and i am sure i will be around for a long time, it's definitely fun. I can't compare right now to back then as i wasn't here, greeny was a lot more active from what i have seen but xnite in forces the rules which i think should be done.
    The epics. I could make a list, but it would take time. some of them i cannot remember. maybe when killer gets back we can ask him.

    Yeah you can search for them. Some of the topics they had their real moments in are deleted. 100 posts before a mod posts was like a dictionary on them.

  2. #12
    Senior Member
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    Re: Topic: ATF

    You kinda got that one wrong. I was saying, I wasn't here when it all began to change. I was trying to put you in the position by referring to a place that was changed without knowing about it. I have been inactive for about half a year, I have had my ups and downs. And now I come back to get an opinion on what we all think about ATF. Nothing serious, just for giggles, laughs, arguments (like this one). Thank you for taking your time to post in here. I have learned some things. I have gained some sense, and feel a bit warm here.
    Lol ''Giggles''

    And are you mad? Those guys have like 123123123 posts it would take forever for me to get through all that. I just know some stuff about them from there old topics that where important that i see in my Super Duper secret James bond section

    Just make me a list and i will repay you with untold riches

  3. #13
    DaBestMan's Avatar
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    Re: Topic: ATF

    Carbine20 why can't you MSN greeny6000 to make a list of ?Epic People?

  4. #14
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    Re: Topic: ATF

    Untold riches? Im guessing a book with a paddle lock duck taped 10 times over.
    As for a list.... HMM.

    killer: he'll be back soon... i hope.
    DeathWillDie: killers friend and foe. DwD would go against him for giggles. Then killer graffitied on DwDs hello kitty pic... sad day.
    JustinCredible: Great person. Really a great person. I wish I could have been here to tell him how sorry I felt for him and his dog.
    themanhunt: I think he still comes here. his avatar is one of a kind.
    o4wilson: good guy. got a little wordy with killer. he had good hacks and great times came in his posts.
    pinkpoodle: my friend, killers friend, and DwDs friend. i never found out if pinkpoodle was a guy or a girl... id have to say girl but the signature tells me wrong... he/she has good posts, and was always good hearted.
    greeny: you know this guy. not only epic for the creator of these sites, but in his discussions. i think most are deleted though.
    RJT!!!!! This man was the first person here to hack an AS3 game and he made the program for it.
    ShadowHaunter: random guy who came in and knocked us all down with his jokes and not very knowledgeable posts. He was mod at one time...
    wrpheonix: not very many posts, but they were all something good.
    Quote Originally Posted by DaBestMan
    Carbine20 why can't you MSN greeny6000 to make a list of ?Epic People?
    Im workin on the list!! and i dont use msn. they once tried to sue me for copyright infringement... i use yahoo though
    searching through posts... searching searching...
    Thats really about all I can find. I know there are some from when I was not here, and some for when I was inactive.... Dont worry Martin ur in there. I just dont want to stir up too much fan talk about you by posting you lol... and if i post what epic things youve done the list would go on...

  5. #15
    DaBestMan's Avatar
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    Re: Topic: ATF

    who the is wrpheonix.

  6. #16
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    Re: Topic: ATF

    hes an epic, you should search his posts. we also had some good conversations.

    I haven't talked to pinkpoodle in a long time. If any of you could contact him/her and give him/her a message from me pm me
    he/she has msn its on their profile... i just hope its up to date

  7. #17
    DaBestMan's Avatar
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    Re: Topic: ATF

    Yea very true i just searched right before i saw your post.

  8. #18
    Senior Member
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    Re: Topic: ATF

    All of the staff are epics too, didnt mention that. and I forgot about BASALTWOLF how i forgot i dont know i mentioned his name above. BW was a pretty cool guy. wasnt into jokes though.. like he never got the punchline or something.

  9. #19
    DaBestMan's Avatar
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    Re: Topic: ATF

    Why can't you included like Roflcopter3399 or Carpet etc.

  10. #20
    Senior Member
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    Re: Topic: ATF

    As I said before I haven't been here for a while. Roflcopter is staff, and all staff are epics. All hackers are epics too.
    I am going to sleep now...
    (0.60 posts per day / 0.26% of all posts) Woot I went up 0.02%!

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