Go Go Golf Hacked

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Jun 05, 2011 7807 Plays Arcade 1.19 MB

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Hack Information:
All levels unlocked.

Game Information
Go Go Golf is a cool physics-based golf game. Hit the ball as you ricochet it off the walls and to the finish line. Watch out for obstacles.

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ebriold13's avatar
ebriold13      (more than a year ago)

cool game i finished it... but the last was hard )

BynumFan17's avatar
BynumFan17      (more than a year ago)

Kinda cool game but gets boring

kenn1028's avatar
kenn1028      (more than a year ago)

Dont Make Arcadeprehackz Full oof levels put some twists!

dude341's avatar
dude341      (more than a year ago)

Hey this might sound like a dumb request but can you just do level hacks from now on? I hate when the hacks make the game more fun :(

ultimentman's avatar
ultimentman      (more than a year ago)

Dude seriously.....Stop. Just stop.
"All levels unlocked" Is that ALL you are able to do anymore? You used to be held as an amazing hacker, somebody who would try to go toe to toe with DPETTY....now your just acting like some newb hacker.

DieYang's avatar
DieYang     (more than a year ago)

He Should Have Put Ifinite PAR

xXdawsonXx's avatar
xXdawsonXx     (more than a year ago)

first off most people like level hacks

SECOND yes he could do better but how many games have you hacked

Third whats you problem I've seen you page and it says you haven't hacked anything

xXdawsonXx's avatar
xXdawsonXx     (more than a year ago)

first off most people like level hacks

SECOND yes he could do better but how many games have you hacked

Third whats you problem I've seen you page and it says you haven't hacked anything

xXdawsonXx's avatar
xXdawsonXx     (more than a year ago)

it's posting on the wrong comment

ultimentman's avatar
ultimentman     (more than a year ago)

I don't hack. If you bothered to look through the comments I leave. I prefer to grade a game, tho with character limit in comments now. I rarely log in to grade hacks.

ninjakurtis's avatar
ninjakurtis      (more than a year ago)

"all level hacks are not hacks"

xXdawsonXx's avatar
xXdawsonXx     (more than a year ago)

yes they are

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