Nan Creatures Hacked

lightbutton Play Nan Creatures Unhacked

Game & Hack Information

Apr 14, 2012 31149 Plays Strategy 39.98 KB

Hacked By: cilibiudragos    

Hack Information:
Hackbar: Press 1 Level Up +1 - 2 Heal - 3 Summon - 4 Win Battle

Game Information
Choose your favorite creatures and fight against other creatures. You can choose each creature's actions and upgrades that suits you better for every fight. Each action, upgrade and creature costs credits, that can be won after winning a battle. Prove that you are the creatures' champion!

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saymon4455's avatar
saymon4455      (more than a year ago)

money hack money hack money hack money hack money hack money hack !!!

kyle3657's avatar
kyle3657      (more than a year ago)


kennu001's avatar
kennu001      (more than a year ago)

i found a trick i found a trick
1.if u winthe money will run
2.hold 4 to get more money what ever u want

ExtremeGreen1's avatar
ExtremeGreen1      (more than a year ago)

sooooooooooooooo cooooool!!!!!!!!!1

MarshallLee83's avatar
MarshallLee83      (more than a year ago)

This games is MATHEMATICAL!

SkyKnight1499's avatar
SkyKnight1499      (more than a year ago)

To those playing nan creatures. don't ask for a money button. You can just hold the "win battle" button and you'll get money very quickly. So stop asking to hacker!

SkyKnight1499's avatar
SkyKnight1499     (more than a year ago)

Also, don't hold the button too long or else you'll have to wait until the money catches up.

pyr0t3kn1k's avatar
pyr0t3kn1k      (more than a year ago)

This game would be much more fun if the "money" hack button.

herorush's avatar
herorush      (more than a year ago)

u should have put money hack cilibiudragos

carlosoarde's avatar
carlosoarde     (more than a year ago)

in a battle just press and hold 4 its already like money hack

pein51's avatar
pein51      (more than a year ago)

game so coool

Spooldizer12's avatar
Spooldizer12      (more than a year ago)

so thrilling

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