Action Games Hacked


Chuck Norris in Attack of the massacre ninjas

19800 plays                      

Cheats: Infinite Health (like the real chuck Norris has)

Hacked By: flash5151    

Kids Vs Santa

25033 plays                      

Cheats: Health and Cash

Hacked By: leverage419    

Bat The Rat

16620 plays                      

Cheats: A lot of money and you can use the rocked as often you want.

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Iced Over

7297 plays                      

Cheats: Using fuel adds fuel - You can jump while jumping - Don't click on "su ...

Hacked By: roflmao987    

Dragon Spirits

13052 plays                      

Cheats: Increased health and lives

Hacked By: leverage419    


49897 plays                      

Cheats: Infinite upgrade points points

Hacked By: SandSpur    

Gandys Quest

4647 plays                      

Cheats: Invincible and Higher Jump

Hacked By: Anonymous

The Black Wolf Wants Sheep

8804 plays                      

Cheats: Press 1 for adding health(Note:As you can see if you pre ...

Hacked By: leverage419    


5567 plays                      

Cheats: Press 1-adds lives every click - Press 2 adds mans every click

Hacked By: leverage419    

Eskimo River Rush

5192 plays                      

Cheats: Press 1 for health - 2 for fire powerup - 3 for speed powerup

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Effing Meteors

42544 plays                      

Cheats: Meteors don't burn up in the atmosphere

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Modern Medieval

11993 plays                      

Cheats: Infinite lives

Hacked By: Anonymous

Brick Revolution

9527 plays                      

Cheats: Timer hack and you dont loose lives.

Hacked By: selectLOL       

The Raven Shadow Subject

5993 plays                      

Cheats: Press 1 to add 5 lives every click

Hacked By: leverage419    

Three Blind Mice

6594 plays                      

Cheats: Lives 9999999

Hacked By: leverage419    

Platform Explorer

6949 plays                      

Cheats: Lives - Weapon - Jump - "No life hack"

Hacked By: leverage419    

Mario DS

11666 plays                      

Cheats: More Lives Added

Hacked By: Anonymous

Rocket Toilet

48526 plays                      

Cheats: Using money gives you money and unlimited flushes.

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Inferno Meltdown

49148 plays                      

Cheats: Money hack (start with 100) - Buying sprinklers adds money

Hacked By: leverage419    

Adventures of Guy RPG

13948 plays                      

Cheats: Health - Gold - Magic points - Stats increased to 9999.

Hacked By: Anonymous

<<1. . . .707172737475767778. . . .109>>( 2168 games )
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