Puzzle Games Hacked


9 Dragons Hexa

10843 plays                      

Cheats: Lots of Time and Hint Hack

Hacked By: greeny6000*1    

The Different Point

8181 plays                      

Cheats: Infinite Lives, Magnify Glass and Time

Hacked By: greeny6000*1    

Gyro Ball

21200 plays                      

Cheats: Lives and Gyro bonus points Hack

Hacked By: Anonymous

Bouncin Bop - All Episodes

7362 plays                      

Cheats: Lives, Invulnerability. When you complete one episode p ...

Hacked By: RJT    

Pocket Change

8785 plays                      

Cheats: Timer hack

Hacked By: Anonymous

Rome Puzzle

16868 plays                      

Cheats: 99999 Lives, 99999 Gold, 99999 Score, 99999 Food, 99999 Wood.

Hacked By: mathewthe2    

Maganic Wars

45089 plays                      

Cheats: $99,999 gold

Hacked By: Magnite7    

The World's Hardest Game 2

221034 plays                      

Cheats: Can go through most walls, Coins at the endpoint and som ...

Hacked By: sme11y    

Trapped 4

14603 plays                      

Cheats: 999999 Coins, 15 lives and 10,000 health

Hacked By: DeathWillDie*1    

Maze of Darkness

19942 plays                      

Cheats: Move faster so you can go through walls and got rid of some red enemies.

Hacked By: sme11y    

The World's Hardest Game

1128928 plays                      

Cheats: No walls; No enemies can be toggled on/off. Speed hack. ...

Hacked By: PsyCHo    

Railroad Tycoon 3

21993 plays                      

Cheats: Lives and Bombs Hack - Start with 99999 Lives and 99 Bombs

Hacked By: greeny6000*1    

<<1. . . .8182838485>>( 1692 games )
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